• Abortus nu constitutioneel verankerd in Frankrijk

    Na afloop Twitterde Macron echter meteen: “Franse trots, universele boodschap.”

    Citaat van een poos geleden van de anti humanist Frans Timmermans:

    “abortus moet uit het strafrecht, abortus is zorg”

    Anti menselijkheid!

    Wat laat jou dit inzien?

    ✅Het wordt verkocht als een mensenrecht😳


    ☠️Wat zit er achter die agenda: KIJK MAAR⬇️
    Abortus nu constitutioneel verankerd in Frankrijk Na afloop Twitterde Macron echter meteen: “Franse trots, universele boodschap.” Citaat van een poos geleden van de anti humanist Frans Timmermans: “abortus moet uit het strafrecht, abortus is zorg” Anti menselijkheid! Wat laat jou dit inzien? ✅Het wordt verkocht als een mensenrecht😳 WANSTALTIG‼️ ☠️Wat zit er achter die agenda: KIJK MAAR⬇️ https://rumble.com/v6njv9l-the-ugly-truth-behind-abortion-the-human-right-scam.html?mref=1641xz&mc=ctt3z
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eWcgQ0vRGo
    Uncovering The Truth Behind Bruce Lee s Mysterious Death | Our History
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eWcgQ0vRGo Uncovering The Truth Behind Bruce Lee s Mysterious Death | Our History
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHMy5__T6Ms

    In today's episode of History and Hearsay, we are discussing the horrifying story of the Baby Snatcher - Georgia Tann & The Tennessee Children's Home Society!

    *PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a HISTORIAN, I just enjoy learning about history & talking about what I learn. So while I do my best to get all facts correct, this channel is "just for fun" & meant to peak your interest to learn more for yourself on certain topics. Please do not take it too seriously & do you own research* Sources always linked.

    ► Listen on the go - You can find the History & Hearsay PODCAST on Apple, Spotify, wherever you listen to your podcasts, or if you enjoy the visual aspect you can WATCH right here on Youtube every OTHER Friday!

    00:38 - Early Life and Career
    5:33 - Georgia’s Reputation & The Truth
    10:16 - Opportunity for BIG Money!
    11:55 - Co-Conspirators
    13:05 - Norma Sue & her 5 siblings
    13:45 - How she got away with all of this?
    15:25 - Shady Health Care Professionals & Gene Tapia’s story
    16:49 - Free Medical Care Ruse
    18:14 - June Camille Kelly
    19:22 - Newspaper Ads & Christmas BABY give away!
    20:56 - Stories of Victims + Norma Sue 23:38 - The Investigation
    26:30 - What happened to the money?
    27:43 - Survivors
    29:30 - Adoption Changes
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHMy5__T6Ms In today's episode of History and Hearsay, we are discussing the horrifying story of the Baby Snatcher - Georgia Tann & The Tennessee Children's Home Society! *PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a HISTORIAN, I just enjoy learning about history & talking about what I learn. So while I do my best to get all facts correct, this channel is "just for fun" & meant to peak your interest to learn more for yourself on certain topics. Please do not take it too seriously & do you own research* Sources always linked. ► Listen on the go - You can find the History & Hearsay PODCAST on Apple, Spotify, wherever you listen to your podcasts, or if you enjoy the visual aspect you can WATCH right here on Youtube every OTHER Friday! Timestamps: 00:38 - Early Life and Career 5:33 - Georgia’s Reputation & The Truth 10:16 - Opportunity for BIG Money! 11:55 - Co-Conspirators 13:05 - Norma Sue & her 5 siblings 13:45 - How she got away with all of this? 15:25 - Shady Health Care Professionals & Gene Tapia’s story 16:49 - Free Medical Care Ruse 18:14 - June Camille Kelly 19:22 - Newspaper Ads & Christmas BABY give away! 20:56 - Stories of Victims + Norma Sue 23:38 - The Investigation 26:30 - What happened to the money? 27:43 - Survivors 29:30 - Adoption Changes
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  • Fake Moon Landings

    In the 1960s landing on the moon was chosen for the great deception show.

