• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NcjEToPUBw&t=16s

    The First Photographs Ever Taken of Amsterdam [600+ Images, 1859-1899] Dutch Golden Age/ Technology

    4 sep 2023

    Today we will browse through over 600 of the most detailed and rarest photographs taken of Amsterdam before the year 1900. These images, many never before seen on, come from a multitude of different resources, including, but not limited to; the Amsterdam Historical Society, and The University of Amsterdam.

    The oldest photograph is this collection will date to roughly 1859, which is the earliest photograph of Amsterdam I was able to locate. This is my most in depth collection to date, and the abundance of ancient, or old world technology, visible in this city is unquestionably remarkable. Please like, share, and subscribe to my channel if you’re not already, and be sure to leave a comment down below about which images stood out to you the most.

    Again, this collection is for the Old World researcher, and the newcomer to European History, as the vast and elaborate architecture showcased through today’s collection will astound even the most seasoned of viewers. Enjoy!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NcjEToPUBw&t=16s The First Photographs Ever Taken of Amsterdam [600+ Images, 1859-1899] Dutch Golden Age/ Technology 4 sep 2023 Today we will browse through over 600 of the most detailed and rarest photographs taken of Amsterdam before the year 1900. These images, many never before seen on, come from a multitude of different resources, including, but not limited to; the Amsterdam Historical Society, and The University of Amsterdam. The oldest photograph is this collection will date to roughly 1859, which is the earliest photograph of Amsterdam I was able to locate. This is my most in depth collection to date, and the abundance of ancient, or old world technology, visible in this city is unquestionably remarkable. Please like, share, and subscribe to my channel if you’re not already, and be sure to leave a comment down below about which images stood out to you the most. Again, this collection is for the Old World researcher, and the newcomer to European History, as the vast and elaborate architecture showcased through today’s collection will astound even the most seasoned of viewers. Enjoy!
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  • Koptisch Orthodoxe Kerk van de Heilige Maagd Maria te Amsterdam https://www.koptischekerk.nl/kerk/amsterdam/

    Koptische Kerk in Nederland

    Het Koptisch Orthodoxe Bisdom van Nederland

    Sinds het begin van de jaren zestig wonen er Koptisch Orthodoxe christenen in Nederland. De eerste families kwamen hier om te studeren en om betere beroepsperspectieven te vinden. In de jaren zeventig kwamen veel studenten tijdens hun Egyptische zomervakantie naar Nederland, voor vakantiewerk in de landbouw, in fabrieken, in de horeca of auto handel. Sommigen wilden hier blijven en vestigden zich definitief in Nederland. Als een Koptisch Orthodoxe geestelijke toevallig in Nederland verbleef nam hij de gelegenheid waar om de Heilige Liturgie op te dragen. Tot 1976 vonden zo’n drie à vier Heilige liturgieën plaats.

    De definitie van het woord “Koptisch”

    Oorspronkelijk is het woord “Kopt” afgeleid van het Griekse woord (Αἴγυπτος), dat op zijn beurt weer afgeleid is van “Hikaptah”, wat “huis van de God” betekent. Tevens is het een afleiding voor Memphis, de eerste Faraonische hoofdstad van het oude Egypte. In de moderne en huidige context verwijst de term “Koptisch” naar Egyptische christenen, evenals de laatste fase van het oude Egyptische schrift. Koptisch wordt tot op heden vooral gebruikt gedurende het bidden van de liturgie en wordt aan de jeugd gedurende zondagsscholen onderwezen. Lees meer >>>https://www.koptischekerk.nl/info/geschiedenis-van-de-kopten/
    Koptisch Orthodoxe Kerk van de Heilige Maagd Maria te Amsterdam https://www.koptischekerk.nl/kerk/amsterdam/ Koptische Kerk in Nederland Het Koptisch Orthodoxe Bisdom van Nederland Sinds het begin van de jaren zestig wonen er Koptisch Orthodoxe christenen in Nederland. De eerste families kwamen hier om te studeren en om betere beroepsperspectieven te vinden. In de jaren zeventig kwamen veel studenten tijdens hun Egyptische zomervakantie naar Nederland, voor vakantiewerk in de landbouw, in fabrieken, in de horeca of auto handel. Sommigen wilden hier blijven en vestigden zich definitief in Nederland. Als een Koptisch Orthodoxe geestelijke toevallig in Nederland verbleef nam hij de gelegenheid waar om de Heilige Liturgie op te dragen. Tot 1976 vonden zo’n drie à vier Heilige liturgieën plaats. De definitie van het woord “Koptisch” Oorspronkelijk is het woord “Kopt” afgeleid van het Griekse woord (Αἴγυπτος), dat op zijn beurt weer afgeleid is van “Hikaptah”, wat “huis van de God” betekent. Tevens is het een afleiding voor Memphis, de eerste Faraonische hoofdstad van het oude Egypte. In de moderne en huidige context verwijst de term “Koptisch” naar Egyptische christenen, evenals de laatste fase van het oude Egyptische schrift. Koptisch wordt tot op heden vooral gebruikt gedurende het bidden van de liturgie en wordt aan de jeugd gedurende zondagsscholen onderwezen. Lees meer >>>https://www.koptischekerk.nl/info/geschiedenis-van-de-kopten/
    Koptisch Orthodoxe Kerk van de Heilige Maagd Maria te Amsterdam - Koptisch Orthodox Bisdom
    Hegumen Yassa Mesak+31 6 231 898 38a.yassa.thabet@gmail.com Priester Bavlos Tadros+31 6 232 345 53fr.bavlos@gmail.com Priester Mateos Beshara +31 6 112 111 07Frmateosboktor@gmail.com rekeningnummer:NL33 TRIO 0390 9827 76
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  • https://stbarbara-amsterdam.nl/
    Meer dan een begraafplaats

