• Ivermectine is een werkzaam helend medicijn.

    Liegende politici en media lachten en zeiden dat ivermectine alleen maar voor paarden en koeien was maar Ivermectine is al sinds 1987 ook voor mensen gemaakt en word al heel lang gebruikt met zeer goede resultaten.

    Het middel voorkomt schade door medicijnen die zijn gemaakt met mRNA-technologie . Het blokkeert Spike Protein om de cellen binnen te komen, en als iemand gevaccineerd is, kan hij zichzelf genezen voor schade veroorzaakt door Ivermectine.

    Bij de behandeling van geelzucht type C heeft het middel alleen positieve effecten en geen schadelijke effecten. In feite, zelfs voordat het de cel binnengaat, vernietigd ivermectine virussen in het bloed.

    Ivermectine heeft een zeer sterk ontstekingsremmend effect en heeft een sterke impact op traumatische en orthopedische blessures, versterkt spieren en heeft geen bijwerkingen zoals corticosteroïden.

    Ivermectine is ook goed tegen auto-immuunziekten zoals: reumatoïde artritis, spondylitis ankylopoetica, fibromyalgie, psoriasis, ziekte van Crohn, allergische kou en het verbetert de immuniteit bij kankerpatiënten en behandelt Herpes Simplex en Herpes Zoster

    Ivermectine vermindert de frequentie van sinusitis en diverticulitis en beschermt het hart bij hartoverbelasting.

    Bij embolie voorkomt het middel bijvoorbeeld harthypoxie omdat het de productie van bassenergie stimuleert, zodat weefsel niet vernietigd wordt en zo de hartfunctie verbetert.

    Ivermectine is een antiparasitair, antineoplastisch (antikanker)middel. Naar verluidt onderdrukt het de vermenigvuldiging en metastase van kankercellen, bewaart gezonde cellen en verbetert de effectiviteit van chemotherapie.

    Het kan kankercellen doden die zich ontwikkelen in tumoren

    Het is antimicrobieel (bacteriën en virussen) en verhoogt de immuniteit en het bereikt het centrale zenuwstelsel en regenereert de zenuwen.

    Ivermectine helpt glucose, insulinemetabolisme, cholesterolspiegels te reguleren en vermindert levervet

    ivermectine kan ook worden gebruikt als profylactisch middel en is geassocieerd met een significante afname van infecties, ziekenhuisopname en mortaliteit als gevolg van C-19.










    Ivermectine is een werkzaam helend medicijn. Liegende politici en media lachten en zeiden dat ivermectine alleen maar voor paarden en koeien was maar Ivermectine is al sinds 1987 ook voor mensen gemaakt en word al heel lang gebruikt met zeer goede resultaten. Het middel voorkomt schade door medicijnen die zijn gemaakt met mRNA-technologie . Het blokkeert Spike Protein om de cellen binnen te komen, en als iemand gevaccineerd is, kan hij zichzelf genezen voor schade veroorzaakt door Ivermectine. Bij de behandeling van geelzucht type C heeft het middel alleen positieve effecten en geen schadelijke effecten. In feite, zelfs voordat het de cel binnengaat, vernietigd ivermectine virussen in het bloed. Ivermectine heeft een zeer sterk ontstekingsremmend effect en heeft een sterke impact op traumatische en orthopedische blessures, versterkt spieren en heeft geen bijwerkingen zoals corticosteroïden. Ivermectine is ook goed tegen auto-immuunziekten zoals: reumatoïde artritis, spondylitis ankylopoetica, fibromyalgie, psoriasis, ziekte van Crohn, allergische kou en het verbetert de immuniteit bij kankerpatiënten en behandelt Herpes Simplex en Herpes Zoster Ivermectine vermindert de frequentie van sinusitis en diverticulitis en beschermt het hart bij hartoverbelasting. Bij embolie voorkomt het middel bijvoorbeeld harthypoxie omdat het de productie van bassenergie stimuleert, zodat weefsel niet vernietigd wordt en zo de hartfunctie verbetert. Ivermectine is een antiparasitair, antineoplastisch (antikanker)middel. Naar verluidt onderdrukt het de vermenigvuldiging en metastase van kankercellen, bewaart gezonde cellen en verbetert de effectiviteit van chemotherapie. Het kan kankercellen doden die zich ontwikkelen in tumoren Het is antimicrobieel (bacteriën en virussen) en verhoogt de immuniteit en het bereikt het centrale zenuwstelsel en regenereert de zenuwen. Ivermectine helpt glucose, insulinemetabolisme, cholesterolspiegels te reguleren en vermindert levervet ivermectine kan ook worden gebruikt als profylactisch middel en is geassocieerd met een significante afname van infecties, ziekenhuisopname en mortaliteit als gevolg van C-19. Bronnen: nature.com/articles/ja201… nature.com/articles/ja201… pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC30… pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18037274/ pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10… https://x.com/babyd1111229/status/1879488417202913566... https://x.com/realnatecarter/status/1878449395064033744... https://x.com/rencahambalkova/status/1878110830408950253...
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  • #JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (Video 2014)
    This is a well presented and detailed documentary that will open your eyes as to how the super rich criminak elites/ powerful globalists have betrayed the world and how they murdered countless innocent people for the last century.

