• Ivermectine

    Parasieten kunnen parasitaire griep en parasitaire infecties veroorzaken/ en men kan door parasieten (met 1 of meerdere aandoeningen) ziek of zieker worden en daardoor dood gaan zoals door uitdroging en hoge koorts.

    Ivermectine is een natuurlijk middel dat de parasieten dood.

    Oma remedies tegen de griep?.

    Vroeger gebruikte men geen chemische medicijnen prikken zoals van pfizer of een andere pharmaceut.


    Parasieten kunnen parasitaire griep en parasitaire infecties veroorzaken/ en men kan door parasieten (en of met 1 of meerdere aandoeningen) ziek of zieker worden en dood gaan zoals door uitdroging en hoge koorts.

    Ivermectine is een natuurlijk middel dat de parasieten dood.

    Men kan tegen parasieten ook kruiden gebruiken, cayenne en andere kruiden of het werkzame veilige ivermectine.

    Gezonde Natuurlijke Heelmiddelen

    Voor veel aandoeningen zijn er natuurlijke helende kruiden die werken.

    Werkzame helende kruiden en de eerder vermelde leefstijl: bedrust en vers fruit eten met vitamine c zoals sinaasappelsap citroensap etc natuurlijke vitamines tot zich nemen/ beweging en frisse lucht / boswandelingen zijn altijd goed zoals natuurlijke ontgifting.

    Dat zijn steeds nog de beste methodes om sneller beter te worden.

    Alle griep prikken die er ooit zijn bedacht deugen niet en maken mensen niet beter maar zelfs langer ziek, in het kader van het big pharma rockefeller verdienmodel en de invloed van de elite georganiseerde sekte ( georganiseerd politiek/medisch/media bedrog uit hebzucht)

    De geinfiltreerde "geld verdien sekte" heeft veel invloed bij de politiek/ organisaties universiteiten scholen media en oa de medische wereld.

    Leef, eet en beweeg gezond, kies de gezonde weg en laat u niet door pillen vergiftigen,
    Ivermectine Parasieten kunnen parasitaire griep en parasitaire infecties veroorzaken/ en men kan door parasieten (met 1 of meerdere aandoeningen) ziek of zieker worden en daardoor dood gaan zoals door uitdroging en hoge koorts. Ivermectine is een natuurlijk middel dat de parasieten dood. Oma remedies tegen de griep?. Vroeger gebruikte men geen chemische medicijnen prikken zoals van pfizer of een andere pharmaceut. Ivermectine Parasieten kunnen parasitaire griep en parasitaire infecties veroorzaken/ en men kan door parasieten (en of met 1 of meerdere aandoeningen) ziek of zieker worden en dood gaan zoals door uitdroging en hoge koorts. Ivermectine is een natuurlijk middel dat de parasieten dood. Men kan tegen parasieten ook kruiden gebruiken, cayenne en andere kruiden of het werkzame veilige ivermectine. Gezonde Natuurlijke Heelmiddelen Voor veel aandoeningen zijn er natuurlijke helende kruiden die werken. Werkzame helende kruiden en de eerder vermelde leefstijl: bedrust en vers fruit eten met vitamine c zoals sinaasappelsap citroensap etc natuurlijke vitamines tot zich nemen/ beweging en frisse lucht / boswandelingen zijn altijd goed zoals natuurlijke ontgifting. Dat zijn steeds nog de beste methodes om sneller beter te worden. Alle griep prikken die er ooit zijn bedacht deugen niet en maken mensen niet beter maar zelfs langer ziek, in het kader van het big pharma rockefeller verdienmodel en de invloed van de elite georganiseerde sekte ( georganiseerd politiek/medisch/media bedrog uit hebzucht) De geinfiltreerde "geld verdien sekte" heeft veel invloed bij de politiek/ organisaties universiteiten scholen media en oa de medische wereld. Leef, eet en beweeg gezond, kies de gezonde weg en laat u niet door pillen vergiftigen,
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  • Did You Know? How John D. Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Took Away Natural Cures:

    “Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants, and diet was erased from most medical textbooks.”

    Doctors and professors who objected the Rockefeller’s plan were crucified by the media, removed from the American Medical Association (AMA), and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine.

    Sound familiar?

    This was a major opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time.