    Een centrum voor een waardig afscheid, herdenking en bezinning voor iedereen

    Sint Barbara is méér dan een begraafplaats en afscheidslocatie op een mooie plek. Er is oprechte aandacht voor de mens, zowel bij leven als bij dood. De prachtige omgeving, de eenvoud van de natuur en de stille ’lichtheid’, bieden kracht en troost om met het verlies van een dierbare om te gaan. Een stuk natuur in de stad, waar mens en natuur samenkomen.
    https://stbarbara-amsterdam.nl/ Meer dan een begraafplaats Een centrum voor een waardig afscheid, herdenking en bezinning voor iedereen Sint Barbara is méér dan een begraafplaats en afscheidslocatie op een mooie plek. Er is oprechte aandacht voor de mens, zowel bij leven als bij dood. De prachtige omgeving, de eenvoud van de natuur en de stille ’lichtheid’, bieden kracht en troost om met het verlies van een dierbare om te gaan. Een stuk natuur in de stad, waar mens en natuur samenkomen.
    Home - Sint Barbara
    Onze faciliteiten Bezoek en beleef Sint Barbara
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  • #klimaat #climate #leugens #lies Klimaathoax bedacht om de belastingen te verhogen en de burgers alsmaar meer geld af te persen
    #klimaat #climate #leugens #lies Klimaathoax bedacht om de belastingen te verhogen en de burgers alsmaar meer geld af te persen
    0 1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Elton John: Live in Central Park - September 13, 1980

    Here's a special upload! I have compiled all the complete song footage that I could find to put together as much of the concert as possible, and in the correct order too. Apparently, there's footage of each song with the exception of the mid-show set without Elton, and "Have Mercy On The Criminal", so I was able to reconstruct much of the show here!

    Sources for the footage include a DVD-rip of a transfer of the 90-minute Japanese Laserdisc (this DVD is being sold on eBay), and then the two additional songs ("...Alice" and "Rocket Man") come from Terry Bangley here on YouTube so a major thanks to him!

    This appears to be the most complete footage compilation of this legendary concert, and unlike the Laserdisc the footage has been edited in the order it was actually performed. Enjoy! :)

