• Sensationele LIAM windenergie methode uitvinding door nederlanders/ #windturbine
    Sensationele LIAM windenergie methode uitvinding door nederlanders/ #windturbine
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  • turbines

    Linkse rotzooi/ allemaal bedacht als geld verdien model en om de economie flora en fauna kapot te maken

    46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels.
    1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable.
    2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels.
    3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils
    4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed.
    5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability.
    6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind.
    7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged.
    8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid.
    9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas.
    10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing.
    11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks.
    12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills.
    13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions.
    14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now.
    15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest.
    16 No utility scale energy storage in sight.
    17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers.
    18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative.
    19 Wind Turbines break down too often.
    20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2.
    21 Turbines increase the cost of farming.
    22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems.
    23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be.
    24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe.
    25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail.
    26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years.
    27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries.
    28 Wind has a low capacity Factor.
    29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists.
    30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30%
    31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure.
    32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled.
    33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine.
    34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas.
    35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies.
    36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high.
    Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more
    37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind.
    Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery
    38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines.
    39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises.
    40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics.
    41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive.
    42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies.
    43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket.
    44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence.
    45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s.
    46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible.
    As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."
    While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy #windturbine #windenergie
    turbines Linkse rotzooi/ allemaal bedacht als geld verdien model en om de economie flora en fauna kapot te maken 46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels. 1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable. 2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels. 3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils 4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed. 5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability. 6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind. 7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged. 8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid. 9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas. 10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing. 11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks. 12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills. 13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions. 14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now. 15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest. 16 No utility scale energy storage in sight. 17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers. 18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative. 19 Wind Turbines break down too often. 20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2. 21 Turbines increase the cost of farming. 22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems. 23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be. 24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe. 25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail. 26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years. 27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries. 28 Wind has a low capacity Factor. 29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists. 30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30% 31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure. 32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled. 33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine. 34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas. 35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies. 36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high. Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more 37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind. Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery 38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines. 39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises. 40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics. 41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive. 42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies. 43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket. 44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence. 45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s. 46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible. As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit." While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy #windturbine #windenergie
    1 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • wind turbines en zonnepanelen zijn erg slecht voor flora en fauna/ gevaarlijk en niet duurzaam

    Giftige chemicaliën, gassen en bijproducten bij de productie van zonnepanelen:

    Chemicaliën: zoutzuur, waterstoffluoride, natriumhydroxide, zwavelzuur, salpeterzuur, waterstoffluoride, fosfine en arseengas, fosforoxychloride en fosfortrichloride, dibroomboor

    46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels.

    1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable.
    2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels.
    3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils
    4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed.
    5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability.
    6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind.
    7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged.
    8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid.
    9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas.
    10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing.
    11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks.
    12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills.
    13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions.
    14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now.
    15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest.
    16 No utility scale energy storage in sight.
    17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers.
    18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative.
    19 Wind Turbines break down too often.
    20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2.
    21 Turbines increase the cost of farming.
    22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems.
    23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be.
    24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe.
    25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail.
    26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years.
    27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries.
    28 Wind has a low capacity Factor.
    29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists.
    30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30%
    31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure.
    32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled.
    33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine.
    34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas.
    35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies.
    36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high.
    Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more
    37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind.
    Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery
    38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines.
    39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises.
    40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics.
    41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive.
    42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies.
    43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket.
    44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence.
    45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s.
    46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible.
    As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."
    While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy #windturbine #windenergie

