• Fiesta feest muziek door het geweldige zigeuner kitten duo / kat/ cats/
    Fiesta feest muziek door het geweldige zigeuner kitten duo / kat/ cats/
    0 0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • lees de andere krant red de koe/ steun de boeren/ koop geen nep vlees v de gek bill gates want daar worden mensen dood ziek van/ https://www.deanderekrant.nl/nieuws/voedingsdeskundigen-maken-gehakt-van-lidls-hybride-vlees-2024-09-01
    lees de andere krant red de koe/ steun de boeren/ koop geen nep vlees v de gek bill gates want daar worden mensen dood ziek van/ https://www.deanderekrant.nl/nieuws/voedingsdeskundigen-maken-gehakt-van-lidls-hybride-vlees-2024-09-01
    0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3JTaPyY7Ok

    Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the Ancient Civilizations continues with an episode on the fall of Sparta, as we discuss the events after the Lacedaemonians gained the hegemony over Greece. We will describe various political, economic, social and military reasons why Sparta stopped being prominent and then lost its independence through the wars with Thebes, Aetolian League, Epirus, Macedon and finally Rome and look at the reigns of Agesilaus, Pausanias, Cleombrotus, Archidamus, Agis, Areus and Nabis, and the battles of Haliartus, Nemea, Cnidus, Coronea, Lechaeum, Leuctra, Mantinea, Siege of Sparta and Sellasia
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3JTaPyY7Ok Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the Ancient Civilizations continues with an episode on the fall of Sparta, as we discuss the events after the Lacedaemonians gained the hegemony over Greece. We will describe various political, economic, social and military reasons why Sparta stopped being prominent and then lost its independence through the wars with Thebes, Aetolian League, Epirus, Macedon and finally Rome and look at the reigns of Agesilaus, Pausanias, Cleombrotus, Archidamus, Agis, Areus and Nabis, and the battles of Haliartus, Nemea, Cnidus, Coronea, Lechaeum, Leuctra, Mantinea, Siege of Sparta and Sellasia
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  • Was passiert Deiner Meinung nach auf diesem Foto ?

    In Neuseeland wurden 1918 Inhalationskammern in öffentlichen Gebäuden installiert und die Menschen dazu ermutigt, ein Gas (Zinksulfat) einzuatmen, das sie vor Grippe schützen sollte.

    Ein interessantes Detail: Um die öffentliche Bahn nutzen zu können, musste man nachweisen, dass man sich in einer Inhalationskammer befunden hatte.

    Fazit: Die Leute wurden sehr krank und starben früher

    Interessant ist auch dazu, das genau dieses Land jetzt Zwangsimpfungen eingeführt hat. Also Menschen mit Gewalt impfen, passt zu diesen Mörder
    Was passiert Deiner Meinung nach auf diesem Foto ? In Neuseeland wurden 1918 Inhalationskammern in öffentlichen Gebäuden installiert und die Menschen dazu ermutigt, ein Gas (Zinksulfat) einzuatmen, das sie vor Grippe schützen sollte. Ein interessantes Detail: Um die öffentliche Bahn nutzen zu können, musste man nachweisen, dass man sich in einer Inhalationskammer befunden hatte. Fazit: Die Leute wurden sehr krank und starben früher Interessant ist auch dazu, das genau dieses Land jetzt Zwangsimpfungen eingeführt hat. Also Menschen mit Gewalt impfen, passt zu diesen Mörder
    2 Commentaires 0 parts
  • Assyrian (gypsum-alabaster) Relief Panel (883–859 BC) - Iraq :

    This panel from the Northwest Palace at Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) depicts a winged supernatural figure. Such figures appear throughout the palace, sometimes flanking either the figure of the Assyrian king or a stylized "sacred tree." The reliefs were painted, but today almost none of the original pigment survives. However, the reliefs themselves retain incredible detail, including intricate incised designs on many of the figures’ clothing.

    The figure depicted on the panel is eagle-headed and faces left, holding in his left hand a bucket and in his right hand a cone whose exact nature is unclear. One suggestion has been that the gesture, sometimes performed by figures flanking a sacred tree, is symbolic of fertilization: the "cone" resembles the male date spathe used by Mesopotamian farmers to artificially fertilize female date-palm trees. It does seem likely that the cone was supposed to hold and dispense water from the bucket in this way, but it is described in Akkadian as a "purifier," and the fact that figures performing this gesture are also shown flanking the king suggests that some purifying or protective meaning is present. The figure is richly dressed, with jewelry including a collar whose front bead appears pomegranate-shaped, a further collar with pendant tassels, armlets, and bracelets, one artificially reversed so that the large central rosette symbols, associated with divinity and perhaps particularly with the goddess Ishtar, are visible on both. Although we cannot know how these elements were originally painted, excavated parallels include elaborate jewelry in gold, inlaid with semi-precious stones. The figure carries two knives, tucked into a belt with their handles visible at chest level.

