• Japanse geleerden eisen stop van zeer schadelijke corona vaccinaties/ japan scientist demand stop vaccination
    Japanse geleerden eisen stop van zeer schadelijke corona vaccinaties/ japan scientist demand stop vaccination
    2 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Beste mensen, hier is belangrijke informatie..

    Belangrijke informatie

    Van cruciaal belang voor een beter inzicht en analyse van de gevolgen van prikken en de oorzaken van de zgn oversterfte door prikmyocarditis en priktrombose zijn oa:

    a goed en betrouwbaar onderzoek door meerdere instanties en onafhankelijke instanties, liefs
    ook internationaal door experts zoals:

    a analyse van de inhoud van diverse prikken/medicijnen/pillen/etc

    b onderzoek naar oorzaak/oorzaken van overlijden

    c sereologie/ onderzoek van het bloed bijvoorbeeld naar chems/gifstoffen/bloedproppen

    d obuctie/autopsie/ volledig onderzoek van overledenen/zoals maar orgaanschade/kanker/vergiftiging/infecties/etc

    B men dient de exact inhoud van de prikken te weten, van de diverse batches van de prikken van oa fabrikanten Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Novavax
    Voor Nederland o.a. BioNTech/Pfizer (Comirnaty Moderna (Spikevax) AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) Janssen (Jcovden) Novavax (Nuvaxovid) VidPrevtyn Beta (Sanofi Pasteur)
    HIPRA (Bimervax)

    en er is onderzoek nodig naar de gevolgen van het laten zetten van een of meerdere prikken in combinatie met oa:

    a pijnstillers/antidepressiva van 1 of meerdere fabrikanten met bijwerkingen

    zo ook onderzoek naar bijsluiterfraude door medicijn/prikfabrikanten zoals pfizer

    b preparaten/hormoonblokkers etc

    c chems of lichaamsvreemde stoffen zoals oa grafeen oxide/ spike in prikken/ drugs/pillen/ en ondermeer e stoffen in voeding en dranken

    d mogelijk dna schade/ bloedcelwandschade/bloedproppen/hersenkanker/ al dan wel of niet geprikt met 1 of meerdere prikken/medicijnen als gevolg van of mede door een bep dosis ingeademde chemtrails en/ een bep dosis radiatie 5g of EMF straling zoals WIFI


    Coronavaccins van AstraZeneca en Janssen en Pfizer hebben bijwerkingen zoals myocarditis/ en trombose met een verlaagd aantal bloedplaatjes. De prikken van Pfizer en Moderna hebben als bijwerking een ontsteking van de hartspier (myocarditis) of het hartzakje (pericarditis).

    Meer onderzoek

    Wie heeft op welke leeftijd en welk moment waar en door welke arts een prik gehad of een of meer herhaalprikken of een booster zoals voor corona? bij griep/een parasitaire long maag darminfectie/COPD/of een afweerstoornis, per leeftijd bestek zoals bij kinderen v 6 maanden tot en met 4 jaar, kinderen 5 tot en met 11 jaar. Ouderen zoals vanaf 50 en vanaf 80 jaar, jongeren, zwangere vrouwen o.a. en in feite onderzoek bij elke leeftijd.

    Welke zijn de bijwerkingen per soort prik? en welke bij een combinatie van prikken van 1 of meerdere diverse batches, van een en of meerdere prikfabrikanten?

    e wat zijn de gevolgen van een of meerdere prikken in combinatie met een of meerdere medicijnen/pillen/alcohol/antidepressiva/drugs zoals bv xtc meth/fenthanyl etc

    Kort samengevat

    De C vaccins hadden nooit goedgekeurd mogen worden om meer moverende redenen zoals het ontbreken van onderzoek volgens de geldende regels/ wegens het verzwijgen van de sterfte van alle dieren bij de eerste testen/ en wegens het feit dat er geen enkel onderzoek heeft plaatsgevonden naar de gevolgen van het laten zetten van 1 of meerdere prikken van een of meerdere fabrikanten in combinatie met medicijnen van 1 of meerdere fabrikanten al dan wel of niet in combinatie met oa alcohol/drugs/preparaten etc

    Zeer Dringend word gezien de enorme toename aan sterfte bij veel mensen na een of meerdere prikken door oa myocarditis/bloedproppen en mogelijk vergiftiging,aangeraden u niet te laten vaccineren