    wind turbines en zonnepanelen zijn erg slecht voor flora en fauna/ gevaarlijk en niet duurzaam Giftige chemicaliën, gassen en bijproducten bij de productie van zonnepanelen: Chemicaliën: zoutzuur, waterstoffluoride, natriumhydroxide, zwavelzuur, salpeterzuur, waterstoffluoride, fosfine en arseengas, fosforoxychloride en fosfortrichloride, dibroomboor 46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels. 1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable. 2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels. 3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils 4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed. 5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability. 6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind. 7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged. 8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid. 9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas. 10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing. 11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks. 12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills. 13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions. 14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now. 15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest. 16 No utility scale energy storage in sight. 17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers. 18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative. 19 Wind Turbines break down too often. 20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2. 21 Turbines increase the cost of farming. 22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems. 23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be. 24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe. 25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail. 26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years. 27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries. 28 Wind has a low capacity Factor. 29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists. 30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30% 31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure. 32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled. 33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine. 34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas. 35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies. 36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high. Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more 37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind. Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery 38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines. 39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises. 40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics. 41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive. 42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies. 43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket. 44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence. 45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s. 46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible. As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit." While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy #windturbine #windenergie https://amsterboek.nl/posts/5003
    Stan Rams - 46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil...
    46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels. 1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable. 2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels. 3...
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • 46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels.
    1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable.
    2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels.
    3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils
    4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed.
    5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability.
    6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind.
    7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged.
    8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid.
    9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas.
    10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing.
    11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks.
    12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills.
    13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions.
    14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now.
    15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest.
    16 No utility scale energy storage in sight.
    17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers.
    18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative.
    19 Wind Turbines break down too often.
    20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2.
    21 Turbines increase the cost of farming.
    22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems.
    23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be.
    24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe.
    25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail.
    26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years.
    27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries.
    28 Wind has a low capacity Factor.
    29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists.
    30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30%
    31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure.
    32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled.
    33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine.
    34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas.
    35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies.
    36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high.
    Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more
    37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind.
    Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery
    38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines.
    39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises.
    40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics.
    41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive.
    42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies.
    43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket.
    44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence.
    45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s.
    46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible.
    As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."
    While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy #windturbine #windenergie
    46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels. 1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable. 2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels. 3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils 4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed. 5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability. 6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind. 7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged. 8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid. 9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas. 10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing. 11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks. 12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills. 13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions. 14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now. 15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest. 16 No utility scale energy storage in sight. 17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers. 18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative. 19 Wind Turbines break down too often. 20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2. 21 Turbines increase the cost of farming. 22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems. 23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be. 24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe. 25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail. 26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years. 27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries. 28 Wind has a low capacity Factor. 29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists. 30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30% 31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure. 32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled. 33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine. 34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas. 35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies. 36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high. Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more 37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind. Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery 38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines. 39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises. 40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics. 41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive. 42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies. 43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket. 44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence. 45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s. 46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible. As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit." While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy #windturbine #windenergie
    0 2 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Windenergie als oplossing is bedrog...

    46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels.
    1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable.
    2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels.
    3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils
    4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed.
    5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability.
    6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind.
    7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged.
    8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid.
    9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas.
    10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing.
    11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks.
    12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills.
    13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions.
    14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now.
    15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest.
    16 No utility scale energy storage in sight.
    17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers.
    18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative.
    19 Wind Turbines break down too often.
    20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2.
    21 Turbines increase the cost of farming.
    22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems.
    23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be.
    24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe.
    25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail.
    26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years.
    27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries.
    28 Wind has a low capacity Factor.
    29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists.
    30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30%
    31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure.
    32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled.
    33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine.
    34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas.
    35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies.
    36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high.
    Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more
    37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind.
    Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery
    38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines.
    39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises.
    40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics.
    41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive.
    42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies.
    43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket.
    44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence.
    45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s.
    46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible.
    As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."
    While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy

    Windenergie als oplossing is bedrog... 46 Reasons why wind turbines cannot replace fossil fuels. 1 Windmills require petroleum every single step of their life cycle. If they can’t replicate themselves using wind turbine generated electricity, they are not sustainable. 2 SCALE. Too many windmills needed to replace fossil fuels. 3 SCALE. Wind turbines can’t be built fast enough to replace fossils 4 Not enough materials such as rare earth metals or fossil fueled heat to create the cement, steel, epoxy, and other parts needed. 5 Not enough dispatchable power, such as natural gas or hydropower, to balance wind intermittency and unreliability. 6 Wind blows seasonally, so for much of there year there isn’t much wind. 7 When too much wind is blowing for the grid to cope with and not blackout, it has to be curtailed. If the wind is over 55 mph the wind turbine also has to shut down or risk being damaged. 8 The best wind areas will never be developed – they’re too far from cities and the Grid. 9 The Grid Can’t Handle Wind Power without natural gas. 10 The role of the grid is to keep the supply of power steady and predictable. Wind does the opposite, at some point of penetration it may become impossible to keep the grid from crashing. 11 Windmills wouldn’t be built without huge subsidies and tax breaks. 12 Tremendous environmental damage from mining material for windmills. 13 Wind is only strong enough to justify windmills in a few regions. 14 The electric grid needs to be much larger than it is now. 15 Wind blows the strongest when customer demand is the weakest. 16 No utility scale energy storage in sight. 17 Wind Power surges harm industrial customers. 18 Energy returned on Energy Invested is negative. 19 Wind Turbines break down too often. 20 Wind doesn’t reduce CO2. 21 Turbines increase the cost of farming. 22 Offshore Windmills battered by waves, wind, ice, corrosion, a hazard to ships and ecosystems. 23 Wind turbines are far more expensive than they appear to be. 24 Wind turbines are already going out of business and fewer built in Europe. 25 Windmills are so huge they’ve reached the limits of land transportation by truck or rail. 26 Windmills may only last 12 to 15 years, or at best 20 years. 27 Offshore wind turbines could affect fisheries. 28 Wind has a low capacity Factor. 29 The quality of wind resources is location specific, with the best locations often found far from the load center where the transmission grid already exists. 30 Dead bugs and salt reduce wind power generation by 20 to 30% 31 Germany has been spending more for much longer than other nations, and Energiewiende is a huge failure. 32 Wind turbines more expensive to decommission than construct so often not recycled. 33 Decommissioning wind turbines costs as much as $500,000 per wind turbine. 34 Wind turbines threaten biodiversity in hundreds of protected, key biodiversity, and wilderness areas. 35 Wind turbines and solar PV depend on the energy storage of coal and natural gas plants to provide power when the wind dies. 36 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are too high. Increasingly high insurance costs from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, defective equipment, untrained personnel and more 37 Turbines can’t be improved much, they are nearing the maximum possible harvesting of wind. Turbines are so heavy they damage roads during delivery 38 Not enough metallurgical coal to make the steel for wind turbines. 39 When oil prices rise, the cost of building wind turbines rises. 40 Electricity can’t make cement, steel, glass, bricks, ceramics. 41 Wind turbines are ecologically destructive. 42 Supply chains: wind turbines need 10 times the materials of conventional energy technologies. 43 Wind turbines are buckling and toppling, splatting wind blades across fields and oceans. See Nantucket. 44 We can’t make wind turbines more efficient because we don’t understand turbulence. 45 Peak wind? Wind generation declined in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s. 46 Betz Limit of 59% — another 10-fold increase is not possible. As Warren Buffett said, " "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit." While the wind production tax credit may be great for the rich, it's harmful for taxpayers and energy consumers. The more wind turbines the higher the cost of electricity, and who suffers the most? The poor. #GreenEnergy
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  • Stem straks niet op ruttes kartel of PvdA/groen ( dubbel. ) links.. anders gaat de prijs 5 keer duurder worden. Ze willen 10 000 verlies gevende belasting verslindende natuur verpestende windmolens plaatsen in de Noordzee!
    Volgens Timmermans is windenergie schone energie. Hij verteld er alleen niet bij dat Elke windturbine is vervuilend en om de paar jaar moet die worden voorzien van 2600 liter nieuwe smeerolie... weet dat een gemiddelde windmolen veel korter dan 15 jaar mee gaat. ( het break even point ligt vele malen hoger dan die 15 jaar!.) Hoezo moeten wij af van de fossiele brandstoffen? Laat je niet in de maling nemen door die klimaat gekken. Nee vluchten kan niet meer!
    In opstand komen tegen deze ....
    Stem straks niet op ruttes kartel of PvdA/groen ( dubbel. ) links.. anders gaat de prijs 5 keer duurder worden. Ze willen 10 000 verlies gevende belasting verslindende natuur verpestende windmolens plaatsen in de Noordzee! Volgens Timmermans is windenergie schone energie. Hij verteld er alleen niet bij dat Elke windturbine is vervuilend en om de paar jaar moet die worden voorzien van 2600 liter nieuwe smeerolie... weet dat een gemiddelde windmolen veel korter dan 15 jaar mee gaat. ( het break even point ligt vele malen hoger dan die 15 jaar!.) Hoezo moeten wij af van de fossiele brandstoffen? Laat je niet in de maling nemen door die klimaat gekken. Nee vluchten kan niet meer! In opstand komen tegen deze ....
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  • windturbine ziekmamakend windenergie is vies
    windturbine ziekmamakend windenergie is vies
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