    The figures are supernatural but do not represent any of the great gods. Rather, they are part of the vast supernatural population that for ancient Mesopotamians animated every aspect of the world. They appear as either eagle-headed or human-headed and wear a horned crown to indicate divinity. Both types of figure usually have wings. Because of their resemblance to groups of figurines buried under doorways for protection whose identities are known through ritual texts, it has been suggested that the figures in the palace reliefs represent the apkallu, wise sages from the distant past. This may indeed be one level of their symbolism, but protective figures of this kind are likely to have held multiple meanings and mythological connections.

    Figures such as this continued to be depicted in later Assyrian palaces, though less frequently. Only in the Northwest Palace do they form such a dominant feature of the relief program.

    (236.2 x 177.8 x 10.8 cm)

    MET Museum - (not on view)
    Assyrian (gypsum-alabaster) Relief Panel (883–859 BC) - Iraq : This panel from the Northwest Palace at Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) depicts a winged supernatural figure. Such figures appear throughout the palace, sometimes flanking either the figure of the Assyrian king or a stylized "sacred tree." The reliefs were painted, but today almost none of the original pigment survives. However, the reliefs themselves retain incredible detail, including intricate incised designs on many of the figures’ clothing. The figure depicted on the panel is eagle-headed and faces left, holding in his left hand a bucket and in his right hand a cone whose exact nature is unclear. One suggestion has been that the gesture, sometimes performed by figures flanking a sacred tree, is symbolic of fertilization: the "cone" resembles the male date spathe used by Mesopotamian farmers to artificially fertilize female date-palm trees. It does seem likely that the cone was supposed to hold and dispense water from the bucket in this way, but it is described in Akkadian as a "purifier," and the fact that figures performing this gesture are also shown flanking the king suggests that some purifying or protective meaning is present. The figure is richly dressed, with jewelry including a collar whose front bead appears pomegranate-shaped, a further collar with pendant tassels, armlets, and bracelets, one artificially reversed so that the large central rosette symbols, associated with divinity and perhaps particularly with the goddess Ishtar, are visible on both. Although we cannot know how these elements were originally painted, excavated parallels include elaborate jewelry in gold, inlaid with semi-precious stones. The figure carries two knives, tucked into a belt with their handles visible at chest level. The figures are supernatural but do not represent any of the great gods. Rather, they are part of the vast supernatural population that for ancient Mesopotamians animated every aspect of the world. They appear as either eagle-headed or human-headed and wear a horned crown to indicate divinity. Both types of figure usually have wings. Because of their resemblance to groups of figurines buried under doorways for protection whose identities are known through ritual texts, it has been suggested that the figures in the palace reliefs represent the apkallu, wise sages from the distant past. This may indeed be one level of their symbolism, but protective figures of this kind are likely to have held multiple meanings and mythological connections. Figures such as this continued to be depicted in later Assyrian palaces, though less frequently. Only in the Northwest Palace do they form such a dominant feature of the relief program. (236.2 x 177.8 x 10.8 cm) MET Museum - (not on view) https://x.com/histories_arch/status/1829461681811988600
    0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • Innocent brave shepherd dog does no know what happened ? De trouwe hond heeft geen idee wat er met de lekkere hapjes is gebeurd?
    Innocent brave shepherd dog does no know what happened ? De trouwe hond heeft geen idee wat er met de lekkere hapjes is gebeurd?
    3 0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • Sun cross, also called solar cross, sun wheel, is one of oldest symbols, dating back to prehistoric cultures. It has been found around the world and holds different interpretations to various cultures.

    It is believed to be one of oldest religious symbol in world, with links to Indian, Asian, American and European religious art from prehistoric ages.

    The symbol, and its many variations, have been found around the world. Carvings from the Bronze Age show the solar cross depicted on burial urns, dating back to 1440 BC. It makes appearances on ancient cave walls, in places of worship, on coins, artwork, sculptures and in architecture.

    Most basic form of sun cross features an equilateral cross set within a circle. This variation is known as Odin’s cross in Norse culture. It represented Odin, the most powerful of Nordic gods. Interestingly, English word cross is derived from Norse word for this symbol – kros.