    Alle overheden worden dringend verzocht de c vaccinaties te staken in de hele wereld, en grondig onderzoek te doen naar al het bovenvermelde en bijwerkingen zoals oa onvruchtbaarheid/spierverlamming/autisme/alzheimer/

    De WHO mag zeer beslist geen zeggenschap krijgen over de volkeren en dient onder curatele gesteld te worden en alle leidinggevenden dienen onderzocht te worden op fraude/omkoping/ het uitrollen van experimentele prikken met de eerder genoemde bij velen dodelijke bijwerkingen.

    Alle bij prikmisdaad betrokken politici/ personen en medeplichtigen dienen berecht te worden wegens het uitrollen / aanprijzen/ of zetten van experimentele prikken zonder het noodzakelijke onderzoek/ schenden van de Code van Neurenberg. Bovendien dienen schuldigen van het verbieden van ivermectine en de aanwending van volgens tal van experts dodelijk remsedivir in ziekenhuizen bij ouderen, te worden aangeklaagd en berecht wegens indirecte/directe moord/massamoord.

    De directie van EMA, waaronder bill gates lobyiste Emer Coock dient met Bill Gates
    en oa Anthony Fauci, Ab Oosterhaus, Ron Fouchier, Marion Koopmans en o.a. de directie van Harvard en Oxford University aangeklaagd en berecht te worden wegens het schenden van de code van Neurenberg/ verboden gain of functions experimenten/ het verspreiden van door computer gefabriceerde nep corona sterfte cijfers/ medische misdaad tegen de mensheid/schenden van de Code van Neurenberg

    Stan Rams

    Amsterdam 30 10 2023

    Important information

    Dear readers,

    Crucial for a better understanding and analysis of the consequences of needlesticks and the causes of so-called excess mortality due to needlestick myocarditis and needlestick thrombosis are, among others:
    a good and reliable research by multiple agencies and independent bodies, love
    also internationally by experts such as:

    a analysis of the contents of various injections/medicines/pills/etc

    b investigation into the cause(s) of death

    c sereology/examination of the blood, for example for chems/toxins/blood clots
    necropsy/autopsy/complete examination of the deceased/such as organ damage/cancer/poisoning/infections/etc

    B one must know the exact contents of the injections, from the various batches of the injections from manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Novavax

    For the Netherlands, including BioNTech/Pfizer (Comirnaty Moderna (Spikevax) AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) Janssen (Jcovden) Novavax (Nuvaxovid) VidPrevtyn Beta (Sanofi Pasteur) HIPRA (Bimervax) and research is needed into the consequences of having one or more injections in combination with, among other things:

    a painkillers/antidepressants from 1 or more manufacturers with side effects
    This also includes research into package leaflet fraud by drug/injection manufacturers such as Pfizer

    b preparations/hormone blockers, etc

    c chems or foreign substances such as graphene oxide / spike in needles / drugs / pills / and e.g. substances in food and drinks

    d possible DNA damage / blood cell wall damage / blood clots / brain cancer / whether or not injected with 1 or more injections / medicines as a result of or partly due to a bep dose of inhaled chemtrails and / a bep dose of radiation 5g or EMF radiation such as WIFI

    Side effects

    Corona vaccines from AstraZeneca and Janssen and Pfizer have side effects such as myocarditis and thrombosis with a reduced number of platelets. The injections from Pfizer and Moderna have the side effect of inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or the pericardium (pericarditis).

    More research

    Who has had an injection at what age and at what time, where and by which doctor, or one or more repeat injections or a booster such as for corona? in case of flu/a parasitic lung, gastrointestinal infection/COPD/or an immune disorder, per age category such as children from 6 months to 4 years, children 5 to 11 years. Older people such as from 50 and from 80 years, young people, pregnant women, among others, in fact every age category.

    What are the side effects per type of injection? and which one for a combination of injections from 1 or more different batches, from one or more injection manufacturers?

    e what are the consequences of one or more injections in combination with one or more medications/pills/alcohol/antidepressants/drugs such as ecstasy,meth/fenthanyl, etc.

