Stop the #spraying Stop #monsanto & we must allow our #farmers to use #heirloom #seeds & not be crushed by #gates & his #scams - Especially the #poison in the #vaccines #geoengineering #HAARP #5
    ALL HUMANS NEED TO PEACEFULLY GO TO THE CAPITOL TO STOP THIS NOW! 8 BILLION STRONG Stop the #spraying Stop #monsanto & we must allow our #farmers to use #heirloom #seeds & not be crushed by #gates & his #scams - Especially the #poison in the #vaccines #geoengineering #HAARP #5
    0 Reacties 0 Shares

    The Rockefeller method used for exploiting the sick.

    A method that we all despise and that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. swore to defeat.

    "A patient cured is a customer lost." - Big Pharma

    You ever wonder why there is a trend of sick and enlarged people? It is a vicious cycle to feed people poison, make them sick and profit off of bad medications.

    More information below:

    Rockefeller's Influence:

    John D. Rockefeller, known for his oil empire, expanded his influence into pharmaceuticals through the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation.

    The foundation funded medical education and research, promoting a pharmaceutical-centric approach to medicine over alternative treatments.

    This shift helped establish a dependency on drugs for health management, aligning with the interests of the emerging pharmaceutical industry.

    Food Industry:

    The same period saw the transformation of food production with the rise of processed foods.

    Companies like General Foods, which eventually became part of larger conglomerates, benefited from the industrial revolution in food processing.

    This era introduced a diet high in sugars, fats, and preservatives, which, while convenient and profitable, contributed to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

    Big Food and Health:

    Big Food companies produce a vast quantity of processed foods that are often high in calories but low in nutritional value.

    These products are engineered for taste, longevity, and profitability, which inadvertently promotes unhealthy eating habits.

    The health detriments of such diets increase the demand for medical intervention.

    Big Pharma's Role:

    As public health declines due to poor diet, Big Pharma steps in with medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

    The pharmaceutical industry profits from the continuous need for medications that manage but do not cure these conditions. They poisen people to profit from the bad medications

    Big Oil's Connection:

    Big Oil indirectly supports this system through its role in agriculture. The production of pesticides, fertilizers, and the energy required for industrial food processing all rely heavily on oil derivatives.

    Additionally, the transport of food across vast distances, which is necessary for global food chains, further entrenches oil dependency.

    This not only escalates environmental costs but also supports an industrial food system that favors processed over fresh foods.

    Economic Incentives:

    Their economic model is one of mutual fraude and benefit.

    Big Food creates products that necessitate health interventions, Big Pharma provides these interventions, and Big Oil underpins the infrastructure of both.

    Each industry drives demand for the others, creating a self-sustaining mortal cycle where profit is generated at every step of the criminal big pharma management process.

    MAHA | COVID | H5N9 Bird Flu | Cancer | Parasites
    BIG PHARMA, BIG FOOD, BIG OIL The Rockefeller method used for exploiting the sick. A method that we all despise and that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. swore to defeat. "A patient cured is a customer lost." - Big Pharma You ever wonder why there is a trend of sick and enlarged people? It is a vicious cycle to feed people poison, make them sick and profit off of bad medications. More information below: Rockefeller's Influence: John D. Rockefeller, known for his oil empire, expanded his influence into pharmaceuticals through the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation. The foundation funded medical education and research, promoting a pharmaceutical-centric approach to medicine over alternative treatments. This shift helped establish a dependency on drugs for health management, aligning with the interests of the emerging pharmaceutical industry. Food Industry: The same period saw the transformation of food production with the rise of processed foods. Companies like General Foods, which eventually became part of larger conglomerates, benefited from the industrial revolution in food processing. This era introduced a diet high in sugars, fats, and preservatives, which, while convenient and profitable, contributed to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Big Food and Health: Big Food companies produce a vast quantity of processed foods that are often high in calories but low in nutritional value. These products are engineered for taste, longevity, and profitability, which inadvertently promotes unhealthy eating habits. The health detriments of such diets increase the demand for medical intervention. Big Pharma's Role: As public health declines due to poor diet, Big Pharma steps in with medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. The pharmaceutical industry profits from the continuous need for medications that manage but do not cure these conditions. They poisen people to profit from the bad medications Big Oil's Connection: Big Oil indirectly supports this system through its role in agriculture. The production of pesticides, fertilizers, and the energy required for industrial food processing all rely heavily on oil derivatives. Additionally, the transport of food across vast distances, which is necessary for global food chains, further entrenches oil dependency. This not only escalates environmental costs but also supports an industrial food system that favors processed over fresh foods. Economic Incentives: Their economic model is one of mutual fraude and benefit. Big Food creates products that necessitate health interventions, Big Pharma provides these interventions, and Big Oil underpins the infrastructure of both. Each industry drives demand for the others, creating a self-sustaining mortal cycle where profit is generated at every step of the criminal big pharma management process. MAHA | COVID | H5N9 Bird Flu | Cancer | Parasites
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Historical Fact:

    In late 1917, when the Bolshevik leader Lenin arrived in Russia by sealed train carriage with German (Sion Sect Jewish) Gold, 90% of his ‘companions’ were of Talmudic heritage.

    Many belonged to various revolutionary & socialist parties, not just the Bolsheviks. They were brought to Russia as a weapon to begin the mass ritual slaughter of Orthodox Christians, latter named ‘The Red Terror’

    Lenin’s carriage:

    1. Abramovich Maya Zelikovna
    2. Aizenbund Meer Kivovich
    3. Armand Inessa Fedorovna
    4. Goberman Mikhail Vulfovich
    5. Grebel'skaya Fanya
    6. Kon Elena Felixovna
    7. Konstantinovich Anna Evgen'evna
    8. Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna
    9. Lenin (Ulyanov-Blank) Vladimir Ilyich
    10. Linde Johann-Arnold Johannovich
    11. Miringof Elijah Davidovich
    12. Miringof Maria Efimovna
    13. Mortochkina Valentina Sergeevna (wife of Safarov)
    14. Peineson Semen Gershovich
    15. Pogosskaya Bunya Khemovna (with her son Ruvim)
    16. Ravich Sarra Nakumovna
    17. Radek (Sobelson) Karl Bernhardovich
    18. Radomyslskaya Zlata Evnovna
    19. Radomyslsky-Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) Ovsey-Gershen Aronovich
    20. Radomyslsky Stefan Ovseevich
    21. Rivkin Zalman-Berk Oserovich
    22. Rosenblum David Mordukhovich
    23. Safarov (Voldin) Georgy Ivanovich
    24. Skovno Abram Anchilovich
    25. Slyusareva Nadezhda Mikhailovna
    26. Sokolnikov (‘Diamond’) Hirsch Yankelovich
    27. Suliashvili David Sokratovich
    28. Usievich Grigory Alexandrovich
    29. Kharitonov Moses Motkovich
    30. Tskhakaya Mikhail Grigoryevich

    Members of the RSDRP (Russian Social Democratic Labour Party):

    1. Avdeev Ivan Ananevich (with his wife and son)
    2. Akselrod Tovia Leizerovich (with his wife)
    3. Aptekman Joseph Vasilyevich
    4. Asiriani Sosipatr Samsonovich
    5. Astrov (Poves) Isaac Sergeevich
    6. Baugidze Samuel Grigoryevich
    7. Belenky
    8. Belenky Zakhary Davidovich (with his wife and child)
    9. Bogrova Valentina Leonidovna
    10. Bronstein Rosa Abramovna
    11. Vanadze Alexander Semenovich
    12. Voikov (Weiner) Pinkhus Lazarevich
    13. Heronimus Joseph Borisovich
    14. Gershten
    15. Gishvaliner Petr Iosifovich
    16. Gogiashvili Polycarp Davidovich (with his wife and child)
    17. Gokhblit Matvey Iosifovich
    18. Gudovich
    19. Dobrovitsky Zakhary Leibovich
    20. Doidze Solomon Yassevich
    21. Zhviv (Makar) Simeon Moiseevich
    22. Ioffe David Nahumovich (with his wife)
    23. Kogan Vladimir Abramovich
    24. Kogan Israel Iremievich (with his wife and child)
    25. Kopelman
    26. Kristi Mikhail Petrovich
    27. Lebedev (Polyansky) Pavel Ivanovich (with his wife and child)
    28. Levina
    29. Levin Iochim Davidovich
    30. Levitman Liba Berkovna
    31. Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich
    32. Lyudninskaya
    33. Manevich Abram-Evel Izrailevich (with his wife)
    34. Manuilsky Dmitry Zakharovich
    35. Martov (‘Tsederbaum’, from the Yiddish ‘Keder’) Julian Osipovich
    36. Martynov (Piker) Semen Yulyevich (with his wife and child)
    37. Mgeladze Vlasa Djarismanovich
    38. Movshovich Moshe Solomonovich (with his wife and child)
    39. Muntian Sergey Fedorovich (with wife)
    40. Nazaryev Mikhail Fedorovich
    41. Orzherovsky Mark (with wife and child)
    42. Orlov (Mender) Fedor Ivanovich
    43. Ostashkinskaya Rosa Hirsch-Arapovna
    44. Pevzaya Viktor Vasilyevich
    45. Przhiborovsky Stefan Vladislavovich
    46. Plastinin Nikanor Fedorovich (with wife and child)
    47. Pozin Vladimir Ivanovich
    48. Rabinovich (Skenrer) Pilya Iosifovna
    49. Reitman (with wife and child)
    50. Rosenblum Herman Khaskelovich
    51. Rokhlin Mordkha Vulfovich
    52. Ruzer Leonid Isaakovich (with wife)
    53. Ryazanov (Goldendach) David Borisovich
    54. Sagredo Nicholas Petrovich (with wife)
    55. Sadokaya Iosif Bezhanovich
    56. Semkovsky (Bronstein) Semen Yulyevich (with wife)

    📰📖 Source:
    Newspaper of Vladimir L. Burtsev “The Common Cause" from 14.10.1917 and 16.10.1917. Also published in Oleg Platonov’s ‘Destruction of the Russian Tsardom’, 2013 (Book banned in РФ 🇷🇺) pages 41-48.

    Continued list of Talmudic Yiddish Revolutionaries, who traveled with Lenin by train into Revolutionary Russia:

    57. Sokolinskaya Gitlya Lazarevna (with husband)
    58. Sokolnikova (with child)
    59. Stroeva
    60. Turkin Mikhail Pavlovich
    61. Finkel Moses Adolfovich
    62. Khaperia Konstantin Alexeyevich
    63. Sheikman Aaron Leibovich
    64. Shifrin Natan Kalmanovich
    65. Ehrenburg Ilya Lazarevich

    Members of the ‘Bund’:

    66. Abramovich (Reyn) Rafael Abramovich (with wife and two children)
    67. Alter Estera Israilevna (with child)
    68. Barak
    69. Boltina Lazar Khaimovich
    70. Weinberg Markus Aronovich
    71. Galperin
    72. Diment Lazar Nahumovich
    73. Drankin Vulf Meerovich (with wife and child)
    74. Dreizenstok Anna Meerovna
    75. Zanin Mayrom Monashevich
    76. Idelson Mark Lipmanovich
    77. Ioffe Pinkus Yoselevich
    78. Klavir Lev Solomonovich
    79. Kontorsky Samuil-Srul Davidovich
    80. Levit (Gellert-Levit) Eydel Meerovna (with child)
    81. Lerner David
    82. Lipnin Judah Leybovich
    83. Lyubinsky Mechislav-Abram Osipovich (with wife and child)
    84. Luxemburg Moses Solomonovich
    85. Makhlina Taiva-Zeylik Zelmanovich
    86. Meerovich Movsha Gilelevich
    87. Nakhimzon Meer Itskovich
    88. Pinlis Meer Bentsianovich
    89. Rakov Moses Ilyich
    90. Rosen Khaim Yudovich (with wife)
    91. Svetitsky A.A.
    92. Skeptor Yakov Leybinovich
    93. Slobodsky Valentin Osipovich
    94. Tusenev Isaak Markovich
    95. Hefel Abram Yakovlevich
    96. Zukerstein Solomon Srulovich (with two children)
    97. Sheinberg
    98. Sheinis Iser Khaimovich

    Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs):

    99. Bezzemelny (Ustinov) Alexey Mikhailovich
    100. Belyaeva (Ures) Maria Alexandrovna (with child)
    101. Bobrov (Natanson) Mark Andreevich (with wife V.I. Alexandrovna)
    102. Vesnshtein Israel Aronovich
    103. Vinogradova Elizabeth Ievrovna
    104. Gavronsky Dmitry Osipovich
    105. Dakhlina David Grigorievich (with wife and child)
    106. Kalyan Evgenia Nikolaevna
    107. Klyushin Boris Israilevich (with wife)
    108. Levinzon Meer Abramovich (with wife and child)
    109. Lunkevich Zoe Pavlovna
    110. Perel Revekka
    111. Proshyan Tron Pershovich
    112. Rosenberg Lev Iosifovich (with wife and two children)
    113. Ulyanov Grigory Karlovich
    114. Tendelevich Leonid Abramovich (with wife and two children)
    115. Freifeld Lev Vladimirovich (with wife and child)


    115. Butsevich Alexander Stanislavovich
    116. Vyugin Yakov (with wife and children)
    117. Giterman Abram Moiseevich (with wife and child)
    118. Goldstein Abram Borisovich
    119. Lipdits Olga (with child)
    120. Maximov (Yastrzhembsky) Timofey Fedorovich
    121. Miller Abram Lipovich (with wife and two children)
    122. Rivkin Abram Yakovlevich
    123. Rubinchik Efraim-Abram Aronovich
    124. Segalov Abram Vulfovich (with wife)
    125. Skutelsky Joseph Isaakovich
    126. Toybiseman Vetya Israilevna
    127. Shmulevich Ester Isaakovna
    128. Yustin David

    Social Democrats of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania:

    129. Goldblum Rosa Mavrikiyevna
    130. Urban Ernst Ivanovich (with wife and child)
    131. Shuster Ivan Germanovich

    Polish Socialist Party:

    132. Kon Felix Yakovlevich (with daughter and son-in-law)
    133. Lapinsky (Levinson) Meer Abramovich
    134. Shpakovsky Yan-Ignatiy Alexandrovich

    Poale Zion (Workers of Zion):
    135. Volovnina Alassa Ovseevna
    136. Kara

    Socialist Zionists:

    137. Dines Rivka Khaimovna
    138. Rosenberg Lev Iosifovich

    Social Democratic Party of Lithuania:

    139. Martna Mikhail Yuryevich


    140. Averbukh Shmul-Leyba Iosifovich
    141. Balabanova Anzhelika Isaakovna
    142. Braginsky Monus Osipovich
    143. Goniandsky Iosif Abramovich
    144. Zifeld Arthur Rudolfovich
    145. Karadzai Georgiy Artemyevich (with wife)
    146. Kimmel Iogan Voldemarovich
    147. Makarova Olga Mikhaylovna
    148. Mararam Elia Evelchevna
    149. Meisner Ivan (with wife and two children)
    The complete extensive list of Jewish and other Shabbos Goy revolutionaries who were ‘injected’ into the Provisional Government run Russia.

    The Tsar, detained, isolated & under arrest is unable to stop these dangerous enemies of Russia/mass murderers from entering the country.

    150. Odoyevsky (Severov) Afanasius Semenovich
    151. Okudzhava Vladimir Stepanovich
    152. Rashkovsky Khaim Punksovich
    153. Slobodsky Solomon Mordkovich
    154. Sokolov Pavel Yakovlevich
    155. Stuchevsky Pavel Vladimirovich
    156. Troyanovsky Konstantin Mikhailovich
    157. Shapiro Mark Leopoldovich.

    "By helping Lenin travel to Russia," wrote the German military leader Erich Ludendorff later, "our government assumed a special responsibility. From a military point of view, this undertaking was justified. Russia had to be brought down."

    Other German statesmen reasoned similarly. The envoy in Copenhagen, Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, advised the government to agree to the passage of Bolshevik functionaries through Germany, as it could be expected that within three months, Russia would undergo a complete collapse and the destruction of its military power. In the end, the German government allowed the Bolsheviks to pass in exchange for a promise to assist in the immediate conclusion of a separate peace.

    The German authorities (most likely convinced by International banking capital) provided Lenin and the group of citizens from a hostile state traveling with him - Bolsheviks, Bundists, and other ‘internationalists’ with a special carriage for the journey to Russia.

    After Lenin and 29 other passengers boarded, three doors of the carriage were sealed, leaving the fourth, rear door open. Accompanying Lenin were his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya and his mistress Inessa Armand, along with close associates Zinoviev, Radek, Safarov, Sokolnikov, and others.

    Shortly afterward, German intelligence services transported an entire poisonous trainload of revolutionaries (90 percent of them (Sion Moloch Temple Sect Jews) through German territory - resolute enemies of the Russian state, who played a terrible role in the history of Russia, becoming a pillar of the anti-Russian Bolshevik regime for many years.

    Historical Fact: In late 1917, when the Bolshevik leader Lenin arrived in Russia by sealed train carriage with German (Sion Sect Jewish) Gold, 90% of his ‘companions’ were of Talmudic heritage. Many belonged to various revolutionary & socialist parties, not just the Bolsheviks. They were brought to Russia as a weapon to begin the mass ritual slaughter of Orthodox Christians, latter named ‘The Red Terror’ Lenin’s carriage: 1. Abramovich Maya Zelikovna 2. Aizenbund Meer Kivovich 3. Armand Inessa Fedorovna 4. Goberman Mikhail Vulfovich 5. Grebel'skaya Fanya 6. Kon Elena Felixovna 7. Konstantinovich Anna Evgen'evna 8. Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna 9. Lenin (Ulyanov-Blank) Vladimir Ilyich 10. Linde Johann-Arnold Johannovich 11. Miringof Elijah Davidovich 12. Miringof Maria Efimovna 13. Mortochkina Valentina Sergeevna (wife of Safarov) 14. Peineson Semen Gershovich 15. Pogosskaya Bunya Khemovna (with her son Ruvim) 16. Ravich Sarra Nakumovna 17. Radek (Sobelson) Karl Bernhardovich 18. Radomyslskaya Zlata Evnovna 19. Radomyslsky-Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) Ovsey-Gershen Aronovich 20. Radomyslsky Stefan Ovseevich 21. Rivkin Zalman-Berk Oserovich 22. Rosenblum David Mordukhovich 23. Safarov (Voldin) Georgy Ivanovich 24. Skovno Abram Anchilovich 25. Slyusareva Nadezhda Mikhailovna 26. Sokolnikov (‘Diamond’) Hirsch Yankelovich 27. Suliashvili David Sokratovich 28. Usievich Grigory Alexandrovich 29. Kharitonov Moses Motkovich 30. Tskhakaya Mikhail Grigoryevich Members of the RSDRP (Russian Social Democratic Labour Party): 1. Avdeev Ivan Ananevich (with his wife and son) 2. Akselrod Tovia Leizerovich (with his wife) 3. Aptekman Joseph Vasilyevich 4. Asiriani Sosipatr Samsonovich 5. Astrov (Poves) Isaac Sergeevich 6. Baugidze Samuel Grigoryevich 7. Belenky 8. Belenky Zakhary Davidovich (with his wife and child) 9. Bogrova Valentina Leonidovna 10. Bronstein Rosa Abramovna 11. Vanadze Alexander Semenovich 12. Voikov (Weiner) Pinkhus Lazarevich 13. Heronimus Joseph Borisovich 14. Gershten 15. Gishvaliner Petr Iosifovich 16. Gogiashvili Polycarp Davidovich (with his wife and child) 17. Gokhblit Matvey Iosifovich 18. Gudovich 19. Dobrovitsky Zakhary Leibovich 20. Doidze Solomon Yassevich 21. Zhviv (Makar) Simeon Moiseevich 22. Ioffe David Nahumovich (with his wife) 23. Kogan Vladimir Abramovich 24. Kogan Israel Iremievich (with his wife and child) 25. Kopelman 26. Kristi Mikhail Petrovich 27. Lebedev (Polyansky) Pavel Ivanovich (with his wife and child) 28. Levina 29. Levin Iochim Davidovich 30. Levitman Liba Berkovna 31. Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich 32. Lyudninskaya 33. Manevich Abram-Evel Izrailevich (with his wife) 34. Manuilsky Dmitry Zakharovich 35. Martov (‘Tsederbaum’, from the Yiddish ‘Keder’) Julian Osipovich 36. Martynov (Piker) Semen Yulyevich (with his wife and child) 37. Mgeladze Vlasa Djarismanovich 38. Movshovich Moshe Solomonovich (with his wife and child) 39. Muntian Sergey Fedorovich (with wife) 40. Nazaryev Mikhail Fedorovich 41. Orzherovsky Mark (with wife and child) 42. Orlov (Mender) Fedor Ivanovich 43. Ostashkinskaya Rosa Hirsch-Arapovna 44. Pevzaya Viktor Vasilyevich 45. Przhiborovsky Stefan Vladislavovich 46. Plastinin Nikanor Fedorovich (with wife and child) 47. Pozin Vladimir Ivanovich 48. Rabinovich (Skenrer) Pilya Iosifovna 49. Reitman (with wife and child) 50. Rosenblum Herman Khaskelovich 51. Rokhlin Mordkha Vulfovich 52. Ruzer Leonid Isaakovich (with wife) 53. Ryazanov (Goldendach) David Borisovich 54. Sagredo Nicholas Petrovich (with wife) 55. Sadokaya Iosif Bezhanovich 56. Semkovsky (Bronstein) Semen Yulyevich (with wife) 📰📖 Source: Newspaper of Vladimir L. Burtsev “The Common Cause" from 14.10.1917 and 16.10.1917. Also published in Oleg Platonov’s ‘Destruction of the Russian Tsardom’, 2013 (Book banned in РФ 🇷🇺) pages 41-48. Continued list of Talmudic Yiddish Revolutionaries, who traveled with Lenin by train into Revolutionary Russia: 57. Sokolinskaya Gitlya Lazarevna (with husband) 58. Sokolnikova (with child) 59. Stroeva 60. Turkin Mikhail Pavlovich 61. Finkel Moses Adolfovich 62. Khaperia Konstantin Alexeyevich 63. Sheikman Aaron Leibovich 64. Shifrin Natan Kalmanovich 65. Ehrenburg Ilya Lazarevich Members of the ‘Bund’: 66. Abramovich (Reyn) Rafael Abramovich (with wife and two children) 67. Alter Estera Israilevna (with child) 68. Barak 69. Boltina Lazar Khaimovich 70. Weinberg Markus Aronovich 71. Galperin 72. Diment Lazar Nahumovich 73. Drankin Vulf Meerovich (with wife and child) 74. Dreizenstok Anna Meerovna 75. Zanin Mayrom Monashevich 76. Idelson Mark Lipmanovich 77. Ioffe Pinkus Yoselevich 78. Klavir Lev Solomonovich 79. Kontorsky Samuil-Srul Davidovich 80. Levit (Gellert-Levit) Eydel Meerovna (with child) 81. Lerner David 82. Lipnin Judah Leybovich 83. Lyubinsky Mechislav-Abram Osipovich (with wife and child) 84. Luxemburg Moses Solomonovich 85. Makhlina Taiva-Zeylik Zelmanovich 86. Meerovich Movsha Gilelevich 87. Nakhimzon Meer Itskovich 88. Pinlis Meer Bentsianovich 89. Rakov Moses Ilyich 90. Rosen Khaim Yudovich (with wife) 91. Svetitsky A.A. 92. Skeptor Yakov Leybinovich 93. Slobodsky Valentin Osipovich 94. Tusenev Isaak Markovich 95. Hefel Abram Yakovlevich 96. Zukerstein Solomon Srulovich (with two children) 97. Sheinberg 98. Sheinis Iser Khaimovich Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs): 99. Bezzemelny (Ustinov) Alexey Mikhailovich 100. Belyaeva (Ures) Maria Alexandrovna (with child) 101. Bobrov (Natanson) Mark Andreevich (with wife V.I. Alexandrovna) 102. Vesnshtein Israel Aronovich 103. Vinogradova Elizabeth Ievrovna 104. Gavronsky Dmitry Osipovich 105. Dakhlina David Grigorievich (with wife and child) 106. Kalyan Evgenia Nikolaevna 107. Klyushin Boris Israilevich (with wife) 108. Levinzon Meer Abramovich (with wife and child) 109. Lunkevich Zoe Pavlovna 110. Perel Revekka 111. Proshyan Tron Pershovich 112. Rosenberg Lev Iosifovich (with wife and two children) 113. Ulyanov Grigory Karlovich 114. Tendelevich Leonid Abramovich (with wife and two children) 115. Freifeld Lev Vladimirovich (with wife and child) Anarcho-Communists: 115. Butsevich Alexander Stanislavovich 116. Vyugin Yakov (with wife and children) 117. Giterman Abram Moiseevich (with wife and child) 118. Goldstein Abram Borisovich 119. Lipdits Olga (with child) 120. Maximov (Yastrzhembsky) Timofey Fedorovich 121. Miller Abram Lipovich (with wife and two children) 122. Rivkin Abram Yakovlevich 123. Rubinchik Efraim-Abram Aronovich 124. Segalov Abram Vulfovich (with wife) 125. Skutelsky Joseph Isaakovich 126. Toybiseman Vetya Israilevna 127. Shmulevich Ester Isaakovna 128. Yustin David Social Democrats of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania: 129. Goldblum Rosa Mavrikiyevna 130. Urban Ernst Ivanovich (with wife and child) 131. Shuster Ivan Germanovich Polish Socialist Party: 132. Kon Felix Yakovlevich (with daughter and son-in-law) 133. Lapinsky (Levinson) Meer Abramovich 134. Shpakovsky Yan-Ignatiy Alexandrovich Poale Zion (Workers of Zion): 135. Volovnina Alassa Ovseevna 136. Kara Socialist Zionists: 137. Dines Rivka Khaimovna 138. Rosenberg Lev Iosifovich Social Democratic Party of Lithuania: 139. Martna Mikhail Yuryevich Others: 140. Averbukh Shmul-Leyba Iosifovich 141. Balabanova Anzhelika Isaakovna 142. Braginsky Monus Osipovich 143. Goniandsky Iosif Abramovich 144. Zifeld Arthur Rudolfovich 145. Karadzai Georgiy Artemyevich (with wife) 146. Kimmel Iogan Voldemarovich 147. Makarova Olga Mikhaylovna 148. Mararam Elia Evelchevna 149. Meisner Ivan (with wife and two children) The complete extensive list of Jewish and other Shabbos Goy revolutionaries who were ‘injected’ into the Provisional Government run Russia. The Tsar, detained, isolated & under arrest is unable to stop these dangerous enemies of Russia/mass murderers from entering the country. 150. Odoyevsky (Severov) Afanasius Semenovich 151. Okudzhava Vladimir Stepanovich 152. Rashkovsky Khaim Punksovich 153. Slobodsky Solomon Mordkovich 154. Sokolov Pavel Yakovlevich 155. Stuchevsky Pavel Vladimirovich 156. Troyanovsky Konstantin Mikhailovich 157. Shapiro Mark Leopoldovich. "By helping Lenin travel to Russia," wrote the German military leader Erich Ludendorff later, "our government assumed a special responsibility. From a military point of view, this undertaking was justified. Russia had to be brought down." Other German statesmen reasoned similarly. The envoy in Copenhagen, Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, advised the government to agree to the passage of Bolshevik functionaries through Germany, as it could be expected that within three months, Russia would undergo a complete collapse and the destruction of its military power. In the end, the German government allowed the Bolsheviks to pass in exchange for a promise to assist in the immediate conclusion of a separate peace. The German authorities (most likely convinced by International banking capital) provided Lenin and the group of citizens from a hostile state traveling with him - Bolsheviks, Bundists, and other ‘internationalists’ with a special carriage for the journey to Russia. After Lenin and 29 other passengers boarded, three doors of the carriage were sealed, leaving the fourth, rear door open. Accompanying Lenin were his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya and his mistress Inessa Armand, along with close associates Zinoviev, Radek, Safarov, Sokolnikov, and others. Shortly afterward, German intelligence services transported an entire poisonous trainload of revolutionaries (90 percent of them (Sion Moloch Temple Sect Jews) through German territory - resolute enemies of the Russian state, who played a terrible role in the history of Russia, becoming a pillar of the anti-Russian Bolshevik regime for many years. https://x.com/OCanonist/status/1831979330051969231
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Chinese killer drone swarms.

    Bilions of killer drones beeing produced.

    After witnessing the horrific footage of killer drones being used in the Ukraine-Russia war, this is absolutely terrifying.

    Can you imagine the precision-targeted genocide destruction that could be caused by the swarms like this, at relatively low cost?

    Drones as small as a fly with poisen.

    There are countless small killer drones that look like mosquitoes that sting you with snake poison or poison from the African castor tree, (Miracle Tree) after 1 sting you will die within 1 minute of a heart attack due to the poison or a deadly vaccine such as from Fauci Gates....
    Chinese killer drone swarms. Bilions of killer drones beeing produced. After witnessing the horrific footage of killer drones being used in the Ukraine-Russia war, this is absolutely terrifying. Can you imagine the precision-targeted genocide destruction that could be caused by the swarms like this, at relatively low cost? Drones as small as a fly with poisen. There are countless small killer drones that look like mosquitoes that sting you with snake poison or poison from the African castor tree, (Miracle Tree) after 1 sting you will die within 1 minute of a heart attack due to the poison or a deadly vaccine such as from Fauci Gates....
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://x.com/karma44921039/status/1791771737077493873

    Have Jews just poisoned humanity?

    https://x.com/karma44921039/status/1791771737077493873 Have Jews just poisoned humanity?
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • The CIA sect of babylonic satanists/freemasons built a firearm that could make a murder look like a natural heart attack. A small dart made of ice would penetrate the victims body, release poison and dissipate quickly, so nothing shows up on an autopsy.
    The CIA sect of babylonic satanists/freemasons built a firearm that could make a murder look like a natural heart attack. A small dart made of ice would penetrate the victims body, release poison and dissipate quickly, so nothing shows up on an autopsy.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://twitter.com/ThrillaRilla369/status/1775334352705962170 kanker verwekkende baby shampoo
    Remember one J&J was poisoning babies on purpose/ dezelfde fabrikant die hugo de jonge aanprees v vaccins.
    https://twitter.com/ThrillaRilla369/status/1775334352705962170 kanker verwekkende baby shampoo Remember one J&J was poisoning babies on purpose/ dezelfde fabrikant die hugo de jonge aanprees v vaccins.
    2 Reacties 0 Shares
  • The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill today that would ban the spraying of chemicals for geoengineering in our skies. Here’s some of the key language:

    The bill would ban the "intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."

    This is fantastic for Tennessee.

    24 Senators voted in favor, 6 opposed. The rest of the bill is below. Now we wait for the House to vote on it but I urge every House rep in TN to support this bill. Our federal government has a dark history of spraying and poisoning citizens with toxins that they never consented to coming into contact with. Just look at what they did in St. Louis during the Cold War. The suffering it caused was horrific. We can’t risk the Federal Government spraying anything on our citizens!

    Let’s get this done @tnhousegop
    Great work by the @tnsenategop

    The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill today that would ban the spraying of chemicals for geoengineering in our skies. Here’s some of the key language: The bill would ban the "intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight." This is fantastic for Tennessee. 24 Senators voted in favor, 6 opposed. The rest of the bill is below. Now we wait for the House to vote on it but I urge every House rep in TN to support this bill. Our federal government has a dark history of spraying and poisoning citizens with toxins that they never consented to coming into contact with. Just look at what they did in St. Louis during the Cold War. The suffering it caused was horrific. We can’t risk the Federal Government spraying anything on our citizens! Let’s get this done @tnhousegop . Great work by the @tnsenategop https://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1769932631049736470
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • ==========================
    From: MikeYeadon
    Date: On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 22:56
    Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication
    To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk <Ben.Bates@met.police.uk> Cc: Mark Sexton

    Dear Ben Bates,

    I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity.

    Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place.

    My name is Dr Mike Yeadon. I am the most senior, former “big pharma” & biotech research executive speaking out about several serious crimes in relation to what I call the “Covid era”.

    My original training was in Biochemistry & Toxicology, in which I was awarded the strongest first class joint honours degree that the School of Biomedical Sciences had ever awarded at the time (1985, University of Surrey).

    Part of my undergraduate training involved research placements at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Wiltshire, where I was a small cog in the long term development of injected antidotes for nerve gas poisoning to protect British troops. I also worked at the then Central Laboratory of the Forensic Sciences Service, Aldermaston, Berkshire, adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. While with the Forensic Science Service, I received training on several precision analytical methods including mass spectrometry, then a highly technically complex method.
    As far as I recall, I had security clearance for both establishments. Porton Down, then as now, is a top security facility with an international reputation.

    My PhD, in the field of Pharmacology was “On the effect of opiates on respiratory function” (1988) and this was sponsored by the MOD.

    After securing my PhD, which gave me a sound training in several additional subdisciplines of biology, chemistry & drug metabolism, I joined the pharmaceutical industry.

    I spent 24years with “big pharma”, starting at Wellcome Research Laboratories, where I briefly worked alongside a Dr Patrick Vallance (who became Chief Scientific Advisor to the British
    For the longest period, I was in charge of Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics. I left Pfizer in 2011, having reached the level of Vice President, because the company had decided to exit their large R&D base in Kent. The parting was cordial. Before leaving, I sought to find new homes for the portfolio of exploratory medicines I had helped create & was gratified that Mylan U.K. Ltd, the world’s second largest generics company, acquired much of my former portfolio soon after I had left.

    I later founded & lead as CEO a highly successful biotechnology company, Ziarco Pharma Ltd. Pfizer and four other venture capital firms were investors in my company, which was acquired by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, in 2017.