    Celtic pagan god of thunder, Taranis, was often depicted with a spoked wheel in his hand, often associated with the solar cross. This wheel has been found on Celtic coins and jewelry. The Celtic cross is believed to be a variation of the wheel of Taranis, with the circle in its center believed to represent the sun.

    Swastika is a variation of the solar cross, featuring bent arms in a turning motion. This symbol was considered a good luck charm and used around the globe by many cultures, including the Native Americans, until Hitler appropriated it and altered its positive symbolism forever.

    It’s a symbol of sun, an object that has been worshipped since ancient times. Belief was that symbol represented chariot wheel of Sun god. Ancient kings in Egypt and elsewhere used this symbol as they saw it as representing highest power – sun. It represents wheel, which gave power, strength and mobility to people and society. In modern astronomy, the solar cross is used as the symbol for the Earth, rather than the sun.

    In Christianity, sun cross represents a halo, which is associated with angels and saints. Christians also consider it a symbol of the power of God.

    In Neopagan and Wiccan beliefs, the solar cross represents the sun as as the cycle of the four seasons or four directions. It's also considered to represent the four quadrants of the Wheel of the Year, a yearly cycle of seasonal festivals. The solar cross represents the solar calendar, which charts the sun's movements which are marked by the solstices and sometimes by the equinoxes as well.
    Sun cross, also called solar cross, sun wheel, is one of oldest symbols, dating back to prehistoric cultures. It has been found around the world and holds different interpretations to various cultures. It is believed to be one of oldest religious symbol in world, with links to Indian, Asian, American and European religious art from prehistoric ages. The symbol, and its many variations, have been found around the world. Carvings from the Bronze Age show the solar cross depicted on burial urns, dating back to 1440 BC. It makes appearances on ancient cave walls, in places of worship, on coins, artwork, sculptures and in architecture. Most basic form of sun cross features an equilateral cross set within a circle. This variation is known as Odin’s cross in Norse culture. It represented Odin, the most powerful of Nordic gods. Interestingly, English word cross is derived from Norse word for this symbol – kros. Celtic pagan god of thunder, Taranis, was often depicted with a spoked wheel in his hand, often associated with the solar cross. This wheel has been found on Celtic coins and jewelry. The Celtic cross is believed to be a variation of the wheel of Taranis, with the circle in its center believed to represent the sun. Swastika is a variation of the solar cross, featuring bent arms in a turning motion. This symbol was considered a good luck charm and used around the globe by many cultures, including the Native Americans, until Hitler appropriated it and altered its positive symbolism forever. It’s a symbol of sun, an object that has been worshipped since ancient times. Belief was that symbol represented chariot wheel of Sun god. Ancient kings in Egypt and elsewhere used this symbol as they saw it as representing highest power – sun. It represents wheel, which gave power, strength and mobility to people and society. In modern astronomy, the solar cross is used as the symbol for the Earth, rather than the sun. In Christianity, sun cross represents a halo, which is associated with angels and saints. Christians also consider it a symbol of the power of God. In Neopagan and Wiccan beliefs, the solar cross represents the sun as as the cycle of the four seasons or four directions. It's also considered to represent the four quadrants of the Wheel of the Year, a yearly cycle of seasonal festivals. The solar cross represents the solar calendar, which charts the sun's movements which are marked by the solstices and sometimes by the equinoxes as well.
    0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • Bell bells/ waarom hebben vorige generaties van een bepaald "soort volk" overal in het westen / eu amerika etc en in rusland honderd duizenden bellen vernietigd of begraven?
    Bell bells/ waarom hebben vorige generaties van een bepaald "soort volk" overal in het westen / eu amerika etc en in rusland honderd duizenden bellen vernietigd of begraven?
    0 0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • The Jewish Egregore 🧵

    Albert Pike explains, "Ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a triangle, a square, and a circle these are all the elements of the Kabalah."

    The Ten Ciphers involve the practice of Gematria, or Numerology, but this was simply known to the Ancient Pythagoreans as γαμετρία or GEOMETRIA. Geometria was the Study of Letters, Numbers, Shapes and their Natural Vibration. The Jews repackaged this as GEMATRIA.

    This is because different shapes, like letters, produce different energies. The Universe is based upon Sacred Geometric Patterns and the blueprint for all existence is the Five Platonic Solids which represent the Five Elements.

    Plato said the (Six Sided) CUBE represented EARTH.

    Kabbalists say Metatron's Cube holds all the shapes in exsistence including the FIVE PLATONIC SOLIDS.

    Plato's Cube symbolized EARTH, Kabbalists rebranded this as Malkuth.

    The Hebrew Alphabet is said to be the Mystical Thought Form of their Deity which fits in the Cube of Space.

    The Cube or HEXAHEDROM relates to the element of EARTH, according to Chinese Astrology and Platonism, Saturn rules EARTH. Hence, ancient altars were cube shaped, symbolizing Saturn. This is why rhe Jewish Deity is often associated with Saturn. The Jewish People utilize the negative affects of Saturn on the Gentile Nations but this God of Israel is nothing more than the Jewish People, themselves.

    Israel was never meant to be

    Saturn is the Zodiacial Keeper of Time.

    Jews still wear the Tefillin like a Spiritual Antenna connecting them to the Jewish Egregore which works to dim the light of the Non-Jews.

    In 1927, In "The Astral Body and Other Phenomena" by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell, he tells us,"The power of the united thought of a number of people is always far more than the sum of their separate thoughts: it would be more nearly represented by their product".

    Think of the Egregore as a "Hive Mind" or "Group Think" in the Astral Realms. The word "Egregor" originates from a Latin word meaning "Wakeful".

    Eliphas Levi identifies "egregors" with the Book of Enoch's Watchers, the fathers of the Nephilim, describing them as "terrible beings" that "crush us without pity because they are unaware of our existence".

    Egregores have their roots in Greek and Tibetan Culture.

    Egregores are Autonomous Psychic Entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a Group of People. The Symbiotic Egregore of a community Egregore of a company Egregore of a social group Relationship between an Egregore and it's Group has been compared to the Concept of a Corporation and, even, Memes.

    The Concept of Egregores is used to describe a thought form that is created when people come together with a common interest and focus their energy on it. For this cult, Global Dominantion.

    Firstly, we must umderstand what exactly is a Thought or a Thought-Form?

    As Helena P. Blavatsky explained, "Thoughts are things, have tenacity, coherence and life, that they are real entites."

    A Thought-Form is a Mental Morphic Field. A Thought-Form is simply the Manifestation of a Thought, Idea or Emotion.
    Every group, congregation, society or party has an Egregore (a Group Consciousness or Hive Mind), which may be weak or strong. Before joining any organization, it is important to have awareness that affiliation makes one subject to the egregore of that group.

    A Prime Example of an Egregore or Hive Mind is Freemasonry. The symbols, rituals and meetings binds the members together, harmonizes, motivates and stimulates them to realize the aims of Masonry, and enables the individual members to make more "spiritual" progress than if they worked alone. The Egregore aids in the rituals performed, it is a 'tool' unconsciously directed by the Mason's words and actions. An Egregore exists between the realms of the material and the spiritual, this is where the thought form serves its greatest purpose.

    The Jewish Egregore 🧵 Albert Pike explains, "Ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a triangle, a square, and a circle these are all the elements of the Kabalah." The Ten Ciphers involve the practice of Gematria, or Numerology, but this was simply known to the Ancient Pythagoreans as γαμετρία or GEOMETRIA. Geometria was the Study of Letters, Numbers, Shapes and their Natural Vibration. The Jews repackaged this as GEMATRIA. This is because different shapes, like letters, produce different energies. The Universe is based upon Sacred Geometric Patterns and the blueprint for all existence is the Five Platonic Solids which represent the Five Elements. Plato said the (Six Sided) CUBE represented EARTH. Kabbalists say Metatron's Cube holds all the shapes in exsistence including the FIVE PLATONIC SOLIDS. Plato's Cube symbolized EARTH, Kabbalists rebranded this as Malkuth. The Hebrew Alphabet is said to be the Mystical Thought Form of their Deity which fits in the Cube of Space. The Cube or HEXAHEDROM relates to the element of EARTH, according to Chinese Astrology and Platonism, Saturn rules EARTH. Hence, ancient altars were cube shaped, symbolizing Saturn. This is why rhe Jewish Deity is often associated with Saturn. The Jewish People utilize the negative affects of Saturn on the Gentile Nations but this God of Israel is nothing more than the Jewish People, themselves. Israel was never meant to be Saturn is the Zodiacial Keeper of Time. Jews still wear the Tefillin like a Spiritual Antenna connecting them to the Jewish Egregore which works to dim the light of the Non-Jews. In 1927, In "The Astral Body and Other Phenomena" by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell, he tells us,"The power of the united thought of a number of people is always far more than the sum of their separate thoughts: it would be more nearly represented by their product". Think of the Egregore as a "Hive Mind" or "Group Think" in the Astral Realms. The word "Egregor" originates from a Latin word meaning "Wakeful". Eliphas Levi identifies "egregors" with the Book of Enoch's Watchers, the fathers of the Nephilim, describing them as "terrible beings" that "crush us without pity because they are unaware of our existence". Egregores have their roots in Greek and Tibetan Culture. Egregores are Autonomous Psychic Entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a Group of People. The Symbiotic Egregore of a community Egregore of a company Egregore of a social group Relationship between an Egregore and it's Group has been compared to the Concept of a Corporation and, even, Memes. The Concept of Egregores is used to describe a thought form that is created when people come together with a common interest and focus their energy on it. For this cult, Global Dominantion. Firstly, we must umderstand what exactly is a Thought or a Thought-Form? As Helena P. Blavatsky explained, "Thoughts are things, have tenacity, coherence and life, that they are real entites." A Thought-Form is a Mental Morphic Field. A Thought-Form is simply the Manifestation of a Thought, Idea or Emotion. Every group, congregation, society or party has an Egregore (a Group Consciousness or Hive Mind), which may be weak or strong. Before joining any organization, it is important to have awareness that affiliation makes one subject to the egregore of that group. A Prime Example of an Egregore or Hive Mind is Freemasonry. The symbols, rituals and meetings binds the members together, harmonizes, motivates and stimulates them to realize the aims of Masonry, and enables the individual members to make more "spiritual" progress than if they worked alone. The Egregore aids in the rituals performed, it is a 'tool' unconsciously directed by the Mason's words and actions. An Egregore exists between the realms of the material and the spiritual, this is where the thought form serves its greatest purpose. https://x.com/AmurakaHidden/status/1827462748244209819
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  • Vergiftigde benzine van lagere kwaliteit

