• Ivermectine is een werkzaam helend medicijn.

    Liegende politici en media lachten en zeiden dat ivermectine alleen maar voor paarden en koeien was maar Ivermectine is al sinds 1987 ook voor mensen gemaakt en word al heel lang gebruikt met zeer goede resultaten.

    Het middel voorkomt schade door medicijnen die zijn gemaakt met mRNA-technologie . Het blokkeert Spike Protein om de cellen binnen te komen, en als iemand gevaccineerd is, kan hij zichzelf genezen voor schade veroorzaakt door Ivermectine.

    Bij de behandeling van geelzucht type C heeft het middel alleen positieve effecten en geen schadelijke effecten. In feite, zelfs voordat het de cel binnengaat, vernietigd ivermectine virussen in het bloed.

    Ivermectine heeft een zeer sterk ontstekingsremmend effect en heeft een sterke impact op traumatische en orthopedische blessures, versterkt spieren en heeft geen bijwerkingen zoals corticosteroïden.

    Ivermectine is ook goed tegen auto-immuunziekten zoals: reumatoïde artritis, spondylitis ankylopoetica, fibromyalgie, psoriasis, ziekte van Crohn, allergische kou en het verbetert de immuniteit bij kankerpatiënten en behandelt Herpes Simplex en Herpes Zoster

    Ivermectine vermindert de frequentie van sinusitis en diverticulitis en beschermt het hart bij hartoverbelasting.

    Bij embolie voorkomt het middel bijvoorbeeld harthypoxie omdat het de productie van bassenergie stimuleert, zodat weefsel niet vernietigd wordt en zo de hartfunctie verbetert.

    Ivermectine is een antiparasitair, antineoplastisch (antikanker)middel. Naar verluidt onderdrukt het de vermenigvuldiging en metastase van kankercellen, bewaart gezonde cellen en verbetert de effectiviteit van chemotherapie.

    Het kan kankercellen doden die zich ontwikkelen in tumoren

    Het is antimicrobieel (bacteriën en virussen) en verhoogt de immuniteit en het bereikt het centrale zenuwstelsel en regenereert de zenuwen.

    Ivermectine helpt glucose, insulinemetabolisme, cholesterolspiegels te reguleren en vermindert levervet

    ivermectine kan ook worden gebruikt als profylactisch middel en is geassocieerd met een significante afname van infecties, ziekenhuisopname en mortaliteit als gevolg van C-19.










    Ivermectine is een werkzaam helend medicijn. Liegende politici en media lachten en zeiden dat ivermectine alleen maar voor paarden en koeien was maar Ivermectine is al sinds 1987 ook voor mensen gemaakt en word al heel lang gebruikt met zeer goede resultaten. Het middel voorkomt schade door medicijnen die zijn gemaakt met mRNA-technologie . Het blokkeert Spike Protein om de cellen binnen te komen, en als iemand gevaccineerd is, kan hij zichzelf genezen voor schade veroorzaakt door Ivermectine. Bij de behandeling van geelzucht type C heeft het middel alleen positieve effecten en geen schadelijke effecten. In feite, zelfs voordat het de cel binnengaat, vernietigd ivermectine virussen in het bloed. Ivermectine heeft een zeer sterk ontstekingsremmend effect en heeft een sterke impact op traumatische en orthopedische blessures, versterkt spieren en heeft geen bijwerkingen zoals corticosteroïden. Ivermectine is ook goed tegen auto-immuunziekten zoals: reumatoïde artritis, spondylitis ankylopoetica, fibromyalgie, psoriasis, ziekte van Crohn, allergische kou en het verbetert de immuniteit bij kankerpatiënten en behandelt Herpes Simplex en Herpes Zoster Ivermectine vermindert de frequentie van sinusitis en diverticulitis en beschermt het hart bij hartoverbelasting. Bij embolie voorkomt het middel bijvoorbeeld harthypoxie omdat het de productie van bassenergie stimuleert, zodat weefsel niet vernietigd wordt en zo de hartfunctie verbetert. Ivermectine is een antiparasitair, antineoplastisch (antikanker)middel. Naar verluidt onderdrukt het de vermenigvuldiging en metastase van kankercellen, bewaart gezonde cellen en verbetert de effectiviteit van chemotherapie. Het kan kankercellen doden die zich ontwikkelen in tumoren Het is antimicrobieel (bacteriën en virussen) en verhoogt de immuniteit en het bereikt het centrale zenuwstelsel en regenereert de zenuwen. Ivermectine helpt glucose, insulinemetabolisme, cholesterolspiegels te reguleren en vermindert levervet ivermectine kan ook worden gebruikt als profylactisch middel en is geassocieerd met een significante afname van infecties, ziekenhuisopname en mortaliteit als gevolg van C-19. Bronnen: nature.com/articles/ja201… nature.com/articles/ja201… pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC30… pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18037274/ pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10… https://x.com/babyd1111229/status/1879488417202913566... https://x.com/realnatecarter/status/1878449395064033744... https://x.com/rencahambalkova/status/1878110830408950253...
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Ursula crime news

