Stop the #spraying Stop #monsanto & we must allow our #farmers to use #heirloom #seeds & not be crushed by #gates & his #scams - Especially the #poison in the #vaccines #geoengineering #HAARP #5
    ALL HUMANS NEED TO PEACEFULLY GO TO THE CAPITOL TO STOP THIS NOW! 8 BILLION STRONG Stop the #spraying Stop #monsanto & we must allow our #farmers to use #heirloom #seeds & not be crushed by #gates & his #scams - Especially the #poison in the #vaccines #geoengineering #HAARP #5
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  • The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill today that would ban the spraying of chemicals for geoengineering in our skies. Here’s some of the key language:

    The bill would ban the "intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."

    This is fantastic for Tennessee.

    24 Senators voted in favor, 6 opposed. The rest of the bill is below. Now we wait for the House to vote on it but I urge every House rep in TN to support this bill. Our federal government has a dark history of spraying and poisoning citizens with toxins that they never consented to coming into contact with. Just look at what they did in St. Louis during the Cold War. The suffering it caused was horrific. We can’t risk the Federal Government spraying anything on our citizens!

    Let’s get this done @tnhousegop
    Great work by the @tnsenategop

    The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill today that would ban the spraying of chemicals for geoengineering in our skies. Here’s some of the key language: The bill would ban the "intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." This is fantastic for Tennessee. 24 Senators voted in favor, 6 opposed. The rest of the bill is below. Now we wait for the House to vote on it but I urge every House rep in TN to support this bill. Our federal government has a dark history of spraying and poisoning citizens with toxins that they never consented to coming into contact with. Just look at what they did in St. Louis during the Cold War. The suffering it caused was horrific. We can’t risk the Federal Government spraying anything on our citizens! Let’s get this done @tnhousegop . Great work by the @tnsenategop https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1769932631049736470
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  • This Is Just A Coincidence?!?

    US Patent US-8967029B1 - Toxic Mosquito Aerial Release System Now Recently New York City Is Closing Down Streets & Spraying Mosquitoes To Reduce Risk Of “West Nile Virus”?
    This isn’t a conspiracy theory, they’re ON LOUD SPEAKER: “The city is applying pesticide to reduce the spread of West Nile Virus” …. Bill Gates in action… we are under attack. https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1708674226595708988
    This Is Just A Coincidence?!? US Patent US-8967029B1 - Toxic Mosquito Aerial Release System Now Recently New York City Is Closing Down Streets & Spraying Mosquitoes To Reduce Risk Of “West Nile Virus”? This isn’t a conspiracy theory, they’re ON LOUD SPEAKER: “The city is applying pesticide to reduce the spread of West Nile Virus” …. Bill Gates in action… we are under attack. https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1708674226595708988
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • DDT - Lets put it everywhere!

    I don't think enough people understand the full gravity and impact that this had on the US and the generations after. We sprayed 1.3bil pounds here. That's the equivalent in weight of 2 empire state buildings of pure DDT, sprayed all over the country. Hard to fathom.

    DDT is basically a forever chemical too because it concentrates in fat and takes forever to break down, and even the compounds it breaks down into can be just as toxic and hard to get rid of, sometimes even more so.

    You'd think because they stopped spraying it decades ago that it would have dissipated at least a little bit by now, but it hasn't. It actually continues to concentrate in higher and higher amounts in the species at the top of the food chain, which is human beings. It's highly concentrated in soils too, so it's also in all our fruits and veg in varying amounts. That means the actions of the people back in the 40s-60s, get exponentially more detrimental to us in the future as time passes, with each generation.

    This paper found strong correlations with concentrations of DDT in the fat of those with type 2 diabetes, decades later. If any of these women had children, they would be born with the DDT inside them, which is also a severe endocrine disruptor.

    Adipose Tissue Levels of DDT as Risk Factor for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus https://twitter.com/Inversionism/status/1693417170863018085
    DDT - Lets put it everywhere! I don't think enough people understand the full gravity and impact that this had on the US and the generations after. We sprayed 1.3bil pounds here. That's the equivalent in weight of 2 empire state buildings of pure DDT, sprayed all over the country. Hard to fathom. DDT is basically a forever chemical too because it concentrates in fat and takes forever to break down, and even the compounds it breaks down into can be just as toxic and hard to get rid of, sometimes even more so. You'd think because they stopped spraying it decades ago that it would have dissipated at least a little bit by now, but it hasn't. It actually continues to concentrate in higher and higher amounts in the species at the top of the food chain, which is human beings. It's highly concentrated in soils too, so it's also in all our fruits and veg in varying amounts. That means the actions of the people back in the 40s-60s, get exponentially more detrimental to us in the future as time passes, with each generation. This paper found strong correlations with concentrations of DDT in the fat of those with type 2 diabetes, decades later. If any of these women had children, they would be born with the DDT inside them, which is also a severe endocrine disruptor. Adipose Tissue Levels of DDT as Risk Factor for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus https://twitter.com/Inversionism/status/1693417170863018085
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://twitter.com/mr_freedom1984/status/1689601290110705664

    info, truth & help about chemtrails:

    #Chemtrails #smartdust #poisoned #truth
    https://twitter.com/mr_freedom1984/status/1689601290110705664 info, truth & help about chemtrails: https://youtube.com/watch?v=MIGZaBXuNLY source: http://globalskywatch.com/stories/my-chemtrail-story/chemtrail-information/spraying-themselves.html https://geoengineeringwatch.org/chemtrails-learn-how-to-protect-yourself-from-these-treacherous-poisons/ https://fightingmonarch.com/2018/11/03/chemtrails-smartdust-mind-control-look-up-you-are-being-sprayed-with-poison/ http://globalskywatch.com/stories/my-chemtrail-story/chemtrail-information/spraying-themselves.html https://prepareforchange.net/2019/10/30/how-to-protect-yourself-from-chemtrails/ https://twitter.com/SimonWoods78/status/1687972587870040064 #Chemtrails #smartdust #poisoned #truth
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://twitter.com/Agent131711/status/1677316537227833344 Q: "Who is spraying #Chemtrails?! How is it funded?! How could they get away with it?! "
    https://twitter.com/Agent131711/status/1677316537227833344 Q: "Who is spraying #Chemtrails?! How is it funded?! How could they get away with it?! "
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • I found out, combinations of chems are causing #hiv and #cancer (and resistence),such as chems in medicines, jabs, and synthetic drugs, also chems and toxic substances in the air(multinationals pollution) from burning trees and chemtrails they spraying worldwide https://twitter.com/LaurenceSterre/status/1607792865333379073
    I found out, combinations of chems are causing #hiv and #cancer (and resistence),such as chems in medicines, jabs, and synthetic drugs, also chems and toxic substances in the air(multinationals pollution) from burning trees and chemtrails they spraying worldwide https://twitter.com/LaurenceSterre/status/1607792865333379073
    0 Reacties 0 Shares