    📷My accomplishments are considered by some to have been unusual. So much so that a former Pfizer board member & previously worldwide head of R&D, Dr John LaMattina, wrote up my last venture in Forbes, a leading business magazine (February 2017).
    <LINK1 in next tweet>

    In summary, I have had a very strong training in multiple disciplines and over 30 years leadership experience in the field of inventing and testing new medicines for respiratory illnesses. I have an excellent analytical background and I can claim to be at least the equal of anyone advising the government in science.

    I have no history of “conspiracy theory” or political campaigns or protests. I don’t believe I made a single public comment on anything prior to 2020.

    My accomplishments in applied biomedical sciences qualify me to be taken seriously.

    I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly. I am confident in my assessments, which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors.
    I have filed numerous legal statements as affidavits used in court proceedings in several countries.

    I’m going to introduce just two topics at this point. To cover everything would be simply too overwhelming to read, let alone absorb & understand at a single sitting. I’m simply going to make statements. I’m not going to attempt to prove them in this short communication. Rest assured I have done so however, on dozens of occasions. I’ve given upwards of 250 full length interviews.

    I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if

    you hadn’t already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as “googling”, is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities.
    The two areas are:
    1. The claimed pandemic.

    2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines.
    The main claims are stark.
    1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic was coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person “had covid”. There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called “a case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared “a covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent “pandemic” was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion.

    Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology.
    The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, or a “pandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate.
    So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here.

    I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal.
    Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my

    second, shocking charge.

    2. The materials that are being called “covid1U vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic.
    My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms.
    My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems.

    So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments.

    I’m going to go directly to the charges.

    These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them.

    I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines.

    At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated.

    The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them.

    Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction.

    I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others.

    I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization.
    Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility.
    All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced.
    <LINK 2 in Next tweet>

    I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges.
    I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren.
    With best wishes and thank you for your attention.

    Dr Mike Yeadon

    ========================== From: MikeYeadon Date: On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 22:56 Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk <Ben.Bates@met.police.uk> Cc: Mark Sexton Dear Ben Bates, I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity. Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place. My name is Dr Mike Yeadon. I am the most senior, former “big pharma” & biotech research executive speaking out about several serious crimes in relation to what I call the “Covid era”. My original training was in Biochemistry & Toxicology, in which I was awarded the strongest first class joint honours degree that the School of Biomedical Sciences had ever awarded at the time (1985, University of Surrey). Part of my undergraduate training involved research placements at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Wiltshire, where I was a small cog in the long term development of injected antidotes for nerve gas poisoning to protect British troops. I also worked at the then Central Laboratory of the Forensic Sciences Service, Aldermaston, Berkshire, adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. While with the Forensic Science Service, I received training on several precision analytical methods including mass spectrometry, then a highly technically complex method. As far as I recall, I had security clearance for both establishments. Porton Down, then as now, is a top security facility with an international reputation. My PhD, in the field of Pharmacology was “On the effect of opiates on respiratory function” (1988) and this was sponsored by the MOD. After securing my PhD, which gave me a sound training in several additional subdisciplines of biology, chemistry & drug metabolism, I joined the pharmaceutical industry. I spent 24years with “big pharma”, starting at Wellcome Research Laboratories, where I briefly worked alongside a Dr Patrick Vallance (who became Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government). For the longest period, I was in charge of Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics. I left Pfizer in 2011, having reached the level of Vice President, because the company had decided to exit their large R&D base in Kent. The parting was cordial. Before leaving, I sought to find new homes for the portfolio of exploratory medicines I had helped create & was gratified that Mylan U.K. Ltd, the world’s second largest generics company, acquired much of my former portfolio soon after I had left. I later founded & lead as CEO a highly successful biotechnology company, Ziarco Pharma Ltd. Pfizer and four other venture capital firms were investors in my company, which was acquired by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, in 2017. 📷My accomplishments are considered by some to have been unusual. So much so that a former Pfizer board member & previously worldwide head of R&D, Dr John LaMattina, wrote up my last venture in Forbes, a leading business magazine (February 2017). <LINK1 in next tweet> In summary, I have had a very strong training in multiple disciplines and over 30 years leadership experience in the field of inventing and testing new medicines for respiratory illnesses. I have an excellent analytical background and I can claim to be at least the equal of anyone advising the government in science. I have no history of “conspiracy theory” or political campaigns or protests. I don’t believe I made a single public comment on anything prior to 2020. My accomplishments in applied biomedical sciences qualify me to be taken seriously. I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly. I am confident in my assessments, which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors. I have filed numerous legal statements as affidavits used in court proceedings in several countries. I’m going to introduce just two topics at this point. To cover everything would be simply too overwhelming to read, let alone absorb & understand at a single sitting. I’m simply going to make statements. I’m not going to attempt to prove them in this short communication. Rest assured I have done so however, on dozens of occasions. I’ve given upwards of 250 full length interviews. I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if you hadn’t already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as “googling”, is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities. The two areas are: 1. The claimed pandemic. 2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines. The main claims are stark. 1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic was coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person “had covid”. There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called “a case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared “a covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent “pandemic” was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion. Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology. The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, or a “pandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate. So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here. I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal. Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my second, shocking charge. 2. The materials that are being called “covid1U vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic. My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms. My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems. So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated. The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them. Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction. I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others. I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization. Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility. All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced. <LINK 2 in Next tweet> I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges. I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren. With best wishes and thank you for your attention. Dr Mike Yeadon https://twitter.com/_aussie17/status/1767679830357839900
    2 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Do you feel something is wrong in America? Do you feel there are two classes of people? Two tiers of justice? Do you feel most Americans are treated like slaves and an elite class is above law? Read on!

    The US Constitution became effective in 1789. That same year a new nation started its existence but it had a serious burden. The US had a huge debt owed to France from the Revolutionary War, and the new country could not pay. So our Founding Fathers had three options: become a French vassal, agree to Spain buying the debt or agree to the King of England buying the debt and repay it in the future. They had already defeated England militarily and they were familiar with England so they chose the third option. The King of England used money from the Rothschild Bank to buy America’s debt. So while America started victorious militarily, it also started in debt to the same King it had defeated.

    Secret terms between our Founding Fathers and the Rothschild Bank stipulated that the debt had to be repaid in 70 years. While American patriots would do everything to repay the debt, the King of England, Rothschild and traitors would do all they could to keep America in debt (sounds familiar?).

    The US was not able to repay the debt in 70 years. So in 1859 the US was bankrupt as far as England was concerned. Bankruptcies have consequences. In bankruptcy the side who defaults owes everything to the creditor. This is what the King of England wanted: to own America again. But Americans had no intention of going back to that. So the Rothschild Bank started fomenting strife. In November 1860 Lincoln was elected President and in 1861 the Civil War broke out.

    During the Civil War the debt grew even more, with the Rothschilds financing both sides. Emerging from this America agreed to a second period of 70 years, counting from the previous deadline of 1859, to repay ALL debt.

    Using their power given by the debt and interest accumulated so far, the Rothschilds pushed for their ultimate goal: highjacking the American monetary system. Through a series of banking crises and with help from JP Morgan, John Rockefeller et al, they succeeded in their goals and Congress approved the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank on December 23 1913 when most Congressmen were on vacation. Woodrow Wilson was tricked into signing the law. At the same time the IRS was created and the income tax introduced.

    With the money spigot now in their control, the Rothschilds could create booms and busts, and that is what they did. One year later WWI started and as England was losing to Germany the Rothschilds obtained the Balfour Declaration promising the creation of Israel in return for help. So the Rothschilds took America to war for England in 1917.

    The end of the second 70 year period came in 1929, and the Rothschilds crashed the stock market on October 28 1929 initiating the Great Depression. The Rothschilds were crushing America now, and in 1933 President Roosevelt was forced to confiscate all gold from Americans and give it to the Federal Reserve through Executive Order 6102.

    The Great Depression lasted till 1941, when the Rothschilds again manipulated America into war by pushing for the oil embargo of Japan. If WWI obtained the promise of the creation of Israel, WWII created the state of Israel.

    The third and last 70 year period for debt repayment ended in 1999. America could not repay the debt, again. As consequence, since 2000 Americans are considered 100% slaves and property of the Rothschilds. They are taken to war, vets disposed of like garbage, the border opened, plundered by Wall Street, poisoned by “vaccines”. The elites who serve the Rothschilds have total immunity and are 100% protected. They are above the law, because there is no law. The Rothschilds make the law, they own us.

    I hope this clarifies the situation we find ourselves in. If you liked this post, please share and follow for more secret information in the future. #MAGA

    Do you feel something is wrong in America? Do you feel there are two classes of people? Two tiers of justice? Do you feel most Americans are treated like slaves and an elite class is above law? Read on! The US Constitution became effective in 1789. That same year a new nation started its existence but it had a serious burden. The US had a huge debt owed to France from the Revolutionary War, and the new country could not pay. So our Founding Fathers had three options: become a French vassal, agree to Spain buying the debt or agree to the King of England buying the debt and repay it in the future. They had already defeated England militarily and they were familiar with England so they chose the third option. The King of England used money from the Rothschild Bank to buy America’s debt. So while America started victorious militarily, it also started in debt to the same King it had defeated. Secret terms between our Founding Fathers and the Rothschild Bank stipulated that the debt had to be repaid in 70 years. While American patriots would do everything to repay the debt, the King of England, Rothschild and traitors would do all they could to keep America in debt (sounds familiar?). The US was not able to repay the debt in 70 years. So in 1859 the US was bankrupt as far as England was concerned. Bankruptcies have consequences. In bankruptcy the side who defaults owes everything to the creditor. This is what the King of England wanted: to own America again. But Americans had no intention of going back to that. So the Rothschild Bank started fomenting strife. In November 1860 Lincoln was elected President and in 1861 the Civil War broke out. During the Civil War the debt grew even more, with the Rothschilds financing both sides. Emerging from this America agreed to a second period of 70 years, counting from the previous deadline of 1859, to repay ALL debt. Using their power given by the debt and interest accumulated so far, the Rothschilds pushed for their ultimate goal: highjacking the American monetary system. Through a series of banking crises and with help from JP Morgan, John Rockefeller et al, they succeeded in their goals and Congress approved the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank on December 23 1913 when most Congressmen were on vacation. Woodrow Wilson was tricked into signing the law. At the same time the IRS was created and the income tax introduced. With the money spigot now in their control, the Rothschilds could create booms and busts, and that is what they did. One year later WWI started and as England was losing to Germany the Rothschilds obtained the Balfour Declaration promising the creation of Israel in return for help. So the Rothschilds took America to war for England in 1917. The end of the second 70 year period came in 1929, and the Rothschilds crashed the stock market on October 28 1929 initiating the Great Depression. The Rothschilds were crushing America now, and in 1933 President Roosevelt was forced to confiscate all gold from Americans and give it to the Federal Reserve through Executive Order 6102. The Great Depression lasted till 1941, when the Rothschilds again manipulated America into war by pushing for the oil embargo of Japan. If WWI obtained the promise of the creation of Israel, WWII created the state of Israel. The third and last 70 year period for debt repayment ended in 1999. America could not repay the debt, again. As consequence, since 2000 Americans are considered 100% slaves and property of the Rothschilds. They are taken to war, vets disposed of like garbage, the border opened, plundered by Wall Street, poisoned by “vaccines”. The elites who serve the Rothschilds have total immunity and are 100% protected. They are above the law, because there is no law. The Rothschilds make the law, they own us. I hope this clarifies the situation we find ourselves in. If you liked this post, please share and follow for more secret information in the future. #MAGA https://twitter.com/online_shogun/status/1746315134937501914
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