    The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.

    m stated: "the moloch sion pharma sect puts biochems/ plants poisen addictive elements in meds sa in anti depressiva preparates/jabs/they earn fortunes selling and they distribute for "various targets"/to causes cancer/heart attacks/trombosis/infertility/ alzheimer autism etc"

    Rockefeller Big Sect Pharma Poisen

    Watch also https://amsterboek.nl/posts/4779

    Share this clip to spread awareness.
    Did You Know? How John D. Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Took Away Natural Cures: “Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants, and diet was erased from most medical textbooks.” Doctors and professors who objected the Rockefeller’s plan were crucified by the media, removed from the American Medical Association (AMA), and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine. Sound familiar? This was a major opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time. The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits. m stated: "the moloch sion pharma sect puts biochems/ plants poisen addictive elements in meds sa in anti depressiva preparates/jabs/they earn fortunes selling and they distribute for "various targets"/to causes cancer/heart attacks/trombosis/infertility/ alzheimer autism etc" Rockefeller Big Sect Pharma Poisen Watch also https://amsterboek.nl/posts/4779 Share this clip to spread awareness.
    1 0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • m stated: "the moloch sion pharma sect puts biochems/ plants poisen addictive elements in meds sa in anti depressiva preparates/jabs/they earn fortunes selling and they distribute for "various targets"/to causes cancer/heart attacks/trombosis/infertility/ alzheimer autism etc"

    Rockefeller Big Sect Pharma Poisen

    Watch: https://amsterboek.nl/posts/4780

    Did You Know? How John D. Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Took Away Natural Cures:

    “Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants, and diet was erased from most medical textbooks.”

    Doctors and professors who objected the Rockefeller’s plan were crucified by the media, removed from the American Medical Association (AMA), and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine.

    Sound familiar?

    This was a major opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time.

    The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.
    m stated: "the moloch sion pharma sect puts biochems/ plants poisen addictive elements in meds sa in anti depressiva preparates/jabs/they earn fortunes selling and they distribute for "various targets"/to causes cancer/heart attacks/trombosis/infertility/ alzheimer autism etc" Rockefeller Big Sect Pharma Poisen Watch: https://amsterboek.nl/posts/4780 Did You Know? How John D. Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Took Away Natural Cures: “Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants, and diet was erased from most medical textbooks.” Doctors and professors who objected the Rockefeller’s plan were crucified by the media, removed from the American Medical Association (AMA), and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine. Sound familiar? This was a major opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time. The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.
    0 0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Oma remedies tegen de griep?.

    Vroeger gebruikte men geen chemische medicijnen prikken zoals van pfizer of een andere pharmaceut.

    Men had betere methodes.


    Parasieten kunnen parasitaire griep en parasitaire infecties veroorzaken/ en men kan door parasieten (en of met 1 of meerdere aandoeningen) ziek of zieker worden en dood gaan zoals door uitdroging en hoge koorts.

    Ivermectine is een natuurlijk middel dat de parasieten dood.

    Men kan tegen parasieten ook kruiden gebruiken, cayenne en andere kruiden of het werkzame veilige ivermectine.

    Gezond Heelmiddelen

    Voor veel aandoeningen zijn er natuurlijke helende kruiden die werken.

    Werkzame helende kruiden en de eerder vermelde leefstijl: bedrust en vers fruit eten met vitamine c zoals sinaasappelsap citroensap etc natuurlijke vitamines tot zich nemen/ beweging en frisse lucht / boswandelingen zijn altijd goed zoals natuurlijke ontgifting.

    Dat zijn steeds nog de beste methodes om sneller beter te worden. Alle griep prikken die er ooit zijn bedacht deugen niet en maken mensen niet beter maar zelfs langer ziek, in het kader van het big pharma rockefeller verdienmodel en de invloed van de elite georganiseerde sekte ( georganiseerd politiek/medisch/media bedrog uit hebzucht)

    De geinfiltreerde "geld verdien sekte" heeft veel invloed bij de politiek/ organisaties universiteiten scholen media en oa de medische wereld.