    Ursula von der Leyen's secret texts with Albert Bourla, potentially led to Pfizer securing a record breaking ¢71,000,000,000 (Billion) Euros.

    The perps saying we'd be "fully vaccinated" at 2 x doses

    Vd Lesyen signed every EU citizen up for 10 x doses.

    EU Parliament Member Rob Roos pointed out...the record breaking contract for the EU and Pfizer's mRNA covid vaccine went ahead, even knowing the below information:

    "33 x pages of potential side effects from the covid vaccines that Pfizer (FDA) fought to keep hidden for 75 x years"

    "Mrs Jenny Small [of Pfizer] admitted to me that Pfizer's vaccine had never been tested for their ability to stop the transmission of the virus"

    Despite this, everyone was forced to take the mRNA shot.
    Ursula crime news Ursula von der Leyen's secret texts with Albert Bourla, potentially led to Pfizer securing a record breaking ¢71,000,000,000 (Billion) Euros. The perps saying we'd be "fully vaccinated" at 2 x doses Vd Lesyen signed every EU citizen up for 10 x doses. EU Parliament Member Rob Roos pointed out...the record breaking contract for the EU and Pfizer's mRNA covid vaccine went ahead, even knowing the below information: "33 x pages of potential side effects from the covid vaccines that Pfizer (FDA) fought to keep hidden for 75 x years" "Mrs Jenny Small [of Pfizer] admitted to me that Pfizer's vaccine had never been tested for their ability to stop the transmission of the virus" Despite this, everyone was forced to take the mRNA shot.
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • One of the most prominent law professors in the world has just declared that "everyone involved" in pushing Covid mRNA shots onto the public committed "crimes against humanity." During a new interview, Dr. Francis Boyle asserted that the "frankenshots" were part of a plan to conduct "medical experimentation" on humanity.…
    One of the most prominent law professors in the world has just declared that "everyone involved" in pushing Covid mRNA shots onto the public committed "crimes against humanity." During a new interview, Dr. Francis Boyle asserted that the "frankenshots" were part of a plan to conduct "medical experimentation" on humanity.…
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • ==========================
    From: MikeYeadon
    Date: On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 22:56
    Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication
    To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk <Ben.Bates@met.police.uk> Cc: Mark Sexton

    Dear Ben Bates,

    I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity.

    Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place.

    My name is Dr Mike Yeadon. I am the most senior, former “big pharma” & biotech research executive speaking out about several serious crimes in relation to what I call the “Covid era”.

    My original training was in Biochemistry & Toxicology, in which I was awarded the strongest first class joint honours degree that the School of Biomedical Sciences had ever awarded at the time (1985, University of Surrey).