    00:01:44 Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding
    00:12:18 Tiny Dancer
    00:18:52 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
    00:22:14 All The Girls Love Alice
    00:26:47 Rocket Man
    00:36:09 Sartorial Eloquence
    00:40:46 Philadelphia Freedom
    00:46:12 Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
    00:49:57 Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
    00:56:55 Harmony
    00:59:40 White Powder, White Lady
    01:03:30 Little Jeannie
    01:09:10 Bennie and the Jets
    01:19:10 Imagine
    01:25:03 Ego
    01:28:46 Someone Saved My Life Tonight
    01:37:01 Your Song
    01:42:16 Bite Your Lip (Get Up and Dance)
    Elton John: Live in Central Park - September 13, 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lS0zRubC2c Here's a special upload! I have compiled all the complete song footage that I could find to put together as much of the concert as possible, and in the correct order too. Apparently, there's footage of each song with the exception of the mid-show set without Elton, and "Have Mercy On The Criminal", so I was able to reconstruct much of the show here! Sources for the footage include a DVD-rip of a transfer of the 90-minute Japanese Laserdisc (this DVD is being sold on eBay), and then the two additional songs ("...Alice" and "Rocket Man") come from Terry Bangley here on YouTube so a major thanks to him! This appears to be the most complete footage compilation of this legendary concert, and unlike the Laserdisc the footage has been edited in the order it was actually performed. Enjoy! :) 00:01:44 Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding 00:12:18 Tiny Dancer 00:18:52 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 00:22:14 All The Girls Love Alice 00:26:47 Rocket Man 00:36:09 Sartorial Eloquence 00:40:46 Philadelphia Freedom 00:46:12 Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 00:49:57 Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting 00:56:55 Harmony 00:59:40 White Powder, White Lady 01:03:30 Little Jeannie 01:09:10 Bennie and the Jets 01:19:10 Imagine 01:25:03 Ego 01:28:46 Someone Saved My Life Tonight 01:37:01 Your Song 01:42:16 Bite Your Lip (Get Up and Dance)
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  • Holysloot, een eeuwenoud vissersdorpje en een verborgen parel van Amsterdam Noord. Alsof de tijd er stil heeft gestaan – een ideale plek om te wandelen, fietsen en genieten van rust en natuur.

    Holysloot is a village in the Dutch province of North Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Amsterdam, and lies about 9 km northeast of the city centre.

    Na de werkzaamheden aan de Dorpsstraat is het dorp veiliger geworden. Geniet van de vernieuwde omgeving en ontsnap aan de drukte van de stad.

    Holysloot, een eeuwenoud vissersdorpje en een verborgen parel van Amsterdam Noord. Alsof de tijd er stil heeft gestaan – een ideale plek om te wandelen, fietsen en genieten van rust en natuur. Holysloot is a village in the Dutch province of North Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Amsterdam, and lies about 9 km northeast of the city centre. Na de werkzaamheden aan de Dorpsstraat is het dorp veiliger geworden. Geniet van de vernieuwde omgeving en ontsnap aan de drukte van de stad. https://www.instagram.com/020.amsterdamnoord/
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  • The sion moloch temple sect SMTS wrote the revelations
    / the ancient infiltraded sect that destroyed tartaria / and many cities sa hamburg dresden berlin nuremberg los angeles detroit chicago etc and countles civilisations

    The sect that planned financed and caused countless wars such as WW I WW II over 55 Nato expansion wars.

    We are in the times of awakening now, and see the deceivers of the Sion Moloch Temple Sect who walks among and infiltraded governments/ media/ universities etc. Yet, their empire of lies, paper, corona crimes war crimes and immoral laws is burning to ash. We are the generation that awakens, and the reign of the SMTS monsters is crumbling before our eyes.
    The sion moloch temple sect SMTS wrote the revelations / the ancient infiltraded sect that destroyed tartaria / and many cities sa hamburg dresden berlin nuremberg los angeles detroit chicago etc and countles civilisations The sect that planned financed and caused countless wars such as WW I WW II over 55 Nato expansion wars. We are in the times of awakening now, and see the deceivers of the Sion Moloch Temple Sect who walks among and infiltraded governments/ media/ universities etc. Yet, their empire of lies, paper, corona crimes war crimes and immoral laws is burning to ash. We are the generation that awakens, and the reign of the SMTS monsters is crumbling before our eyes.
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQTimc3nf7g
    Earth & Fire - Invitation


    1 jaar geleden

    I wish to address the music industry, both past and present, about the importance of recognizing and promoting genuine, independent talent. Earth & Fire, a Dutch rock and pop band, is a prime example of such talent that could have achieved global fame. Their song "Storm and Thunder" was a source of inspiration for King Crimson's "Starless and Bible Black", which gained more global recognition, leading many to believe it was an original piece. While it was indeed an original work, it was undeniably influenced by Earth and Fire's song, a fact that has not been sufficiently discussed or acknowledged.