    Leef, eet en beweeg gezond, kies de gezonde weg en laat u niet door pillen vergiftigen, en laat u niet prikken met experimentele rotzooi, zoals corona prikken die volgens de berichten uit de hele wereld bij zeer veel mensen vreselijke bijwerkingen veroorzaakt hebben met een dodelijke afloop.
    Oma remedies tegen de griep?. Vroeger gebruikte men geen chemische medicijnen prikken zoals van pfizer of een andere pharmaceut. Men had betere methodes. Ivermectine Parasieten kunnen parasitaire griep en parasitaire infecties veroorzaken/ en men kan door parasieten (en of met 1 of meerdere aandoeningen) ziek of zieker worden en dood gaan zoals door uitdroging en hoge koorts. Ivermectine is een natuurlijk middel dat de parasieten dood. Men kan tegen parasieten ook kruiden gebruiken, cayenne en andere kruiden of het werkzame veilige ivermectine. Gezond Heelmiddelen Voor veel aandoeningen zijn er natuurlijke helende kruiden die werken. Werkzame helende kruiden en de eerder vermelde leefstijl: bedrust en vers fruit eten met vitamine c zoals sinaasappelsap citroensap etc natuurlijke vitamines tot zich nemen/ beweging en frisse lucht / boswandelingen zijn altijd goed zoals natuurlijke ontgifting. Dat zijn steeds nog de beste methodes om sneller beter te worden. Alle griep prikken die er ooit zijn bedacht deugen niet en maken mensen niet beter maar zelfs langer ziek, in het kader van het big pharma rockefeller verdienmodel en de invloed van de elite georganiseerde sekte ( georganiseerd politiek/medisch/media bedrog uit hebzucht) De geinfiltreerde "geld verdien sekte" heeft veel invloed bij de politiek/ organisaties universiteiten scholen media en oa de medische wereld. Ivermectine Leef, eet en beweeg gezond, kies de gezonde weg en laat u niet door pillen vergiftigen, en laat u niet prikken met experimentele rotzooi, zoals corona prikken die volgens de berichten uit de hele wereld bij zeer veel mensen vreselijke bijwerkingen veroorzaakt hebben met een dodelijke afloop.
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  • About haters

    M stated:

    A loxist is a member from an ultra orthodox ancient tribe, related to babylonic religious insanity from one of hundred and even more branches of ultra orthodox judaism,

    Zionists are loxists/ satanists/ talmuth moloch worshippers such as freemasons who pretend to be jew, christian or from another religion

    Zionists are Satanists/Loxists

    A loxist is a moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanist who hates white and black christians, muslims, Pakistani ,hindustani, and all other, except their tribe, the members of their tribe can be from all colours, black and white, all races

    The people of the ancient orthodox babylonic moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanists tribe have an innate wickedness/falsehood, many have a lot of money and high positions, many have a lot of money and high positions in government, especially in the west

    Loxist propagate hate, war and decimation


    Morganthau plan

    Kaufmans book “Germany Must Perish”

    Niger’s book “What to do with Germany”

    Richard Nicolaus graaf Coudenhove-Kalergi Book / the plan of extermination/ depopulation

    Loxists zionists propagate hate war/ they start,/finance/ wage wars in order to decimate countles people, to decimate as many as possible peple by war.


    They incite people with their false propaganda and say that they only wage war for peace.

    Some examples of freemason moloch satanists/ loxists/ zionists

    HItler Lenin Marx Trotsky Beria Radi Stalin Churchill Truman Bormann Blair J Busch Nixon Macron Castro Trudeau Soros Rothshild Rockefeller Gates Fauci Swab Obama, Pol Pot, Idi Amin Napoleon Bonaparte,... lots of royals.. and celebs etc

    Almost all criminals behind hundreds of wars and the Covid vax are related to the babylonic satanists satanists tribe/ a branche of talmuth/moloch worshippers with branches such as the freemasons