    Part of my undergraduate training involved research placements at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Wiltshire, where I was a small cog in the long term development of injected antidotes for nerve gas poisoning to protect British troops. I also worked at the then Central Laboratory of the Forensic Sciences Service, Aldermaston, Berkshire, adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. While with the Forensic Science Service, I received training on several precision analytical methods including mass spectrometry, then a highly technically complex method.
    As far as I recall, I had security clearance for both establishments. Porton Down, then as now, is a top security facility with an international reputation.

    My PhD, in the field of Pharmacology was “On the effect of opiates on respiratory function” (1988) and this was sponsored by the MOD.

    After securing my PhD, which gave me a sound training in several additional subdisciplines of biology, chemistry & drug metabolism, I joined the pharmaceutical industry.

    I spent 24years with “big pharma”, starting at Wellcome Research Laboratories, where I briefly worked alongside a Dr Patrick Vallance (who became Chief Scientific Advisor to the British
    For the longest period, I was in charge of Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics. I left Pfizer in 2011, having reached the level of Vice President, because the company had decided to exit their large R&D base in Kent. The parting was cordial. Before leaving, I sought to find new homes for the portfolio of exploratory medicines I had helped create & was gratified that Mylan U.K. Ltd, the world’s second largest generics company, acquired much of my former portfolio soon after I had left.

    I later founded & lead as CEO a highly successful biotechnology company, Ziarco Pharma Ltd. Pfizer and four other venture capital firms were investors in my company, which was acquired by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, in 2017.

    📷My accomplishments are considered by some to have been unusual. So much so that a former Pfizer board member & previously worldwide head of R&D, Dr John LaMattina, wrote up my last venture in Forbes, a leading business magazine (February 2017).
    <LINK1 in next tweet>

    In summary, I have had a very strong training in multiple disciplines and over 30 years leadership experience in the field of inventing and testing new medicines for respiratory illnesses. I have an excellent analytical background and I can claim to be at least the equal of anyone advising the government in science.

    I have no history of “conspiracy theory” or political campaigns or protests. I don’t believe I made a single public comment on anything prior to 2020.

    My accomplishments in applied biomedical sciences qualify me to be taken seriously.

    I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly. I am confident in my assessments, which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors.
    I have filed numerous legal statements as affidavits used in court proceedings in several countries.

    I’m going to introduce just two topics at this point. To cover everything would be simply too overwhelming to read, let alone absorb & understand at a single sitting. I’m simply going to make statements. I’m not going to attempt to prove them in this short communication. Rest assured I have done so however, on dozens of occasions. I’ve given upwards of 250 full length interviews.

    I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if

    you hadn’t already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as “googling”, is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities.
    The two areas are:
    1. The claimed pandemic.

    2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines.
    The main claims are stark.
    1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic was coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person “had covid”. There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called “a case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared “a covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent “pandemic” was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion.

    Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology.
    The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, or a “pandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate.
    So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here.

    I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal.
    Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my

    second, shocking charge.

    2. The materials that are being called “covid1U vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic.
    My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms.
    My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems.

    So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments.

    I’m going to go directly to the charges.

    These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them.

    I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines.

    At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated.

    The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them.

    Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction.

    I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others.

    I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization.
    Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility.
    All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced.
    <LINK 2 in Next tweet>

    I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges.
    I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren.
    With best wishes and thank you for your attention.