    Earth & Fire was a band that had the potential for worldwide recognition. Their first eight singles were almost uninterrupted top-5 hits in the Netherlands from 1970 to 1974. They also charted in continental Europe, particularly in Belgium and Germany. However, they never gained significant popularity in the United Kingdom or the United States. Their biggest hit was "Weekend" (1979), a number one disco track in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, and Switzerland. This is a testament to their potential for international success.

    It's regrettable that this didn't happen, and the blame lies squarely on the record labels and the entertainment industry.

    History has shown that they were wrong not to push this wonderful band into the limelight, as they did with other, often more generic, artists. When I introduce people to Earth & Fire's music, they are immediately captivated, and these are people from outside the Netherlands. So, to those in the industry who overlooked this band, I have a Dutch saying for you: "scratch yourselves behind the ears". Once you understand the meaning of this phrase, you might regret not giving Earth & Fire the chance they deserved.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQTimc3nf7g Earth & Fire - Invitation @ArnoldVeeman 1 jaar geleden I wish to address the music industry, both past and present, about the importance of recognizing and promoting genuine, independent talent. Earth & Fire, a Dutch rock and pop band, is a prime example of such talent that could have achieved global fame. Their song "Storm and Thunder" was a source of inspiration for King Crimson's "Starless and Bible Black", which gained more global recognition, leading many to believe it was an original piece. While it was indeed an original work, it was undeniably influenced by Earth and Fire's song, a fact that has not been sufficiently discussed or acknowledged. Earth & Fire was a band that had the potential for worldwide recognition. Their first eight singles were almost uninterrupted top-5 hits in the Netherlands from 1970 to 1974. They also charted in continental Europe, particularly in Belgium and Germany. However, they never gained significant popularity in the United Kingdom or the United States. Their biggest hit was "Weekend" (1979), a number one disco track in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, and Switzerland. This is a testament to their potential for international success. It's regrettable that this didn't happen, and the blame lies squarely on the record labels and the entertainment industry. History has shown that they were wrong not to push this wonderful band into the limelight, as they did with other, often more generic, artists. When I introduce people to Earth & Fire's music, they are immediately captivated, and these are people from outside the Netherlands. So, to those in the industry who overlooked this band, I have a Dutch saying for you: "scratch yourselves behind the ears". Once you understand the meaning of this phrase, you might regret not giving Earth & Fire the chance they deserved.
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  • The wonder Mega Monolite

    A group of scientists and enthusiasts wonder if advanced ancient civilizations settled on our world and were wiped out by climate catastrophes; consider the ruins of sites like Nan Madol, the Great Pyramid, and Gunung Padang.

    In the breathtaking expanse of Baalbek in Lebanon lies the largest man-made monolith on the planet. This solid stone is no ordinary stone; it stands some 64.3 feet (19.6 meters) tall and tips the scales at around 3.3 million pounds (1,650 tons). This beast has been rolling over the landscape since Roman times; if not earlier, some theorize that it was carved out of the earth more than 5,000 years ago, though no one can pinpoint the exact date. Modern engineers are shocked by the ancient brilliance required to create and maneuver such an astronomical slab of stone.

    But wait, there’s more! This monolith is just one piece of the Baalbek-sized puzzle. Just a stone’s throw away is the Temple of Jupiter, which displays the Roman superstructure. But the real kicker is the massive limestone base on which it sits. This foundation is a jaw-dropping arrangement of 27 massive stones, three of which weigh around 2 million pounds (1,000 tons) each and are known to everyone as trilithons. Whoever built this ancient structure clearly had a mastery of quarrying, transporting and placing the stones that we still don’t understand.


    The wonder Mega Monolite A group of scientists and enthusiasts wonder if advanced ancient civilizations settled on our world and were wiped out by climate catastrophes; consider the ruins of sites like Nan Madol, the Great Pyramid, and Gunung Padang. In the breathtaking expanse of Baalbek in Lebanon lies the largest man-made monolith on the planet. This solid stone is no ordinary stone; it stands some 64.3 feet (19.6 meters) tall and tips the scales at around 3.3 million pounds (1,650 tons). This beast has been rolling over the landscape since Roman times; if not earlier, some theorize that it was carved out of the earth more than 5,000 years ago, though no one can pinpoint the exact date. Modern engineers are shocked by the ancient brilliance required to create and maneuver such an astronomical slab of stone. But wait, there’s more! This monolith is just one piece of the Baalbek-sized puzzle. Just a stone’s throw away is the Temple of Jupiter, which displays the Roman superstructure. But the real kicker is the massive limestone base on which it sits. This foundation is a jaw-dropping arrangement of 27 massive stones, three of which weigh around 2 million pounds (1,000 tons) each and are known to everyone as trilithons. Whoever built this ancient structure clearly had a mastery of quarrying, transporting and placing the stones that we still don’t understand. https://x.com/histories_arch/status/1834965380873306513
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  • Charles Manson Family Members

    The entire list of Manson Family Members

    According to this list of mug shots there were 60 Manson Family Members, 26 of them taken in the morning of August 16th, 1969. Around 100 LASO deputies swarmed the Spahn ranch shortly after 6:00 AM. Everyone on the property police identified as a Manson member was apprehended. Police arrested others during the raids on Barker Ranch on October 10th and October 12th, 1969. The names below are the aliases Charles Manson Family members gave police in the actual arrest records.
    Manson Family Members

    The entire list of the Manson Family Members, 60 in all

    Manson, Charles (ROW 1, #1)
    Beausoleil, Robert (ROW 1, #2)
    DeCarlo, Daniel (ROW 1, #3)
    Grogan, Steven (ROW 1, #4)
    Good, Sandra (ROW 1, #5)
    Van Houten, Leslie (ROW 2, #1)
    Cooper, Sherianne (ROW 2, #2)
    Scott, Susan (ROW 2, #3)
    Bailey, Ella Jo (ROW 2, #4)
    Brunner, Mary (ROW 2, #5)
    Phillips, Phil (ROW 3, #1)
    True, Harold (ROW 3, #2)
    Watson, Charles (ROW 3, #3)
    Flynn, Juan (ROW 3, #4)
    Bailey, Larry (ROW 3, #5)
    Lipsett, David (ROW 4, #1)
    Sinclair, Colleen (ROW 4, #2)
    Schram, Stephanie (ROW 4, #3)
    Pitman, Nancy (ROW 4, #4)
    Lake, Dianne (ROW 4, #5)
    Davis, Bruce (ROW 5, #1)
    Fromme, Lynette (ROW 5, #2)
    Shepard, Laura (ROW 5, #3)
    Moorehouse, Ruth Ann (ROW 5, #4)
    Cottage, Madeline (ROW 5, #5)
    Smith, Claudia (ROW 6, #1)
    Vansicle, William (ROW 6, #2)
    Watkins, Paul (ROW 6, #3)
    Gordon, Jack (ROW 6, #4)
    Loveless, Carol (ROW 6, #5)
    Springer, Albert (ROW 7, #1)
    Bell, Kenneth (ROW 7, #2)
    Atkins, Susan (ROW 7, #3)
    Hall, Bruce (ROW 7, #4)
    Beard, Charles Allen (ROW 7, #5)
    Krenwinkel, Patricia (ROW 8, #1)
    Lukashevsky, Bryan (ROW 8, #2)
    Share, Catherine (ROW 8, #3)
    Hannum, David (ROW 8, #4)
    Craven, Larry (ROW 8, #5)
    Damion, Mark Bloodworth (ROW 9, #1)
    Bartell, Susan (ROW 9, #2)
    Scwartz, Johnny (ROW 9, #3)
    Plumlee,Vern (ROW 9, #4)
    Palazzo, Stephen (ROW 9, #5)
    Lutesinger, Kathryn (ROW 10, #1)
    Walleman, Thomas (ROW 10, #2)
    Delisle, Allen (ROW 10, #3)
    Gillies, Catherine (ROW 10, #4)
    Griffin, Charlee (ROW 10, #5)
    Alonzo, Maria (Row 11, #1)
    Rosenberg, Barbara (ROW 11, #2)
    Kasabian, Linda (ROW 11, #3)
    Von Ahn, Diane (ROW 11, #4)
    Hoyt, Barbara (ROW 11, #5)
    Gordon, Ruth (ROW 12, #1)
    Petrizzo, Raymond (ROW 12, #2)
    Galella, Thomas (ROW 12, #4)
    Reinhard, Robert (ROW 12, #5)