    Smart producers decided to fake the landing, do it in a combined way. They would actually organize everything, with rocket launch, lots of engineers in NASA's offices and tv personnel, but the lunar module landing and the walk on the moon would be staged in a studio environment and broadcast from there.

    This way, they could grab billions of dollars of taxpayer money for themselves. The only people who would know the truth would be the three astronauts from the sect and sect members from the studio and the Moloch Sect Leaders.

    The goal of the Moon Fake was to distract the world. The five subsequent missions that "landed" on the moon were all fake and necessary to ensure to pocket even more money.

    People are deceived into believing and because of mass propaganda and well faked pictures and films people believed / strong emotions of pride and achievement are involved ass well.
    Fake Moon Landings In the 1960s landing on the moon was chosen for the great deception show. Smart producers decided to fake the landing, do it in a combined way. They would actually organize everything, with rocket launch, lots of engineers in NASA's offices and tv personnel, but the lunar module landing and the walk on the moon would be staged in a studio environment and broadcast from there. This way, they could grab billions of dollars of taxpayer money for themselves. The only people who would know the truth would be the three astronauts from the sect and sect members from the studio and the Moloch Sect Leaders. The goal of the Moon Fake was to distract the world. The five subsequent missions that "landed" on the moon were all fake and necessary to ensure to pocket even more money. People are deceived into believing and because of mass propaganda and well faked pictures and films people believed / strong emotions of pride and achievement are involved ass well.
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  • Want to Learn how to Build EVERY Chord on guitar? and Understand How Chords Are Named? Watch this GUITAR LESSON and I Will show you the STEP BY STEP method to BUILD EVERY CHORD on GUITAR in every key using intervals and chord formula...this is Guitar Music Theory MADE EASY!!
    How many chords are there in guitar? well the answer is ALOT... and the truth is that professional Guitarists don't memorize 1000 + chord shapes. What we do However is Learn how chords are made on guitar using Chord construction allowing you to Learn how to make all chords on guitar and build chords from scales. knowing how chords are named/how chords are built and how chords are Constructed Does NOT have to be difficult you simply need to know the answer to the question 'what is chord formula?' so in this Fully Animated Lesson I will walk you through how to read and interpret chord names using chord formula which will give you the building blocks of which intervals or notes you need to build chords. I give many practical examples of how to build all chords on guitar with easy to understand music theory for guitar. so if you are interested in chord construction and wish to BUILD ALL CHORDS on guitar which will hopefully also help you to learn how to make your chords sound better or at least more interesting and finally ditch the '1001 chords for guitar' book forever then I welcome you to to Learn the secrets of music theory for guitar and Learn all chord types, How Chords Are Named and how to make them using chord formula!
    Want to Learn how to Build EVERY Chord on guitar? and Understand How Chords Are Named? Watch this GUITAR LESSON and I Will show you the STEP BY STEP method to BUILD EVERY CHORD on GUITAR in every key using intervals and chord formula...this is Guitar Music Theory MADE EASY!! How many chords are there in guitar? well the answer is ALOT... and the truth is that professional Guitarists don't memorize 1000 + chord shapes. What we do However is Learn how chords are made on guitar using Chord construction allowing you to Learn how to make all chords on guitar and build chords from scales. knowing how chords are named/how chords are built and how chords are Constructed Does NOT have to be difficult you simply need to know the answer to the question 'what is chord formula?' so in this Fully Animated Lesson I will walk you through how to read and interpret chord names using chord formula which will give you the building blocks of which intervals or notes you need to build chords. I give many practical examples of how to build all chords on guitar with easy to understand music theory for guitar. so if you are interested in chord construction and wish to BUILD ALL CHORDS on guitar which will hopefully also help you to learn how to make your chords sound better or at least more interesting and finally ditch the '1001 chords for guitar' book forever then I welcome you to to Learn the secrets of music theory for guitar and Learn all chord types, How Chords Are Named and how to make them using chord formula! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtmUy1gUIaU
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  • The Untold Truth Of Stevie Nicks

    One of the most standout members of Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks is known for her witchy mystique. With her hauntingly beautiful voice, she has written and performed many songs focusing on mysterious and mystical women. Indeed, she has quite a strong spiritual persona, but behind that veil is a past filled with human error, heartbreak, determination, and unparalleled success.