    Dr Mike Yeadon

    ========================== From: MikeYeadon Date: On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 22:56 Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk <Ben.Bates@met.police.uk> Cc: Mark Sexton Dear Ben Bates, I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity. Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place. My name is Dr Mike Yeadon. I am the most senior, former “big pharma” & biotech research executive speaking out about several serious crimes in relation to what I call the “Covid era”. My original training was in Biochemistry & Toxicology, in which I was awarded the strongest first class joint honours degree that the School of Biomedical Sciences had ever awarded at the time (1985, University of Surrey). Part of my undergraduate training involved research placements at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Wiltshire, where I was a small cog in the long term development of injected antidotes for nerve gas poisoning to protect British troops. I also worked at the then Central Laboratory of the Forensic Sciences Service, Aldermaston, Berkshire, adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. While with the Forensic Science Service, I received training on several precision analytical methods including mass spectrometry, then a highly technically complex method. As far as I recall, I had security clearance for both establishments. Porton Down, then as now, is a top security facility with an international reputation. My PhD, in the field of Pharmacology was “On the effect of opiates on respiratory function” (1988) and this was sponsored by the MOD. After securing my PhD, which gave me a sound training in several additional subdisciplines of biology, chemistry & drug metabolism, I joined the pharmaceutical industry. I spent 24years with “big pharma”, starting at Wellcome Research Laboratories, where I briefly worked alongside a Dr Patrick Vallance (who became Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government). For the longest period, I was in charge of Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics. I left Pfizer in 2011, having reached the level of Vice President, because the company had decided to exit their large R&D base in Kent. The parting was cordial. Before leaving, I sought to find new homes for the portfolio of exploratory medicines I had helped create & was gratified that Mylan U.K. Ltd, the world’s second largest generics company, acquired much of my former portfolio soon after I had left. I later founded & lead as CEO a highly successful biotechnology company, Ziarco Pharma Ltd. Pfizer and four other venture capital firms were investors in my company, which was acquired by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, in 2017. 📷My accomplishments are considered by some to have been unusual. So much so that a former Pfizer board member & previously worldwide head of R&D, Dr John LaMattina, wrote up my last venture in Forbes, a leading business magazine (February 2017). <LINK1 in next tweet> In summary, I have had a very strong training in multiple disciplines and over 30 years leadership experience in the field of inventing and testing new medicines for respiratory illnesses. I have an excellent analytical background and I can claim to be at least the equal of anyone advising the government in science. I have no history of “conspiracy theory” or political campaigns or protests. I don’t believe I made a single public comment on anything prior to 2020. My accomplishments in applied biomedical sciences qualify me to be taken seriously. I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly. I am confident in my assessments, which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors. I have filed numerous legal statements as affidavits used in court proceedings in several countries. I’m going to introduce just two topics at this point. To cover everything would be simply too overwhelming to read, let alone absorb & understand at a single sitting. I’m simply going to make statements. I’m not going to attempt to prove them in this short communication. Rest assured I have done so however, on dozens of occasions. I’ve given upwards of 250 full length interviews. I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if you hadn’t already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as “googling”, is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities. The two areas are: 1. The claimed pandemic. 2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines. The main claims are stark. 1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic was coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person “had covid”. There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called “a case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared “a covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent “pandemic” was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion. Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology. The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, or a “pandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate. So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here. I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal. Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my second, shocking charge. 2. The materials that are being called “covid1U vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic. My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms. My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems. So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated. The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them. Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction. I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others. I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization. Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility. All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced. <LINK 2 in Next tweet> I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges. I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren. With best wishes and thank you for your attention. Dr Mike Yeadon https://twitter.com/_aussie17/status/1767679830357839900
    2 Reacties 0 Shares
  • “Britse regeringsbom : Eén miljard gevaccineerde mensen hebben nu VAIDS”

    Een officieel Brits onderzoek heeft bevestigd dat meer dan een miljard mensen wereldwijd nu het Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( VAIDS ) hebben als direct gevolg van het nemen van de mRNA Covid-prik.

    Volgens een groep wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Cambridge lijdt minstens 25% van de volledig gevaccineerde bevolking nu aan extreme immuunreacties op de giftige chemicaliën die in de Covid-injecties worden aangetroffen.

    De scherpe afname van de immuniteit na vaccinatie wordt veroorzaakt door de veranderde cytokine reacties.
    Cytokinen zijn kleine eiwitten die door ons immuunsysteem worden geproduceerd als reactie op een infectie.
    Hoe meer prikken iemand krijgt, des te uitgeputter wordt het immuunsysteem, wat resulteert in VAIDS.