    About haters M stated: A loxist is a member from an ultra orthodox ancient tribe, related to babylonic religious insanity from one of hundred and even more branches of ultra orthodox judaism, Zionists are loxists/ satanists/ talmuth moloch worshippers such as freemasons who pretend to be jew, christian or from another religion Zionists are Satanists/Loxists A loxist is a moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanist who hates white and black christians, muslims, Pakistani ,hindustani, and all other, except their tribe, the members of their tribe can be from all colours, black and white, all races The people of the ancient orthodox babylonic moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanists tribe have an innate wickedness/falsehood, many have a lot of money and high positions, many have a lot of money and high positions in government, especially in the west Loxist propagate hate, war and decimation Like Morganthau plan Kaufmans book “Germany Must Perish” Niger’s book “What to do with Germany” Richard Nicolaus graaf Coudenhove-Kalergi Book / the plan of extermination/ depopulation Loxists zionists propagate hate war/ they start,/finance/ wage wars in order to decimate countles people, to decimate as many as possible peple by war. Exampels They incite people with their false propaganda and say that they only wage war for peace. Some examples of freemason moloch satanists/ loxists/ zionists HItler Lenin Marx Trotsky Beria Radi Stalin Churchill Truman Bormann Blair J Busch Nixon Macron Castro Trudeau Soros Rothshild Rockefeller Gates Fauci Swab Obama, Pol Pot, Idi Amin Napoleon Bonaparte,... lots of royals.. and celebs etc Almost all criminals behind hundreds of wars and the Covid vax are related to the babylonic satanists satanists tribe/ a branche of talmuth/moloch worshippers with branches such as the freemasons
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • #nixon #rockefeller
    #nixon #rockefeller
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  • askhwenazi zionist David Rockefeller’s 1991 speech
    askhwenazi zionist David Rockefeller’s 1991 speech
    0 0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Do you feel something is wrong in America? Do you feel there are two classes of people? Two tiers of justice? Do you feel most Americans are treated like slaves and an elite class is above law? Read on!

    The US Constitution became effective in 1789. That same year a new nation started its existence but it had a serious burden. The US had a huge debt owed to France from the Revolutionary War, and the new country could not pay. So our Founding Fathers had three options: become a French vassal, agree to Spain buying the debt or agree to the King of England buying the debt and repay it in the future. They had already defeated England militarily and they were familiar with England so they chose the third option. The King of England used money from the Rothschild Bank to buy America’s debt. So while America started victorious militarily, it also started in debt to the same King it had defeated.

    Secret terms between our Founding Fathers and the Rothschild Bank stipulated that the debt had to be repaid in 70 years. While American patriots would do everything to repay the debt, the King of England, Rothschild and traitors would do all they could to keep America in debt (sounds familiar?).

    The US was not able to repay the debt in 70 years. So in 1859 the US was bankrupt as far as England was concerned. Bankruptcies have consequences. In bankruptcy the side who defaults owes everything to the creditor. This is what the King of England wanted: to own America again. But Americans had no intention of going back to that. So the Rothschild Bank started fomenting strife. In November 1860 Lincoln was elected President and in 1861 the Civil War broke out.

    During the Civil War the debt grew even more, with the Rothschilds financing both sides. Emerging from this America agreed to a second period of 70 years, counting from the previous deadline of 1859, to repay ALL debt.

    Using their power given by the debt and interest accumulated so far, the Rothschilds pushed for their ultimate goal: highjacking the American monetary system. Through a series of banking crises and with help from JP Morgan, John Rockefeller et al, they succeeded in their goals and Congress approved the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank on December 23 1913 when most Congressmen were on vacation. Woodrow Wilson was tricked into signing the law. At the same time the IRS was created and the income tax introduced.

    With the money spigot now in their control, the Rothschilds could create booms and busts, and that is what they did. One year later WWI started and as England was losing to Germany the Rothschilds obtained the Balfour Declaration promising the creation of Israel in return for help. So the Rothschilds took America to war for England in 1917.

    The end of the second 70 year period came in 1929, and the Rothschilds crashed the stock market on October 28 1929 initiating the Great Depression. The Rothschilds were crushing America now, and in 1933 President Roosevelt was forced to confiscate all gold from Americans and give it to the Federal Reserve through Executive Order 6102.

    The Great Depression lasted till 1941, when the Rothschilds again manipulated America into war by pushing for the oil embargo of Japan. If WWI obtained the promise of the creation of Israel, WWII created the state of Israel.

    The third and last 70 year period for debt repayment ended in 1999. America could not repay the debt, again. As consequence, since 2000 Americans are considered 100% slaves and property of the Rothschilds. They are taken to war, vets disposed of like garbage, the border opened, plundered by Wall Street, poisoned by “vaccines”. The elites who serve the Rothschilds have total immunity and are 100% protected. They are above the law, because there is no law. The Rothschilds make the law, they own us.