    Ever since she was young, she knew her destiny was to be a singer and a songwriter, though success would not come overnight. It wouldn’t be until she joined Fleetwood Mac that her career would really take off. This is the untold truth of Stevie Nicks.

    #StevieNicks #Music #Musician

    The edge of 17 | 0:00
    Fleetwood Mac | 1:23
    Insecurity | 2:29
    Doomed affair | 3:06
    Hard choices | 4:03
    Solo star | 4:45
    Tragedy | 6:07
    Downward spiral | 7:31
    Witchy woman | 9:14
    Falling out | 10:23
    Hall of Fame | 11:25
    Health scares | 12:13

    The Untold Truth Of Stevie Nicks One of the most standout members of Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks is known for her witchy mystique. With her hauntingly beautiful voice, she has written and performed many songs focusing on mysterious and mystical women. Indeed, she has quite a strong spiritual persona, but behind that veil is a past filled with human error, heartbreak, determination, and unparalleled success. Ever since she was young, she knew her destiny was to be a singer and a songwriter, though success would not come overnight. It wouldn’t be until she joined Fleetwood Mac that her career would really take off. This is the untold truth of Stevie Nicks. #StevieNicks #Music #Musician The edge of 17 | 0:00 Fleetwood Mac | 1:23 Insecurity | 2:29 Doomed affair | 3:06 Hard choices | 4:03 Solo star | 4:45 Tragedy | 6:07 Downward spiral | 7:31 Witchy woman | 9:14 Falling out | 10:23 Hall of Fame | 11:25 Health scares | 12:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lhDRVBoNko
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Because it’s all about the Parasites!! Nicotine kills parasites and bypasses the blood-brain barrier, making it one of the most effective methods for removing brain parasites.
    By killing brain parasites, it removes the inflammation in the brain…😎 #Truth
    Because it’s all about the Parasites!! Nicotine kills parasites and bypasses the blood-brain barrier, making it one of the most effective methods for removing brain parasites. By killing brain parasites, it removes the inflammation in the brain…😎 #Truth
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • barrack obama ? m stated "barrack obama could be born in muhlhausen thuringen or even in berlin germany /as hitler could have had an affair with margita barrack (born 27 11 2021) they later after the escape to argentina in 45 could have had a child called obama (obed benjamin abraham michael aaron) /check Hitlers visits to Thüringen/ it is possible its true" https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/70287078?s=barrack&t=572740&p=1 you will find the name margita barrack/ and lots of other names/ you know lots of investigations are needed to find out who obama is/ m stated hitler escaped to argentina and Eva braun may have died in the Fuhrer Bunker Berlin in 45 by suicide/ her body was burned together with a Hitler double. look a like/ who knows? will the truth come out?
    barrack obama ? m stated "barrack obama could be born in muhlhausen thuringen or even in berlin germany /as hitler could have had an affair with margita barrack (born 27 11 2021) they later after the escape to argentina in 45 could have had a child called obama (obed benjamin abraham michael aaron) /check Hitlers visits to Thüringen/ it is possible its true" https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/70287078?s=barrack&t=572740&p=1 you will find the name margita barrack/ and lots of other names/ you know lots of investigations are needed to find out who obama is/ m stated hitler escaped to argentina and Eva braun may have died in the Fuhrer Bunker Berlin in 45 by suicide/ her body was burned together with a Hitler double. look a like/ who knows? will the truth come out?
    Search for documents in the Arolsen Archives | DE ITS BY 168 RUS 7 ZM - Original collection
    Search for documents in the Arolsen Archives | DE ITS BY 168 RUS 7 ZM - Original collection
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Freemasonry is an occult order which has its roots in the ancient Mystery Schools.

    The worship of Osiris the sun and Isis the moon. It is astrotheological in nature, which is the worship of the heavens.

    In his book "The Origin of Freemasonry," Thomas Paine tells us Freemasonry can be traced to Celtic Druids, which can be traced to Egypt and ultimately the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

    After Celtic and Germanic Middle East migration after the fall of Babylon. This coincides with the Knights Templars restoring the old ways, creating the Jesuit Order.

    Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit Order.

    You see, the Druids were not able to control the people through the use of hidden knowledge and was lost...until the Knights Templar reignited the Mystery Religion of Babylon in Europe and the worship of the sun came back, amongst the Christian countries, in the guise of Christianity.

    Hence, the Catholic Church. Ultimately branching off into many organizations, including Freemasonry.

    The Jewish Kaballah got its teachings from the Babylonian Mystery Schools of which was accessed during the Babylonian Captivity.

    Albert Pike, who is a 33° Freemason, explains that Freemasonry is derived from the Jewish Kaballah.

    In his 1871 book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Pike says of the Jewish Pharisee tradition...

    “The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kaballah by the priesthood of Israel.”

    “Freemasonry is not Christianity, nor a substitute for it. It does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines, but teaches fundamental religious truth.” (Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 162)

    “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, page 104)

    “Drop the theological barnacles [timeless Biblical truths] from the religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry, Masonry in its purity, derived as it is from the old Hebrew Kaballa as a part of the great universal religion of the remotest antiquity.” (J. D. Buck, Mystic Masonry, page 119)

    Further research

    Freemasonry is an occult order which has its roots in the ancient Mystery Schools. The worship of Osiris the sun and Isis the moon. It is astrotheological in nature, which is the worship of the heavens. In his book "The Origin of Freemasonry," Thomas Paine tells us Freemasonry can be traced to Celtic Druids, which can be traced to Egypt and ultimately the Babylonian Mystery Religion. After Celtic and Germanic Middle East migration after the fall of Babylon. This coincides with the Knights Templars restoring the old ways, creating the Jesuit Order. Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit Order. You see, the Druids were not able to control the people through the use of hidden knowledge and was lost...until the Knights Templar reignited the Mystery Religion of Babylon in Europe and the worship of the sun came back, amongst the Christian countries, in the guise of Christianity. Hence, the Catholic Church. Ultimately branching off into many organizations, including Freemasonry. The Jewish Kaballah got its teachings from the Babylonian Mystery Schools of which was accessed during the Babylonian Captivity. Albert Pike, who is a 33° Freemason, explains that Freemasonry is derived from the Jewish Kaballah. In his 1871 book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Pike says of the Jewish Pharisee tradition... “The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kaballah by the priesthood of Israel.” “Freemasonry is not Christianity, nor a substitute for it. It does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines, but teaches fundamental religious truth.” (Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 162) “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, page 104) “Drop the theological barnacles [timeless Biblical truths] from the religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry, Masonry in its purity, derived as it is from the old Hebrew Kaballa as a part of the great universal religion of the remotest antiquity.” (J. D. Buck, Mystic Masonry, page 119) Further research https://twitter.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1785585279933489383
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  • They gave elderly covid patients an injection called Midazolam - The same thing given to inmates on death row.

    Listen to this British politician talk about it in parliament.

    The truth is coming out

    They murdered milions !

    They gave elderly covid patients an injection called Midazolam - The same thing given to inmates on death row. Listen to this British politician talk about it in parliament. The truth is coming out They murdered milions ! https://twitter.com/PeterSweden7/status/1783831531917889674
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