    Bron https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/british-govt-bombshell-one-billion-vaccinated-people-now-have-vaids/
    “Britse regeringsbom : Eén miljard gevaccineerde mensen hebben nu VAIDS” Een officieel Brits onderzoek heeft bevestigd dat meer dan een miljard mensen wereldwijd nu het Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( VAIDS ) hebben als direct gevolg van het nemen van de mRNA Covid-prik. Volgens een groep wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Cambridge lijdt minstens 25% van de volledig gevaccineerde bevolking nu aan extreme immuunreacties op de giftige chemicaliën die in de Covid-injecties worden aangetroffen. De scherpe afname van de immuniteit na vaccinatie wordt veroorzaakt door de veranderde cytokine reacties. Cytokinen zijn kleine eiwitten die door ons immuunsysteem worden geproduceerd als reactie op een infectie. Hoe meer prikken iemand krijgt, des te uitgeputter wordt het immuunsysteem, wat resulteert in VAIDS. Bron https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/british-govt-bombshell-one-billion-vaccinated-people-now-have-vaids/ ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://twitter.com/CShoemakerMD/status/1759814313089356230 These for everyone's interest are not blood clots. Pale white with no iron (hemoglobin or ferritin) in them.

    They are proteinaceous accretions with micro metals brought on by an unspecified factor.


    These were never seen in HISTORY of EMBALMING BEFORE THE SPRING OF 2021.

    "FAUCI CALAMARI" are in fully 60% of all suddenly deceased persons who received 2 JABBS or more before their death.

    Dr. JANE RUBY was the first to assess how and why these occur in HARMVAXXED patients.
    https://twitter.com/CShoemakerMD/status/1759814313089356230 These for everyone's interest are not blood clots. Pale white with no iron (hemoglobin or ferritin) in them. They are proteinaceous accretions with micro metals brought on by an unspecified factor. Found Only in the ARTERIES OF DECEASED FOLKS WITH INJECTED MRNA SpikeVAXX in them. These were never seen in HISTORY of EMBALMING BEFORE THE SPRING OF 2021. "FAUCI CALAMARI" are in fully 60% of all suddenly deceased persons who received 2 JABBS or more before their death. Dr. JANE RUBY was the first to assess how and why these occur in HARMVAXXED patients.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://twitter.com/Rodriramosdb/status/1757069254514323560 Pfizer sponsort Super Bowl

    Kijk naar Pfizers Super Bowl Ad - gericht op .....je raadt het al - KANKER.

    Wist je dat de grootste bedrijfsboete van 2,3 miljard dollar in de geschiedenis tegen Pfizer was?

    Wist je dat Pfizer 'mRNA-vaccins' positief testten op SV40, een bekende kankerremmer?

    Kanker is overal toegenomen na de introductie van mRNA - creëer probleem, bied oplossing.

    Vergis u niet, deze mensen zijn puur kwaad
    https://twitter.com/Rodriramosdb/status/1757069254514323560 Pfizer sponsort Super Bowl Kijk naar Pfizers Super Bowl Ad - gericht op .....je raadt het al - KANKER. Wist je dat de grootste bedrijfsboete van 2,3 miljard dollar in de geschiedenis tegen Pfizer was? Wist je dat Pfizer 'mRNA-vaccins' positief testten op SV40, een bekende kankerremmer? Kanker is overal toegenomen na de introductie van mRNA - creëer probleem, bied oplossing. Vergis u niet, deze mensen zijn puur kwaad
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  • Theses


    Hierbij stel ik aan de orde:

    "chemische middelen die van oudsher, gedurende de evolutie  niet in het lichaam aanwezig zijn, en die in het lichaam komen door prikken en door het gebruik van pillen, veroorzaken bijwerkingen/afweerstoringen/  vergiftiging, die op korte of langere termijn dodelijk zijn, zoals overdosering(van een of een combinatie van meerdere middelen) al dan niet in combinatie met oa alcohol tot de dood leidt"