    De benzine werd wereldwijd verdund met giftig chemisch afval met ingang van 2020. Daardoor reden mensen minder kilometers met hun auto op een volle tank. Benzine, diesel, kerosine en zware stookolie werden jaren gebruikt om giftig afval in te verwerken en in de atmosfeer te dumpen.

    Ze hebben u de burger bedrogen en op kosten gejaagd.

    Dit werd gedaan onder het mom van noodzakelijke toevoegingen (additives) maar het zijn o.a. dus deze toevoegingen waar we mede chronisch ziek van worden.

    70% van alle olie word wereldwijd verwerkt tot benzine. De uitstoot hiervan komt bij ieders voordeur, wereldwijd.

    De uitstoot van Nano gifstoffen voor onze deuren is veel hoger dan de rotzooi in de lucht door chemtrails.

    Sinds 2020 zijn er nieuwe diesel grafeen katalysatoren. Benzine auto katalysatoren stoten al jaren grafeen en aluminium uit war mensen ziek van worden zoals Alzheimer.

    Shell en het Huis van Oranje deugen voor geen cent

    Nanodeeltjes zijn kleiner dan 23 nanometer en sinds 2020 kleiner dan 10 nanometer die legaal uitgestoten mogen worden. Dit zal de gecontroleerde oppositie je nooit vertellen, want al deze clubs worden gefinancieerd met geld van Soros, Big Oil, Big Pharma en Energy.
    Vergiftigde benzine van lagere kwaliteit De benzine werd wereldwijd verdund met giftig chemisch afval met ingang van 2020. Daardoor reden mensen minder kilometers met hun auto op een volle tank. Benzine, diesel, kerosine en zware stookolie werden jaren gebruikt om giftig afval in te verwerken en in de atmosfeer te dumpen. Ze hebben u de burger bedrogen en op kosten gejaagd. Dit werd gedaan onder het mom van noodzakelijke toevoegingen (additives) maar het zijn o.a. dus deze toevoegingen waar we mede chronisch ziek van worden. 70% van alle olie word wereldwijd verwerkt tot benzine. De uitstoot hiervan komt bij ieders voordeur, wereldwijd. De uitstoot van Nano gifstoffen voor onze deuren is veel hoger dan de rotzooi in de lucht door chemtrails. Sinds 2020 zijn er nieuwe diesel grafeen katalysatoren. Benzine auto katalysatoren stoten al jaren grafeen en aluminium uit war mensen ziek van worden zoals Alzheimer. Shell en het Huis van Oranje deugen voor geen cent Nanodeeltjes zijn kleiner dan 23 nanometer en sinds 2020 kleiner dan 10 nanometer die legaal uitgestoten mogen worden. Dit zal de gecontroleerde oppositie je nooit vertellen, want al deze clubs worden gefinancieerd met geld van Soros, Big Oil, Big Pharma en Energy.
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