    I hope this clarifies the situation we find ourselves in. If you liked this post, please share and follow for more secret information in the future. #MAGA

    Do you feel something is wrong in America? Do you feel there are two classes of people? Two tiers of justice? Do you feel most Americans are treated like slaves and an elite class is above law? Read on! The US Constitution became effective in 1789. That same year a new nation started its existence but it had a serious burden. The US had a huge debt owed to France from the Revolutionary War, and the new country could not pay. So our Founding Fathers had three options: become a French vassal, agree to Spain buying the debt or agree to the King of England buying the debt and repay it in the future. They had already defeated England militarily and they were familiar with England so they chose the third option. The King of England used money from the Rothschild Bank to buy America’s debt. So while America started victorious militarily, it also started in debt to the same King it had defeated. Secret terms between our Founding Fathers and the Rothschild Bank stipulated that the debt had to be repaid in 70 years. While American patriots would do everything to repay the debt, the King of England, Rothschild and traitors would do all they could to keep America in debt (sounds familiar?). The US was not able to repay the debt in 70 years. So in 1859 the US was bankrupt as far as England was concerned. Bankruptcies have consequences. In bankruptcy the side who defaults owes everything to the creditor. This is what the King of England wanted: to own America again. But Americans had no intention of going back to that. So the Rothschild Bank started fomenting strife. In November 1860 Lincoln was elected President and in 1861 the Civil War broke out. During the Civil War the debt grew even more, with the Rothschilds financing both sides. Emerging from this America agreed to a second period of 70 years, counting from the previous deadline of 1859, to repay ALL debt. Using their power given by the debt and interest accumulated so far, the Rothschilds pushed for their ultimate goal: highjacking the American monetary system. Through a series of banking crises and with help from JP Morgan, John Rockefeller et al, they succeeded in their goals and Congress approved the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank on December 23 1913 when most Congressmen were on vacation. Woodrow Wilson was tricked into signing the law. At the same time the IRS was created and the income tax introduced. With the money spigot now in their control, the Rothschilds could create booms and busts, and that is what they did. One year later WWI started and as England was losing to Germany the Rothschilds obtained the Balfour Declaration promising the creation of Israel in return for help. So the Rothschilds took America to war for England in 1917. The end of the second 70 year period came in 1929, and the Rothschilds crashed the stock market on October 28 1929 initiating the Great Depression. The Rothschilds were crushing America now, and in 1933 President Roosevelt was forced to confiscate all gold from Americans and give it to the Federal Reserve through Executive Order 6102. The Great Depression lasted till 1941, when the Rothschilds again manipulated America into war by pushing for the oil embargo of Japan. If WWI obtained the promise of the creation of Israel, WWII created the state of Israel. The third and last 70 year period for debt repayment ended in 1999. America could not repay the debt, again. As consequence, since 2000 Americans are considered 100% slaves and property of the Rothschilds. They are taken to war, vets disposed of like garbage, the border opened, plundered by Wall Street, poisoned by “vaccines”. The elites who serve the Rothschilds have total immunity and are 100% protected. They are above the law, because there is no law. The Rothschilds make the law, they own us. I hope this clarifies the situation we find ourselves in. If you liked this post, please share and follow for more secret information in the future. #MAGA https://twitter.com/online_shogun/status/1746315134937501914
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  • de freemasons cult met figuren zoals napoleon hitler roosevelt churchill rothshilds borman eichman etc rockefellers bankiers hoge adel elites etc werken altijd samen om veel geld te verdienen dmv oorlog en plundering/ zie https://youtu.be/yB42DQujc2s?t=898
    de freemasons cult met figuren zoals napoleon hitler roosevelt churchill rothshilds borman eichman etc rockefellers bankiers hoge adel elites etc werken altijd samen om veel geld te verdienen dmv oorlog en plundering/ zie https://youtu.be/yB42DQujc2s?t=898
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • BIDEN, CLINTON, SOROS GROUPS BEHIND BIOWEAPON TESTING IN UKRAINE: Bombshell details from Russian Defense Ministry which unveils huge Democrat Party members and backers behind programs to make bioweapons in Ukraine and across globe.

    Investment funds of Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, and Bidens raise funds to finance military biological research - Lieutenant General Kirillov https://twitter.com/simpatico771/status/1747016525595254828
    BIDEN, CLINTON, SOROS GROUPS BEHIND BIOWEAPON TESTING IN UKRAINE: Bombshell details from Russian Defense Ministry which unveils huge Democrat Party members and backers behind programs to make bioweapons in Ukraine and across globe. Investment funds of Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, and Bidens raise funds to finance military biological research - Lieutenant General Kirillov https://twitter.com/simpatico771/status/1747016525595254828
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