    In brief

    The C vaccines should never have been approved for other reasons such as the lack of research in accordance with the applicable rules / due to the concealment of the mortality of all animals during the first tests / and due to the fact that no research has been conducted into the consequences of having 1 or more injections from one or more manufacturers in combination with medicines from 1 or more manufacturers, whether or not in combination with alcohol/drugs/preparations, etc.

    Very Urgent, given the enormous increase in mortality in many people after one or more injections due to myocarditis/blood clots and possible poisoning, it is advisable not to be vaccinated

    All governments are urgently requested to stop vaccinations throughout the world, and to conduct thorough research into all the above and side effects such as infertility / muscle paralysis / autism / Alzheimer's /

    The WHO should most certainly not have any authority over the people and should be placed under guardianship and all executives should be investigated for fraud/bribery/the rollout of experimental shots with the aforementioned side effects, which are often fatal.

    All politicians/persons and accomplices involved in needle crime should be tried for rolling out/advertising/or deploying experimental shots without the necessary investigation/violating the Nuremberg Code.

    Moreover, those guilty of banning ivermectin and using according to experts the deadly remsedivir in hospitals for the elderly should be charged and tried for indirect/direct murder/mass murder.

    The management of EMA, including Bill Gates lobbyist Emer Coock, serves with Bill Gates and, among others, Anthony Fauci, Ab Oosterhaus, Ron Fouchier, Marion Koopmans. Ursula vd Leyen, and, among others, the management of Harvard and Oxford University should be charged and tried for violating the Nuremberg Code / prohibited gain of functions experiments / spreading a computer-made fake corona mortality figures/complicity in medical crimes against humanity/violation of the Nuremberg Code