    “in het lichaam gekomen oneigenlijke combinaties chemicalien zoals  synths/drugs/ en chems van 1 of meerdere (of diverse batches ) prikken/ van een of meerdere fabrikanten/  in combinatie met  1 medicijn of combinaties van medicijnen van 1 of meerdere fabrikanten/ kunnen resistentie(s) veroorzaken waardoor veel meer en steeds meer mensen/ met of  zonder  infectie(s),  en/of door directe vergiftiging komen te overlijden, op korte of op langere duur”

    “vormen van kanker zoals longkanker, huidkanker en leukemie, worden veroorzaakt door  fijnstof  in de lucht/gifstoffen/toxinen/ (pesticiden restanten in voedsel)  en o.a. mede door de combinatie met een bepaalde hoeveelheid chems en alcohol / en de combinatie van lichaamsvreemde chemische middelen die worden aangewend in medicijnen/prikken/van  1 of meerdere fabrikanten, en door oa de combinatie van  radiatie  zoals 5g/wifi maar ook bestraling dmv radium en röntgen,  en chemtrails”

    " “het aanwenden van een of meerdere of een specifiek combinatie v chemische middelen of synthetisch chemische middelen in medicijnen/prikken/drugs/ of een specifieke combinatie daarvan, leidt tot dna/mrna mutaties, mutaties van bacterien/ antibiotica resistentie/ niet werkzame  of afstervende witte bloedcellen, T cel schade/ leukemie en tal van andere vormen van Kanker”

    “Big Pharma en Technocratie wetenschap verzaakt om de en/of  methodiek  toe te passen, waardoor als gevolg van bedrog ( het oa  niet benoemen van oorzaken en gevolgen en het )  door o.a. hebzucht (geldbelangen) gesubsidieerd onderzoek, en wegens het uitrollen van een politieke agenda,  enorm veel geld verkwist word, en know how niet word toegepast of word ontwikkeld ten dienste van het welzijn, het bevorderen van de gezondheid"

    "bilateraal en multi-disciplinair onderzoek ontbreekt,  naar de oorzaken/gevolgen/ van vergiftiging van cellen en de combinatie van meerdere oorzaken van ziekte zoals  luchtvervuiling (nano fijnstof en toxinen van biomassacentrales en verbrandingsovens/multinationals etc),  (synthetisch nep vlees) voedsel, drinkwaren, en chems in prikken/medicijnen(ook viagra)/synthetische drugs/alcohol en de gevolgen van oa EMF 5G Radiatie.”

    “er dient GLOBAAL actie ondernomen te worden zoals preventie en onderzoek naar sterfte agv chemische middelen en de combinatie van chemische middelen/chemtrails/synths/ drugs zoals fenthanyl/ xtc/middelen in prikken/medicijnen/e stoffen in voedingswaren/ de combinatie van chems in relatie tot sterfte door vergiftiging/kanker/ en de gevolgen van oa EMF 5G Radiatie en (mede) door chems veroorzaakte kanker/ hersenkanker en antibiotica resistentie”