    The video mentions the names of the 8 shooters, with photos of their faces, and says who hired them. Either you didn't see it or you lied on purpose.

    This is one of the only documentaries that actually speaks on the evil deep state cabahl globalists which for most are still a secret.
    #JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (Video 2014) This is a well presented and detailed documentary that will open your eyes as to how the super rich criminak elites/ powerful globalists have betrayed the world and how they murdered countless innocent people for the last century. The video mentions the names of the 8 shooters, with photos of their faces, and says who hired them. Either you didn't see it or you lied on purpose. This is one of the only documentaries that actually speaks on the evil deep state cabahl globalists which for most are still a secret.
    1 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • the globalist rats belong in prison
    the globalist rats belong in prison
    0 Reacties 0 Shares

    The Rockefeller method used for exploiting the sick.

    A method that we all despise and that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. swore to defeat.

    "A patient cured is a customer lost." - Big Pharma

    You ever wonder why there is a trend of sick and enlarged people? It is a vicious cycle to feed people poison, make them sick and profit off of bad medications.

    More information below:

    Rockefeller's Influence:

    John D. Rockefeller, known for his oil empire, expanded his influence into pharmaceuticals through the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation.

    The foundation funded medical education and research, promoting a pharmaceutical-centric approach to medicine over alternative treatments.

    This shift helped establish a dependency on drugs for health management, aligning with the interests of the emerging pharmaceutical industry.

    Food Industry:

    The same period saw the transformation of food production with the rise of processed foods.

    Companies like General Foods, which eventually became part of larger conglomerates, benefited from the industrial revolution in food processing.

    This era introduced a diet high in sugars, fats, and preservatives, which, while convenient and profitable, contributed to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

    Big Food and Health:

    Big Food companies produce a vast quantity of processed foods that are often high in calories but low in nutritional value.

    These products are engineered for taste, longevity, and profitability, which inadvertently promotes unhealthy eating habits.

    The health detriments of such diets increase the demand for medical intervention.

    Big Pharma's Role:

    As public health declines due to poor diet, Big Pharma steps in with medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

    The pharmaceutical industry profits from the continuous need for medications that manage but do not cure these conditions. They poisen people to profit from the bad medications

    Big Oil's Connection:

    Big Oil indirectly supports this system through its role in agriculture. The production of pesticides, fertilizers, and the energy required for industrial food processing all rely heavily on oil derivatives.

    Additionally, the transport of food across vast distances, which is necessary for global food chains, further entrenches oil dependency.

    This not only escalates environmental costs but also supports an industrial food system that favors processed over fresh foods.

    Economic Incentives:

    Their economic model is one of mutual fraude and benefit.

    Big Food creates products that necessitate health interventions, Big Pharma provides these interventions, and Big Oil underpins the infrastructure of both.

    Each industry drives demand for the others, creating a self-sustaining mortal cycle where profit is generated at every step of the criminal big pharma management process.

    MAHA | COVID | H5N9 Bird Flu | Cancer | Parasites
    BIG PHARMA, BIG FOOD, BIG OIL The Rockefeller method used for exploiting the sick. A method that we all despise and that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. swore to defeat. "A patient cured is a customer lost." - Big Pharma You ever wonder why there is a trend of sick and enlarged people? It is a vicious cycle to feed people poison, make them sick and profit off of bad medications. More information below: Rockefeller's Influence: John D. Rockefeller, known for his oil empire, expanded his influence into pharmaceuticals through the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation. The foundation funded medical education and research, promoting a pharmaceutical-centric approach to medicine over alternative treatments. This shift helped establish a dependency on drugs for health management, aligning with the interests of the emerging pharmaceutical industry. Food Industry: The same period saw the transformation of food production with the rise of processed foods. Companies like General Foods, which eventually became part of larger conglomerates, benefited from the industrial revolution in food processing. This era introduced a diet high in sugars, fats, and preservatives, which, while convenient and profitable, contributed to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Big Food and Health: Big Food companies produce a vast quantity of processed foods that are often high in calories but low in nutritional value. These products are engineered for taste, longevity, and profitability, which inadvertently promotes unhealthy eating habits. The health detriments of such diets increase the demand for medical intervention. Big Pharma's Role: As public health declines due to poor diet, Big Pharma steps in with medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. The pharmaceutical industry profits from the continuous need for medications that manage but do not cure these conditions. They poisen people to profit from the bad medications Big Oil's Connection: Big Oil indirectly supports this system through its role in agriculture. The production of pesticides, fertilizers, and the energy required for industrial food processing all rely heavily on oil derivatives. Additionally, the transport of food across vast distances, which is necessary for global food chains, further entrenches oil dependency. This not only escalates environmental costs but also supports an industrial food system that favors processed over fresh foods. Economic Incentives: Their economic model is one of mutual fraude and benefit. Big Food creates products that necessitate health interventions, Big Pharma provides these interventions, and Big Oil underpins the infrastructure of both. Each industry drives demand for the others, creating a self-sustaining mortal cycle where profit is generated at every step of the criminal big pharma management process. MAHA | COVID | H5N9 Bird Flu | Cancer | Parasites
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Een foto van de bevrijding door russen van krankenbau schoningsblock / een streng bewaakte ziekenboeg quarantaine afdeling.

    The Russian Federation was not allowed a single representative at the Auschwitz memorial.

    The country which sacrificed millions to defeat the Nazis and liberate the camps across Europe was not invited.

    What a clown world.

    We won't forget the Red Army's sacrifice!
    Een foto van de bevrijding door russen van krankenbau schoningsblock / een streng bewaakte ziekenboeg quarantaine afdeling. The Russian Federation was not allowed a single representative at the Auschwitz memorial. The country which sacrificed millions to defeat the Nazis and liberate the camps across Europe was not invited. What a clown world. We won't forget the Red Army's sacrifice!
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • #ClimateScam professionals have erased the global heatwave and drought of 1921, because it didn't suit their agenda. >>> Klimaatbedrog door links liegende klimaat gekken
    #ClimateScam professionals have erased the global heatwave and drought of 1921, because it didn't suit their agenda. >>> Klimaatbedrog door links liegende klimaat gekken https://www.newspapers.com/image/37398425/
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Sympathie is 'mede met iemand iets aanvoelen'. Waar het om draait wordt begrepen, en als zodanig geaccepteerd (instemmend). Zo kan er sympathie voor gevoelens of bepaalde gedachtegangen of juist voor bepaald gedrag zijn. Het geven van sympathie werkt vaak 'opbeurend' voor de ander.

    Definitie van sympathiek: Het draait om het tonen van vriendelijkheid, zorgzaam zijn en empathie jegens mensen in verschillende situaties. Sympathieke individuen hebben de neiging om anderen te steunen, te luisteren naar hun zorgen en zich in te leven in hun gevoelens. Volgens Google.
    Sympathie is 'mede met iemand iets aanvoelen'. Waar het om draait wordt begrepen, en als zodanig geaccepteerd (instemmend). Zo kan er sympathie voor gevoelens of bepaalde gedachtegangen of juist voor bepaald gedrag zijn. Het geven van sympathie werkt vaak 'opbeurend' voor de ander. Definitie van sympathiek: Het draait om het tonen van vriendelijkheid, zorgzaam zijn en empathie jegens mensen in verschillende situaties. Sympathieke individuen hebben de neiging om anderen te steunen, te luisteren naar hun zorgen en zich in te leven in hun gevoelens. Volgens Google.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Electric cars are dangerous and bad for the global climate.

    Electric cars contain lithium-ion batteries chemicals which can catch fire or explode if damaged, making them hazardous.

    When burning e cars spread millions of cancer causing partikels by smoke.

    Smartmeters and mobile phones radiate cancer causing radiation/ emf. Mention the EMF radiation they blast into your home on purpose!

    Smart meters, have been linked to many fire incidents, raising more and more concerns about electrical safety in related technologies.

    The risk of fire and poisening the envirement by burning electric vehicles (EVs) is due to thermal runaway, where one cell overheating or buns it causes a chedmical burn chain reaction in the battery pack.

    In the whole world Firefighters are not equipped with modern means/ techniques to stop e car fires in a short time as the cars burn and the burning is hard to stop even with lots of water.

    Proper handling, maintenance, and emergency response are crucial to minimize the risks associated with EVs.

    Firefighters and emergency services need specialized training and materials to deal with EV fires due to their unique combustion explosive characteristics.

    California — "PG&E Knows 'smart meters' Catch Fire and they’re Covering it Up”

    Pat Wrigley, a former meter reader was fired for his Whistleblower testimony…

    People know smart meters have played a role in what I think we all collectively believe — that there was a collaborated effort to burn areas down.

    Since 2009, there have been reports about smart meters burning down homes. Since 2017, reports on Smart Meter fires skyrocketed… and progressively got worse..

    In 2017, lawsuits were filed against PG&E claiming that their smart meters were responsible for house fires.

    Firefighters from Fresno investigated a fire where smart meter malfunction was not ruled out as a cause.

    Another case in Vacaville resulted in a fatality shortly after a smart meter installation.

    Fire captains have also reported experiences with smart meter issues leading to electrical problems and fires.

    Media reports, including instances in Bakersfield and Berkeley, have documented smart meter explosions and fires, with many residents and officials pushing for further investigation and accountability.

    The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) acknowledged the issue in 2009, and investigations were conducted in 2013.

    Despite the amount of evidence found, the CPUC concluded there were “no issues with smart meters causing fires.”

    Since then, there have been numerous whistleblowers and fire officials that have contested this, alleging cover-ups by utility companies.

    PG&E has a really bad history…

    Smart meters burn easy should not be ruled out as a high risq contributer to fires worldwide.
    Electric cars are dangerous and bad for the global climate. Electric cars contain lithium-ion batteries chemicals which can catch fire or explode if damaged, making them hazardous. When burning e cars spread millions of cancer causing partikels by smoke. Smartmeters and mobile phones radiate cancer causing radiation/ emf. Mention the EMF radiation they blast into your home on purpose! Smart meters, have been linked to many fire incidents, raising more and more concerns about electrical safety in related technologies. The risk of fire and poisening the envirement by burning electric vehicles (EVs) is due to thermal runaway, where one cell overheating or buns it causes a chedmical burn chain reaction in the battery pack. In the whole world Firefighters are not equipped with modern means/ techniques to stop e car fires in a short time as the cars burn and the burning is hard to stop even with lots of water. Proper handling, maintenance, and emergency response are crucial to minimize the risks associated with EVs. Firefighters and emergency services need specialized training and materials to deal with EV fires due to their unique combustion explosive characteristics. California — "PG&E Knows 'smart meters' Catch Fire and they’re Covering it Up” Pat Wrigley, a former meter reader was fired for his Whistleblower testimony… People know smart meters have played a role in what I think we all collectively believe — that there was a collaborated effort to burn areas down. Since 2009, there have been reports about smart meters burning down homes. Since 2017, reports on Smart Meter fires skyrocketed… and progressively got worse.. In 2017, lawsuits were filed against PG&E claiming that their smart meters were responsible for house fires. Firefighters from Fresno investigated a fire where smart meter malfunction was not ruled out as a cause. Another case in Vacaville resulted in a fatality shortly after a smart meter installation. Fire captains have also reported experiences with smart meter issues leading to electrical problems and fires. Media reports, including instances in Bakersfield and Berkeley, have documented smart meter explosions and fires, with many residents and officials pushing for further investigation and accountability. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) acknowledged the issue in 2009, and investigations were conducted in 2013. Despite the amount of evidence found, the CPUC concluded there were “no issues with smart meters causing fires.” Since then, there have been numerous whistleblowers and fire officials that have contested this, alleging cover-ups by utility companies. PG&E has a really bad history… Smart meters burn easy should not be ruled out as a high risq contributer to fires worldwide.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgSHmgWYfd4

    Disco Funky House 2023 #18 (Wild Cherry, Spiller, The Human League, The Jacksons 5, Lou Rawls..)

    00:01📀Sunny (Mousse T. Sexy Disco Club Mix) - Boney M.
    05:16📀Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) (Harvey Sutherland Extended Remix) - Spiller feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor
    11:58📀Finally Ready (Dimitri From Paris TSOP - The Sound Of Paris - Remix Club Dub) - The Shapeshifters ft Billy Porter
    17:38📀Let's Start to Dance Again (Dimitri From Paris Extended) - Bohannon & Dimitri From Paris & Dr. Perri Johnson
    24:13📀Shake Your Body (Casa Blanco Full Vocal Club Mix) - The Jacksons
    29:16📀Don't You Want Me Baby [Dr Packer Rework] - The Human League
    34:25📀Stomp [Surgery Edits Mix] - Brothers Johnson
    40:10📀Play That Funky Music (Nu Disco Mix) - Block & Crown
    45:05📀Soul Man (Original Mix) - Block & Crown
    48:29📀Shake Your Groove Thing (Nu Disco Shakin' Mix) - Block & Crown
    52:26📀Love Is in the Air (Extended Mix) - Block & Crown
    56:25📀Let's Go Round Again - Jungle Dee
    1:12:51📀My Lips (House of Prayers Pride Edit) - Crazibiza
    1:17:26📀ABC- The Look Of Love ( Les Bisous Remix )
    1:20:49📀You're Gonna Miss My Lovin' (Original Mix) - Twism, Tom Novy, Jeremy Juno
    1:25:55📀You're the One for Me (feat. Colonel Abrams) (Extended Mix) - Dr Packer, Sonic Soul Orchestra, Colonel Abrams
    1:31:00📀Don't Leave Me This Way (Dave Lee Philly World Mix) - Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgSHmgWYfd4 Disco Funky House 2023 #18 (Wild Cherry, Spiller, The Human League, The Jacksons 5, Lou Rawls..) 00:01📀Sunny (Mousse T. Sexy Disco Club Mix) - Boney M. 05:16📀Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) (Harvey Sutherland Extended Remix) - Spiller feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor 11:58📀Finally Ready (Dimitri From Paris TSOP - The Sound Of Paris - Remix Club Dub) - The Shapeshifters ft Billy Porter 17:38📀Let's Start to Dance Again (Dimitri From Paris Extended) - Bohannon & Dimitri From Paris & Dr. Perri Johnson 24:13📀Shake Your Body (Casa Blanco Full Vocal Club Mix) - The Jacksons 29:16📀Don't You Want Me Baby [Dr Packer Rework] - The Human League 34:25📀Stomp [Surgery Edits Mix] - Brothers Johnson 40:10📀Play That Funky Music (Nu Disco Mix) - Block & Crown 45:05📀Soul Man (Original Mix) - Block & Crown 48:29📀Shake Your Groove Thing (Nu Disco Shakin' Mix) - Block & Crown 52:26📀Love Is in the Air (Extended Mix) - Block & Crown 56:25📀Let's Go Round Again - Jungle Dee 1:01:46📀LOOKIN' FOR LOVE TONIGHT (DJ ''S'' REMIX) - FAT LARRY'S BAND 1:07:52📀JUST CAN'T GIVE YOU UP (DJ ''S'' REMIX) - MYSTIC MERLIN 1:12:51📀My Lips (House of Prayers Pride Edit) - Crazibiza 1:17:26📀ABC- The Look Of Love ( Les Bisous Remix ) 1:20:49📀You're Gonna Miss My Lovin' (Original Mix) - Twism, Tom Novy, Jeremy Juno 1:25:55📀You're the One for Me (feat. Colonel Abrams) (Extended Mix) - Dr Packer, Sonic Soul Orchestra, Colonel Abrams 1:31:00📀Don't Leave Me This Way (Dave Lee Philly World Mix) - Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMlfVwN3iTw
    This is a video on the design of Amsterdam's Newest Neighborhood - the Houthavens.

    Map Tiler License.
    Google Earth Images
    Music from Epidemic Sound
    Select Videos and Images from Getty Images

    Urban planning, Architecture, Amsterdam, Berghain.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMlfVwN3iTw This is a video on the design of Amsterdam's Newest Neighborhood - the Houthavens. Map Tiler License. Google Earth Images Music from Epidemic Sound Select Videos and Images from Getty Images Urban planning, Architecture, Amsterdam, Berghain.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
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