    Stan Rams

    Amsterdam 30 10 2023
    Beste mensen, hier is belangrijke informatie.. Belangrijke informatie Van cruciaal belang voor een beter inzicht en analyse van de gevolgen van prikken en de oorzaken van de zgn oversterfte door prikmyocarditis en priktrombose zijn oa: a goed en betrouwbaar onderzoek door meerdere instanties en onafhankelijke instanties, liefs ook internationaal door experts zoals: a analyse van de inhoud van diverse prikken/medicijnen/pillen/etc b onderzoek naar oorzaak/oorzaken van overlijden c sereologie/ onderzoek van het bloed bijvoorbeeld naar chems/gifstoffen/bloedproppen d obuctie/autopsie/ volledig onderzoek van overledenen/zoals maar orgaanschade/kanker/vergiftiging/infecties/etc B men dient de exact inhoud van de prikken te weten, van de diverse batches van de prikken van oa fabrikanten Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Novavax Voor Nederland o.a. BioNTech/Pfizer (Comirnaty Moderna (Spikevax) AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) Janssen (Jcovden) Novavax (Nuvaxovid) VidPrevtyn Beta (Sanofi Pasteur) HIPRA (Bimervax) en er is onderzoek nodig naar de gevolgen van het laten zetten van een of meerdere prikken in combinatie met oa: a pijnstillers/antidepressiva van 1 of meerdere fabrikanten met bijwerkingen zo ook onderzoek naar bijsluiterfraude door medicijn/prikfabrikanten zoals pfizer b preparaten/hormoonblokkers etc c chems of lichaamsvreemde stoffen zoals oa grafeen oxide/ spike in prikken/ drugs/pillen/ en ondermeer e stoffen in voeding en dranken d mogelijk dna schade/ bloedcelwandschade/bloedproppen/hersenkanker/ al dan wel of niet geprikt met 1 of meerdere prikken/medicijnen als gevolg van of mede door een bep dosis ingeademde chemtrails en/ een bep dosis radiatie 5g of EMF straling zoals WIFI Bijwerkingen Coronavaccins van AstraZeneca en Janssen en Pfizer hebben bijwerkingen zoals myocarditis/ en trombose met een verlaagd aantal bloedplaatjes. De prikken van Pfizer en Moderna hebben als bijwerking een ontsteking van de hartspier (myocarditis) of het hartzakje (pericarditis). Meer onderzoek Wie heeft op welke leeftijd en welk moment waar en door welke arts een prik gehad of een of meer herhaalprikken of een booster zoals voor corona? bij griep/een parasitaire long maag darminfectie/COPD/of een afweerstoornis, per leeftijd bestek zoals bij kinderen v 6 maanden tot en met 4 jaar, kinderen 5 tot en met 11 jaar. Ouderen zoals vanaf 50 en vanaf 80 jaar, jongeren, zwangere vrouwen o.a. en in feite onderzoek bij elke leeftijd. Welke zijn de bijwerkingen per soort prik? en welke bij een combinatie van prikken van 1 of meerdere diverse batches, van een en of meerdere prikfabrikanten? e wat zijn de gevolgen van een of meerdere prikken in combinatie met een of meerdere medicijnen/pillen/alcohol/antidepressiva/drugs zoals bv xtc meth/fenthanyl etc Kort samengevat De C vaccins hadden nooit goedgekeurd mogen worden om meer moverende redenen zoals het ontbreken van onderzoek volgens de geldende regels/ wegens het verzwijgen van de sterfte van alle dieren bij de eerste testen/ en wegens het feit dat er geen enkel onderzoek heeft plaatsgevonden naar de gevolgen van het laten zetten van 1 of meerdere prikken van een of meerdere fabrikanten in combinatie met medicijnen van 1 of meerdere fabrikanten al dan wel of niet in combinatie met oa alcohol/drugs/preparaten etc Zeer Dringend word gezien de enorme toename aan sterfte bij veel mensen na een of meerdere prikken door oa myocarditis/bloedproppen en mogelijk vergiftiging,aangeraden u niet te laten vaccineren Alle overheden worden dringend verzocht de c vaccinaties te staken in de hele wereld, en grondig onderzoek te doen naar al het bovenvermelde en bijwerkingen zoals oa onvruchtbaarheid/spierverlamming/autisme/alzheimer/ De WHO mag zeer beslist geen zeggenschap krijgen over de volkeren en dient onder curatele gesteld te worden en alle leidinggevenden dienen onderzocht te worden op fraude/omkoping/ het uitrollen van experimentele prikken met de eerder genoemde bij velen dodelijke bijwerkingen. Alle bij prikmisdaad betrokken politici/ personen en medeplichtigen dienen berecht te worden wegens het uitrollen / aanprijzen/ of zetten van experimentele prikken zonder het noodzakelijke onderzoek/ schenden van de Code van Neurenberg. Bovendien dienen schuldigen van het verbieden van ivermectine en de aanwending van volgens tal van experts dodelijk remsedivir in ziekenhuizen bij ouderen, te worden aangeklaagd en berecht wegens indirecte/directe moord/massamoord. De directie van EMA, waaronder bill gates lobyiste Emer Coock dient met Bill Gates en oa Anthony Fauci, Ab Oosterhaus, Ron Fouchier, Marion Koopmans en o.a. de directie van Harvard en Oxford University aangeklaagd en berecht te worden wegens het schenden van de code van Neurenberg/ verboden gain of functions experimenten/ het verspreiden van door computer gefabriceerde nep corona sterfte cijfers/ medische misdaad tegen de mensheid/schenden van de Code van Neurenberg Stan Rams Amsterdam 30 10 