    Stan Rams
    Theses Theses Hierbij stel ik aan de orde: "chemische middelen die van oudsher, gedurende de evolutie  niet in het lichaam aanwezig zijn, en die in het lichaam komen door prikken en door het gebruik van pillen, veroorzaken bijwerkingen/afweerstoringen/  vergiftiging, die op korte of langere termijn dodelijk zijn, zoals overdosering(van een of een combinatie van meerdere middelen) al dan niet in combinatie met oa alcohol tot de dood leidt" “in het lichaam gekomen oneigenlijke combinaties chemicalien zoals  synths/drugs/ en chems van 1 of meerdere (of diverse batches ) prikken/ van een of meerdere fabrikanten/  in combinatie met  1 medicijn of combinaties van medicijnen van 1 of meerdere fabrikanten/ kunnen resistentie(s) veroorzaken waardoor veel meer en steeds meer mensen/ met of  zonder  infectie(s),  en/of door directe vergiftiging komen te overlijden, op korte of op langere duur” “vormen van kanker zoals longkanker, huidkanker en leukemie, worden veroorzaakt door  fijnstof  in de lucht/gifstoffen/toxinen/ (pesticiden restanten in voedsel)  en o.a. mede door de combinatie met een bepaalde hoeveelheid chems en alcohol / en de combinatie van lichaamsvreemde chemische middelen die worden aangewend in medicijnen/prikken/van  1 of meerdere fabrikanten, en door oa de combinatie van  radiatie  zoals 5g/wifi maar ook bestraling dmv radium en röntgen,  en chemtrails” " “het aanwenden van een of meerdere of een specifiek combinatie v chemische middelen of synthetisch chemische middelen in medicijnen/prikken/drugs/ of een specifieke combinatie daarvan, leidt tot dna/mrna mutaties, mutaties van bacterien/ antibiotica resistentie/ niet werkzame  of afstervende witte bloedcellen, T cel schade/ leukemie en tal van andere vormen van Kanker” “Big Pharma en Technocratie wetenschap verzaakt om de en/of  methodiek  toe te passen, waardoor als gevolg van bedrog ( het oa  niet benoemen van oorzaken en gevolgen en het )  door o.a. hebzucht (geldbelangen) gesubsidieerd onderzoek, en wegens het uitrollen van een politieke agenda,  enorm veel geld verkwist word, en know how niet word toegepast of word ontwikkeld ten dienste van het welzijn, het bevorderen van de gezondheid" "bilateraal en multi-disciplinair onderzoek ontbreekt,  naar de oorzaken/gevolgen/ van vergiftiging van cellen en de combinatie van meerdere oorzaken van ziekte zoals  luchtvervuiling (nano fijnstof en toxinen van biomassacentrales en verbrandingsovens/multinationals etc),  (synthetisch nep vlees) voedsel, drinkwaren, en chems in prikken/medicijnen(ook viagra)/synthetische drugs/alcohol en de gevolgen van oa EMF 5G Radiatie.” “er dient GLOBAAL actie ondernomen te worden zoals preventie en onderzoek naar sterfte agv chemische middelen en de combinatie van chemische middelen/chemtrails/synths/ drugs zoals fenthanyl/ xtc/middelen in prikken/medicijnen/e stoffen in voedingswaren/ de combinatie van chems in relatie tot sterfte door vergiftiging/kanker/ en de gevolgen van oa EMF 5G Radiatie en (mede) door chems veroorzaakte kanker/ hersenkanker en antibiotica resistentie” Stan Rams https://www.stanrams.com/er-is-geen-enkel-bewijs-dat-prikken-ziekenhuisopnames-voorkomen/
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  • De Erasmus universiteit bevestigd dat mRNA prikken erfelijke eigenschappen veranderen? Maar dat was toch een complot?
    Bron...de andere krant.
    De Erasmus universiteit bevestigd dat mRNA prikken erfelijke eigenschappen veranderen? Maar dat was toch een complot? Bron...de andere krant.
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  • https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0wU6IqNl28/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Ze beweren dat het niet de celkern inkomt! De celkern produceert ook mRNA die uit de celkern gaat. Kan mRNA terugkeren naar de kern?? Dat is me nog niet duidelijk. Maar als dat gebeurt hebben we wel degelijk ingegrepen in ons genoom! Zonder medeweten van de patiënt. Dat is meer dan een Neurenberg proces waard!
    https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0wU6IqNl28/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Ze beweren dat het niet de celkern inkomt! De celkern produceert ook mRNA die uit de celkern gaat. Kan mRNA terugkeren naar de kern?? Dat is me nog niet duidelijk. Maar als dat gebeurt hebben we wel degelijk ingegrepen in ons genoom! Zonder medeweten van de patiënt. Dat is meer dan een Neurenberg proces waard!
    Marius Boer on Instagram
    17 likes, 14 comments - mariusboer on December 12, 2023
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