Chinese killer drone swarms.

Bilions of killer drones beeing produced.

After witnessing the horrific footage of killer drones being used in the Ukraine-Russia war, this is absolutely terrifying.

Can you imagine the precision-targeted genocide destruction that could be caused by the swarms like this, at relatively low cost?

Drones as small as a fly with poisen.

There are countless small killer drones that look like mosquitoes that sting you with snake poison or poison from the African castor tree, (Miracle Tree) after 1 sting you will die within 1 minute of a heart attack due to the poison or a deadly vaccine such as from Fauci Gates....
Chinese killer drone swarms. Bilions of killer drones beeing produced. After witnessing the horrific footage of killer drones being used in the Ukraine-Russia war, this is absolutely terrifying. Can you imagine the precision-targeted genocide destruction that could be caused by the swarms like this, at relatively low cost? Drones as small as a fly with poisen. There are countless small killer drones that look like mosquitoes that sting you with snake poison or poison from the African castor tree, (Miracle Tree) after 1 sting you will die within 1 minute of a heart attack due to the poison or a deadly vaccine such as from Fauci Gates....
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