    Charles Manson Family Members The entire list of Manson Family Members According to this list of mug shots there were 60 Manson Family Members, 26 of them taken in the morning of August 16th, 1969. Around 100 LASO deputies swarmed the Spahn ranch shortly after 6:00 AM. Everyone on the property police identified as a Manson member was apprehended. Police arrested others during the raids on Barker Ranch on October 10th and October 12th, 1969. The names below are the aliases Charles Manson Family members gave police in the actual arrest records. Manson Family Members The entire list of the Manson Family Members, 60 in all Manson, Charles (ROW 1, #1) Beausoleil, Robert (ROW 1, #2) DeCarlo, Daniel (ROW 1, #3) Grogan, Steven (ROW 1, #4) Good, Sandra (ROW 1, #5) Van Houten, Leslie (ROW 2, #1) Cooper, Sherianne (ROW 2, #2) Scott, Susan (ROW 2, #3) Bailey, Ella Jo (ROW 2, #4) Brunner, Mary (ROW 2, #5) Phillips, Phil (ROW 3, #1) True, Harold (ROW 3, #2) Watson, Charles (ROW 3, #3) Flynn, Juan (ROW 3, #4) Bailey, Larry (ROW 3, #5) Lipsett, David (ROW 4, #1) Sinclair, Colleen (ROW 4, #2) Schram, Stephanie (ROW 4, #3) Pitman, Nancy (ROW 4, #4) Lake, Dianne (ROW 4, #5) Davis, Bruce (ROW 5, #1) Fromme, Lynette (ROW 5, #2) Shepard, Laura (ROW 5, #3) Moorehouse, Ruth Ann (ROW 5, #4) Cottage, Madeline (ROW 5, #5) Smith, Claudia (ROW 6, #1) Vansicle, William (ROW 6, #2) Watkins, Paul (ROW 6, #3) Gordon, Jack (ROW 6, #4) Loveless, Carol (ROW 6, #5) Springer, Albert (ROW 7, #1) Bell, Kenneth (ROW 7, #2) Atkins, Susan (ROW 7, #3) Hall, Bruce (ROW 7, #4) Beard, Charles Allen (ROW 7, #5) Krenwinkel, Patricia (ROW 8, #1) Lukashevsky, Bryan (ROW 8, #2) Share, Catherine (ROW 8, #3) Hannum, David (ROW 8, #4) Craven, Larry (ROW 8, #5) Damion, Mark Bloodworth (ROW 9, #1) Bartell, Susan (ROW 9, #2) Scwartz, Johnny (ROW 9, #3) Plumlee,Vern (ROW 9, #4) Palazzo, Stephen (ROW 9, #5) Lutesinger, Kathryn (ROW 10, #1) Walleman, Thomas (ROW 10, #2) Delisle, Allen (ROW 10, #3) Gillies, Catherine (ROW 10, #4) Griffin, Charlee (ROW 10, #5) Alonzo, Maria (Row 11, #1) Rosenberg, Barbara (ROW 11, #2) Kasabian, Linda (ROW 11, #3) Von Ahn, Diane (ROW 11, #4) Hoyt, Barbara (ROW 11, #5) Gordon, Ruth (ROW 12, #1) Petrizzo, Raymond (ROW 12, #2) MURRAY, ROBERT EARL (ROW 12, #3) Galella, Thomas (ROW 12, #4) Reinhard, Robert (ROW 12, #5) https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson
    Charles Manson
    Charles Milles Manson (Cincinnati, 12 november 1934 – Bakersfield (Californië), 19 november 2017) was een Amerikaanse crimineel. Manson was de sekteleider van de zogeheten Manson Family en werd bekend en berucht vanwege de veroordeling tot een levenslange gevangenisstraf wegens moord en aanstichting daartoe, in wat bekend is geworden als de zaak-Tate/La Bianca (ook wel: de Manson-moorden), die in 1969 veel aandacht trok. Biografie Jeugd Charles Manson werd in 1934 geboren in Cincinnati in de staat Ohio. Op dertienjarige leeftijd probeerde zijn moeder hem in een pleeggezin onder te brengen. Toen dat niet lukte, werd hij op een kostschool gezet. Na een jaar liep Manson daaruit weg om terug te keren bij zijn moeder, die echter niets meer met hem te maken wilde hebben. De jonge Charles kwam nu op straat terecht en leefde voornamelijk van diefstal. In 1951 werd Manson voor het eerst tot een gevangenisstraf veroordeeld wegens rijden in een gestolen auto. In 1954 werd hij wegens goed gedrag weer vrijgelaten. Huwelijk en kinderen In januari 1955 trouwde Charles...
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