2023 Important information Dear readers, Crucial for a better understanding and analysis of the consequences of needlesticks and the causes of so-called excess mortality due to needlestick myocarditis and needlestick thrombosis are, among others: a good and reliable research by multiple agencies and independent bodies, love also internationally by experts such as: a analysis of the contents of various injections/medicines/pills/etc b investigation into the cause(s) of death c sereology/examination of the blood, for example for chems/toxins/blood clots necropsy/autopsy/complete examination of the deceased/such as organ damage/cancer/poisoning/infections/etc B one must know the exact contents of the injections, from the various batches of the injections from manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Novavax For the Netherlands, including BioNTech/Pfizer (Comirnaty Moderna (Spikevax) AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) Janssen (Jcovden) Novavax (Nuvaxovid) VidPrevtyn Beta (Sanofi Pasteur) HIPRA (Bimervax) and research is needed into the consequences of having one or more injections in combination with, among other things: a painkillers/antidepressants from 1 or more manufacturers with side effects This also includes research into package leaflet fraud by drug/injection manufacturers such as Pfizer b preparations/hormone blockers, etc c chems or foreign substances such as graphene oxide / spike in needles / drugs / pills / and e.g. substances in food and drinks d possible DNA damage / blood cell wall damage / blood clots / brain cancer / whether or not injected with 1 or more injections / medicines as a result of or partly due to a bep dose of inhaled chemtrails and / a bep dose of radiation 5g or EMF radiation such as WIFI Side effects Corona vaccines from AstraZeneca and Janssen and Pfizer have side effects such as myocarditis and thrombosis with a reduced number of platelets. The injections from Pfizer and Moderna have the side effect of inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or the pericardium (pericarditis). More research Who has had an injection at what age and at what time, where and by which doctor, or one or more repeat injections or a booster such as for corona? in case of flu/a parasitic lung, gastrointestinal infection/COPD/or an immune disorder, per age category such as children from 6 months to 4 years, children 5 to 11 years. Older people such as from 50 and from 80 years, young people, pregnant women, among others, in fact every age category. What are the side effects per type of injection? and which one for a combination of injections from 1 or more different batches, from one or more injection manufacturers? e what are the consequences of one or more injections in combination with one or more medications/pills/alcohol/antidepressants/drugs such as ecstasy,meth/fenthanyl, etc. In brief The C vaccines should never have been approved for other reasons such as the lack of research in accordance with the applicable rules / due to the concealment of the mortality of all animals during the first tests / and due to the fact that no research has been conducted into the consequences of having 1 or more injections from one or more manufacturers in combination with medicines from 1 or more manufacturers, whether or not in combination with alcohol/drugs/preparations, etc. Very Urgent, given the enormous increase in mortality in many people after one or more injections due to myocarditis/blood clots and possible poisoning, it is advisable not to be vaccinated All governments are urgently requested to stop vaccinations throughout the world, and to conduct thorough research into all the above and side effects such as infertility / muscle paralysis / autism / Alzheimer's / The WHO should most certainly not have any authority over the people and should be placed under guardianship and all executives should be investigated for fraud/bribery/the rollout of experimental shots with the aforementioned side effects, which are often fatal. All politicians/persons and accomplices involved in needle crime should be tried for rolling out/advertising/or deploying experimental shots without the necessary investigation/violating the Nuremberg Code. Moreover, those guilty of banning ivermectin and using according to experts the deadly remsedivir in hospitals for the elderly should be charged and tried for indirect/direct murder/mass murder. The management of EMA, including Bill Gates lobbyist Emer Coock, serves with Bill Gates and, among others, Anthony Fauci, Ab Oosterhaus, Ron Fouchier, Marion Koopmans. Ursula vd Leyen, and, among others, the management of Harvard and Oxford University should be charged and tried for violating the Nuremberg Code / prohibited gain of functions experiments / spreading a computer-made fake corona mortality figures/complicity in medical crimes against humanity/violation of the Nuremberg Code Stan Rams Amsterdam 30 10 2023
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University:

    #Covid #Vaccine :

    "These #Vaccine injured people cry themselves to sleep at night, while you try and HIDE information!! This is a case of DRUG HARM!!”

    “Last year I thought it was going to be a problem if this VACCINE spread and I told professional magazines that it was DELUSIONAL to try and get out of a pandemic by #Vaccination!! And NOW people are starting to understand HOW DANGEROUS this #mRNA #Covid #Vaccine really is!!!”

    “I mean, the MRNA is wrapped in nano particles, that means EVERY CELL in the body engulfs it and then TRANSFORMS, the MECHANISM is clear!!!”😳😳

    “If you don’t feel good after vaccination, go to your doctor immediately, you could be suffering from CARDIOVASCULAR disease, AUTOIMMUNE disease, susceptibility to infection and many other things!!!”

    “These nano particles are also absorbed by the brain and they DO cross the BLOOD-BRAIN barrier, only a STUPID SCIENTIST would say that they wouldn’t!! People had natural immunity to COVID but Due to vaccination, their natural immunity has been SUPPRESSED!!! The people that are infected with COVID now, are the #Vaccinated and NOT the #Unvaccinated, the government data speaks for itself!!”
    Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University: #Covid #Vaccine : "These #Vaccine injured people cry themselves to sleep at night, while you try and HIDE information!! This is a case of DRUG HARM!!” “Last year I thought it was going to be a problem if this VACCINE spread and I told professional magazines that it was DELUSIONAL to try and get out of a pandemic by #Vaccination!! And NOW people are starting to understand HOW DANGEROUS this #mRNA #Covid #Vaccine really is!!!” “I mean, the MRNA is wrapped in nano particles, that means EVERY CELL in the body engulfs it and then TRANSFORMS, the MECHANISM is clear!!!”😳😳 “If you don’t feel good after vaccination, go to your doctor immediately, you could be suffering from CARDIOVASCULAR disease, AUTOIMMUNE disease, susceptibility to infection and many other things!!!” “These nano particles are also absorbed by the brain and they DO cross the BLOOD-BRAIN barrier, only a STUPID SCIENTIST would say that they wouldn’t!! People had natural immunity to COVID but Due to vaccination, their natural immunity has been SUPPRESSED!!! The people that are infected with COVID now, are the #Vaccinated and NOT the #Unvaccinated, the government data speaks for itself!!”
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • SHOCKING WAKE UP AMERICA, Forced Vaccinations For Population Control Has ALWAYS Been The Plan ⚠️ 💉⛔️

    “A genocidal Holocaust. Men and women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be infertile. People start dying massively”

    “United States of America yes sir i have i'd rather not you'd rather just be here so you can make a fast exit. — because in a very short time not today not tomorrow but very soon will be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination”

    “What is it about these vaccinations? You think that they're bad? Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people. The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.

    “Doctor, the response is going to be, and you're crazy. How can you say this stuff? I show them the documentation. Now, this is pretty shocking. This process has already been ongoing. To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene. If I inject you with squalene.”

    “Your immune system will attack the squalene, but then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body. What does that look like when you meet a person to whom that is happening? It looks like Gulf War Syndrome. It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized. This is in these shocks they're going to give us? It's in some of them, but the U.S. government has a trick up their sleeve. They will induce a pandemic.”

    “Using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus. That means that if I take it, I can infect you. You're going to get the flu. Everybody around us is going to get the flu. Then the United States government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic. Oh my goodness, we don't have enough doses. So we'll add mix.”

    “Squalene at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that they will ship the vaccines to. People lining up, sometimes by the hundreds, for an H1N1 flu shot. What that means is a Holocaust.”
    SHOCKING WAKE UP AMERICA, Forced Vaccinations For Population Control Has ALWAYS Been The Plan ⚠️ 💉⛔️ “A genocidal Holocaust. Men and women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be infertile. People start dying massively” “United States of America yes sir i have i'd rather not you'd rather just be here so you can make a fast exit. — because in a very short time not today not tomorrow but very soon will be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination” “What is it about these vaccinations? You think that they're bad? Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people. The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility. “Doctor, the response is going to be, and you're crazy. How can you say this stuff? I show them the documentation. Now, this is pretty shocking. This process has already been ongoing. To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene. If I inject you with squalene.” “Your immune system will attack the squalene, but then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body. What does that look like when you meet a person to whom that is happening? It looks like Gulf War Syndrome. It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized. This is in these shocks they're going to give us? It's in some of them, but the U.S. government has a trick up their sleeve. They will induce a pandemic.” “Using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus. That means that if I take it, I can infect you. You're going to get the flu. Everybody around us is going to get the flu. Then the United States government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic. Oh my goodness, we don't have enough doses. So we'll add mix.” “Squalene at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that they will ship the vaccines to. People lining up, sometimes by the hundreds, for an H1N1 flu shot. What that means is a Holocaust.”
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Op tal van manieren werden zgn Artsen betaald als zij een covid spuit zetten. Nu meer dan 65% van de mensen als een tikkende tijdbom rondlopen op een hartinfarct of bloedprop of verlamming met als dood tot gevolg na vaccinatie. Gaan er nu meer mensen wakker worden ??? Your doctor took the bribe if he told you to get the covid19 vaccination. Here's the schedule of the payment program.
    Op tal van manieren werden zgn Artsen betaald als zij een covid spuit zetten. Nu meer dan 65% van de mensen als een tikkende tijdbom rondlopen op een hartinfarct of bloedprop of verlamming met als dood tot gevolg na vaccinatie. Gaan er nu meer mensen wakker worden ??? Your doctor took the bribe if he told you to get the covid19 vaccination. Here's the schedule of the payment program.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares