• #climate #climatescam #klimaatbedrog #klimaat #timmermans #algore #fraude het weer word gemannipuleerd door oa chemtrails/ HAARP
    #climate #climatescam #klimaatbedrog #klimaat #timmermans #algore #fraude het weer word gemannipuleerd door oa chemtrails/ HAARP
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  • https://youtu.be/erHJrbquLfo

    Indepen sprak in maart 2023 met Jaap Hanekamp over de werking van het rekenmodel ‘Aerius’. Hanekamp is chemicus, werkt aan de universiteit van Utrecht en is lid geweest van het adviescollege meten en berekenen stikstof (de commissie Hordijk), dé commissie die eind 2019 opdracht kreeg van de overheid om het wetenschappelijk onderdeel van het stikstofbeleid te analyseren.

    Indepen sprak in maart 2023 met Jaap Hanekamp over de werking van het rekenmodel ‘Aerius’. Hanekamp is chemicus, werkt aan de universiteit van Utrecht en is lid geweest van het adviescollege meten en berekenen stikstof (de commissie Hordijk), dé commissie die eind 2019 opdracht kreeg van de overheid om het wetenschappelijk onderdeel van het stikstofbeleid te analyseren. Voorwaar geen emeritus, ‘stikstofontkenner’, ‘klimaatontkenner’ of welk andere term om iemand te diskwalificeren in de huidige tijd.


    Meer lezen? Indepen schrijft al jaren over dit onderwerp:







    https://youtu.be/erHJrbquLfo Indepen sprak in maart 2023 met Jaap Hanekamp over de werking van het rekenmodel ‘Aerius’. Hanekamp is chemicus, werkt aan de universiteit van Utrecht en is lid geweest van het adviescollege meten en berekenen stikstof (de commissie Hordijk), dé commissie die eind 2019 opdracht kreeg van de overheid om het wetenschappelijk onderdeel van het stikstofbeleid te analyseren. Indepen sprak in maart 2023 met Jaap Hanekamp over de werking van het rekenmodel ‘Aerius’. Hanekamp is chemicus, werkt aan de universiteit van Utrecht en is lid geweest van het adviescollege meten en berekenen stikstof (de commissie Hordijk), dé commissie die eind 2019 opdracht kreeg van de overheid om het wetenschappelijk onderdeel van het stikstofbeleid te analyseren. Voorwaar geen emeritus, ‘stikstofontkenner’, ‘klimaatontkenner’ of welk andere term om iemand te diskwalificeren in de huidige tijd. #RIVMFRAUDE #KLIMAATBEDROG #STIKSTOFZWENDEL #RUTTE Meer lezen? Indepen schrijft al jaren over dit onderwerp: https://indepen.eu/vertrouwelijk-onderzoek-tno-maakt-gehakt-van-rivm-model/ https://indepen.eu/ook-rivm-gooit-nu-eigen-stikstofmodel-voor-de-bus/ https://indepen.eu/prof-de-lange-nederland-heeft-geen-stikstofcrisis/ https://indepen.eu/het-valse-spel-tussen-overheid-en-boeren/ https://indepen.eu/zullen-we-de-noordoostpolder-maar-weer-laten-onderlopen/ https://indepen.eu/stikstofprobleem-welk-stikstofprobleem/
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  • #BigPharma Fraude #USAID massale vergiftiging door criminelen in de politiek en bij big pharma/ autisme/ #aluminiun / kankerverwekkende additieven in pillen prikken medicijnen en voedsel en voer...
    #BigPharma Fraude #USAID massale vergiftiging door criminelen in de politiek en bij big pharma/ autisme/ #aluminiun / kankerverwekkende additieven in pillen prikken medicijnen en voedsel en voer...
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    The Rockefeller method used for exploiting the sick.

    A method that we all despise and that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. swore to defeat.

    "A patient cured is a customer lost." - Big Pharma

    You ever wonder why there is a trend of sick and enlarged people? It is a vicious cycle to feed people poison, make them sick and profit off of bad medications.

    More information below:

    Rockefeller's Influence:

    John D. Rockefeller, known for his oil empire, expanded his influence into pharmaceuticals through the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation.

    The foundation funded medical education and research, promoting a pharmaceutical-centric approach to medicine over alternative treatments.

    This shift helped establish a dependency on drugs for health management, aligning with the interests of the emerging pharmaceutical industry.

    Food Industry:

    The same period saw the transformation of food production with the rise of processed foods.

    Companies like General Foods, which eventually became part of larger conglomerates, benefited from the industrial revolution in food processing.

    This era introduced a diet high in sugars, fats, and preservatives, which, while convenient and profitable, contributed to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

    Big Food and Health:

    Big Food companies produce a vast quantity of processed foods that are often high in calories but low in nutritional value.

    These products are engineered for taste, longevity, and profitability, which inadvertently promotes unhealthy eating habits.

    The health detriments of such diets increase the demand for medical intervention.

    Big Pharma's Role:

    As public health declines due to poor diet, Big Pharma steps in with medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

    The pharmaceutical industry profits from the continuous need for medications that manage but do not cure these conditions. They poisen people to profit from the bad medications

    Big Oil's Connection:

    Big Oil indirectly supports this system through its role in agriculture. The production of pesticides, fertilizers, and the energy required for industrial food processing all rely heavily on oil derivatives.

    Additionally, the transport of food across vast distances, which is necessary for global food chains, further entrenches oil dependency.

    This not only escalates environmental costs but also supports an industrial food system that favors processed over fresh foods.

    Economic Incentives:

    Their economic model is one of mutual fraude and benefit.

    Big Food creates products that necessitate health interventions, Big Pharma provides these interventions, and Big Oil underpins the infrastructure of both.

    Each industry drives demand for the others, creating a self-sustaining mortal cycle where profit is generated at every step of the criminal big pharma management process.

    MAHA | COVID | H5N9 Bird Flu | Cancer | Parasites
    BIG PHARMA, BIG FOOD, BIG OIL The Rockefeller method used for exploiting the sick. A method that we all despise and that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. swore to defeat. "A patient cured is a customer lost." - Big Pharma You ever wonder why there is a trend of sick and enlarged people? It is a vicious cycle to feed people poison, make them sick and profit off of bad medications. More information below: Rockefeller's Influence: John D. Rockefeller, known for his oil empire, expanded his influence into pharmaceuticals through the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation. The foundation funded medical education and research, promoting a pharmaceutical-centric approach to medicine over alternative treatments. This shift helped establish a dependency on drugs for health management, aligning with the interests of the emerging pharmaceutical industry. Food Industry: The same period saw the transformation of food production with the rise of processed foods. Companies like General Foods, which eventually became part of larger conglomerates, benefited from the industrial revolution in food processing. This era introduced a diet high in sugars, fats, and preservatives, which, while convenient and profitable, contributed to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Big Food and Health: Big Food companies produce a vast quantity of processed foods that are often high in calories but low in nutritional value. These products are engineered for taste, longevity, and profitability, which inadvertently promotes unhealthy eating habits. The health detriments of such diets increase the demand for medical intervention. Big Pharma's Role: As public health declines due to poor diet, Big Pharma steps in with medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. The pharmaceutical industry profits from the continuous need for medications that manage but do not cure these conditions. They poisen people to profit from the bad medications Big Oil's Connection: Big Oil indirectly supports this system through its role in agriculture. The production of pesticides, fertilizers, and the energy required for industrial food processing all rely heavily on oil derivatives. Additionally, the transport of food across vast distances, which is necessary for global food chains, further entrenches oil dependency. This not only escalates environmental costs but also supports an industrial food system that favors processed over fresh foods. Economic Incentives: Their economic model is one of mutual fraude and benefit. Big Food creates products that necessitate health interventions, Big Pharma provides these interventions, and Big Oil underpins the infrastructure of both. Each industry drives demand for the others, creating a self-sustaining mortal cycle where profit is generated at every step of the criminal big pharma management process. MAHA | COVID | H5N9 Bird Flu | Cancer | Parasites
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVkAsPizAbU The Paris Climate Fraud #Klimaatbedrog #klimaat #parijs #climatefraude

    China pledged to “achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030.” That sounds good, except a U.S. government study, done before the Paris Agreement, estimated China would reach peak emissions by 2030. So China pledged to continue doing exactly what it was doing.

    Yet Cass told Stossel China was one of the better pledges. “India made no pledge to limit their emissions at all. They pledged only to become more efficient…But they proposed to become efficient less quickly than they're already becoming more efficient. So their pledge was to slow down.”

    Pakistan’s pledge was even more meaningless, simply pledge to reak a peak emission “much beyond the year 2030."

    Cass says only one country took a different approach, the U.S., which set the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 26% to 28% below 2005 levels, by 2025. “President Obama took all the zero commitments from everybody else, but threw in a really expensive one for us.”

    Oren Cass and John Stossel don’t dispute basic climate science. Stossel says yes, the earth is warming. Man may well be increasing that. But the solution isn’t to waste billions by forcing emissions cuts in America while other countries do nothing-- while pretending to make cuts. Trump was right to repudiate this phony treaty. Most of us didn’t even know how phony it was. But now we do.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVkAsPizAbU The Paris Climate Fraud #Klimaatbedrog #klimaat #parijs #climatefraude China pledged to “achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030.” That sounds good, except a U.S. government study, done before the Paris Agreement, estimated China would reach peak emissions by 2030. So China pledged to continue doing exactly what it was doing. Yet Cass told Stossel China was one of the better pledges. “India made no pledge to limit their emissions at all. They pledged only to become more efficient…But they proposed to become efficient less quickly than they're already becoming more efficient. So their pledge was to slow down.” Pakistan’s pledge was even more meaningless, simply pledge to reak a peak emission “much beyond the year 2030." Cass says only one country took a different approach, the U.S., which set the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 26% to 28% below 2005 levels, by 2025. “President Obama took all the zero commitments from everybody else, but threw in a really expensive one for us.” Oren Cass and John Stossel don’t dispute basic climate science. Stossel says yes, the earth is warming. Man may well be increasing that. But the solution isn’t to waste billions by forcing emissions cuts in America while other countries do nothing-- while pretending to make cuts. Trump was right to repudiate this phony treaty. Most of us didn’t even know how phony it was. But now we do.
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  • #nasa maan maanlandingfraude nep maanlanding moon...
    #nasa maan maanlandingfraude nep maanlanding moon...
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  • Moon #maan #nasa fraude De opnames van de nep maanlanding v nasa zijn in een woestijn gemaakt...
    Moon #maan #nasa fraude De opnames van de nep maanlanding v nasa zijn in een woestijn gemaakt...
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  • Medische Woekerwinst / Medical Fraude Medisch Verdienmodel \ #rockefeller / de gehele medische sector dient hervormd te worden naar een winstvrij systeem ten dienste van de mensheid
    Medische Woekerwinst / Medical Fraude Medisch Verdienmodel \ #rockefeller / de gehele medische sector dient hervormd te worden naar een winstvrij systeem ten dienste van de mensheid
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  • olie oil Rockefeller #oliefraude
    olie oil Rockefeller #oliefraude
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    'Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons and Oil and Gas Deposits Formation'

    "The theory of the abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons recognizes that the petroleum is a primordial material of deep origin [Kutcherov, Krayushkin 2010]. This theory explains that hydrocarbon compounds generate in the asthenosphere of the Earth & migrate through the deep faults into the crust of the Earth. There they form oil & gas deposits in any kind of rock in any kind of the structural position.

    Thus the accumulation of oil & gas is considered as a part of the natural process of the Earth’s outgrassing, responsible for creation of its hydrosphere, atmosphere & biosphere. Until recently the obstacle to accept the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons was the lack of the reliable & reproducible experimental results confirming the possibility of the synthesis of complex hydrocarbon systems under the conditions of the asthenosphere of planet earth."

    olie oil Rockefeller #oliefraude
    OIL & GAS ARE NOT "FOSSIL FUELS" THEY ARE A RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE CREATED BY A GEOTHERMAL REACTION BETWEEN THE SOLID MANTLE & LIQUID CORE: 'Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons and Oil and Gas Deposits Formation' "The theory of the abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons recognizes that the petroleum is a primordial material of deep origin [Kutcherov, Krayushkin 2010]. This theory explains that hydrocarbon compounds generate in the asthenosphere of the Earth & migrate through the deep faults into the crust of the Earth. There they form oil & gas deposits in any kind of rock in any kind of the structural position. Thus the accumulation of oil & gas is considered as a part of the natural process of the Earth’s outgrassing, responsible for creation of its hydrosphere, atmosphere & biosphere. Until recently the obstacle to accept the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons was the lack of the reliable & reproducible experimental results confirming the possibility of the synthesis of complex hydrocarbon systems under the conditions of the asthenosphere of planet earth." olie oil Rockefeller #oliefraude
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