• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9vKzwIKFtg

    1974: WITKAR - Amsterdam' s TRANSPORT REVOLUTION? | Tomorrow's World | Retro Transport | BBC Archive
    BBC Archive
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9vKzwIKFtg 1974: WITKAR - Amsterdam' s TRANSPORT REVOLUTION? | Tomorrow's World | Retro Transport | BBC Archive BBC Archive
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  • Vishnu of Visjnoe (IAST viṣṇu, Devanagari विष्णु ), ook Narayana, Vasudeva, Mádhava en Trikrama (drie stappen) genoemd, is binnen de Trimurti het onderhoudende, zorgzame of beschermende aspect van God in de schepping. Vishnu is het aspect van God dat alle dingen in het universum doordringt en onderhoudt. Het scheppende of creatieve deel van God wordt verbeeld door Brahma en het transformerende of vernietigende aspect door Shiva. Op Bali werden Shiva en Vishnu soms vereerd als één god.[1] Voor de Vaishnavas (Vishnuvereerders) is Vishnu de beschermergod.

    Samen met zijn gezellin Lakshmi, de liefdesgodin, heeft Vishnu als nakomeling Kamadeva. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu
    Vishnu of Visjnoe (IAST viṣṇu, Devanagari विष्णु ), ook Narayana, Vasudeva, Mádhava en Trikrama (drie stappen) genoemd, is binnen de Trimurti het onderhoudende, zorgzame of beschermende aspect van God in de schepping. Vishnu is het aspect van God dat alle dingen in het universum doordringt en onderhoudt. Het scheppende of creatieve deel van God wordt verbeeld door Brahma en het transformerende of vernietigende aspect door Shiva. Op Bali werden Shiva en Vishnu soms vereerd als één god.[1] Voor de Vaishnavas (Vishnuvereerders) is Vishnu de beschermergod. Samen met zijn gezellin Lakshmi, de liefdesgodin, heeft Vishnu als nakomeling Kamadeva. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu
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  • The Jewish Egregore 🧵

    Albert Pike explains, "Ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a triangle, a square, and a circle these are all the elements of the Kabalah."

    The Ten Ciphers involve the practice of Gematria, or Numerology, but this was simply known to the Ancient Pythagoreans as γαμετρία or GEOMETRIA. Geometria was the Study of Letters, Numbers, Shapes and their Natural Vibration. The Jews repackaged this as GEMATRIA.

    This is because different shapes, like letters, produce different energies. The Universe is based upon Sacred Geometric Patterns and the blueprint for all existence is the Five Platonic Solids which represent the Five Elements.

    Plato said the (Six Sided) CUBE represented EARTH.

    Kabbalists say Metatron's Cube holds all the shapes in exsistence including the FIVE PLATONIC SOLIDS.

    Plato's Cube symbolized EARTH, Kabbalists rebranded this as Malkuth.

    The Hebrew Alphabet is said to be the Mystical Thought Form of their Deity which fits in the Cube of Space.

    The Cube or HEXAHEDROM relates to the element of EARTH, according to Chinese Astrology and Platonism, Saturn rules EARTH. Hence, ancient altars were cube shaped, symbolizing Saturn. This is why rhe Jewish Deity is often associated with Saturn. The Jewish People utilize the negative affects of Saturn on the Gentile Nations but this God of Israel is nothing more than the Jewish People, themselves.

    Israel was never meant to be

    Saturn is the Zodiacial Keeper of Time.

    Jews still wear the Tefillin like a Spiritual Antenna connecting them to the Jewish Egregore which works to dim the light of the Non-Jews.

    In 1927, In "The Astral Body and Other Phenomena" by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell, he tells us,"The power of the united thought of a number of people is always far more than the sum of their separate thoughts: it would be more nearly represented by their product".

    Think of the Egregore as a "Hive Mind" or "Group Think" in the Astral Realms. The word "Egregor" originates from a Latin word meaning "Wakeful".

    Eliphas Levi identifies "egregors" with the Book of Enoch's Watchers, the fathers of the Nephilim, describing them as "terrible beings" that "crush us without pity because they are unaware of our existence".

    Egregores have their roots in Greek and Tibetan Culture.

    Egregores are Autonomous Psychic Entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a Group of People. The Symbiotic Egregore of a community Egregore of a company Egregore of a social group Relationship between an Egregore and it's Group has been compared to the Concept of a Corporation and, even, Memes.

    The Concept of Egregores is used to describe a thought form that is created when people come together with a common interest and focus their energy on it. For this cult, Global Dominantion.

    Firstly, we must umderstand what exactly is a Thought or a Thought-Form?

    As Helena P. Blavatsky explained, "Thoughts are things, have tenacity, coherence and life, that they are real entites."

    A Thought-Form is a Mental Morphic Field. A Thought-Form is simply the Manifestation of a Thought, Idea or Emotion.
    Every group, congregation, society or party has an Egregore (a Group Consciousness or Hive Mind), which may be weak or strong. Before joining any organization, it is important to have awareness that affiliation makes one subject to the egregore of that group.

    A Prime Example of an Egregore or Hive Mind is Freemasonry. The symbols, rituals and meetings binds the members together, harmonizes, motivates and stimulates them to realize the aims of Masonry, and enables the individual members to make more "spiritual" progress than if they worked alone. The Egregore aids in the rituals performed, it is a 'tool' unconsciously directed by the Mason's words and actions. An Egregore exists between the realms of the material and the spiritual, this is where the thought form serves its greatest purpose.

    The Jewish Egregore 🧵 Albert Pike explains, "Ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a triangle, a square, and a circle these are all the elements of the Kabalah." The Ten Ciphers involve the practice of Gematria, or Numerology, but this was simply known to the Ancient Pythagoreans as γαμετρία or GEOMETRIA. Geometria was the Study of Letters, Numbers, Shapes and their Natural Vibration. The Jews repackaged this as GEMATRIA. This is because different shapes, like letters, produce different energies. The Universe is based upon Sacred Geometric Patterns and the blueprint for all existence is the Five Platonic Solids which represent the Five Elements. Plato said the (Six Sided) CUBE represented EARTH. Kabbalists say Metatron's Cube holds all the shapes in exsistence including the FIVE PLATONIC SOLIDS. Plato's Cube symbolized EARTH, Kabbalists rebranded this as Malkuth. The Hebrew Alphabet is said to be the Mystical Thought Form of their Deity which fits in the Cube of Space. The Cube or HEXAHEDROM relates to the element of EARTH, according to Chinese Astrology and Platonism, Saturn rules EARTH. Hence, ancient altars were cube shaped, symbolizing Saturn. This is why rhe Jewish Deity is often associated with Saturn. The Jewish People utilize the negative affects of Saturn on the Gentile Nations but this God of Israel is nothing more than the Jewish People, themselves. Israel was never meant to be Saturn is the Zodiacial Keeper of Time. Jews still wear the Tefillin like a Spiritual Antenna connecting them to the Jewish Egregore which works to dim the light of the Non-Jews. In 1927, In "The Astral Body and Other Phenomena" by Lieut. Colonel Arthur E. Powell, he tells us,"The power of the united thought of a number of people is always far more than the sum of their separate thoughts: it would be more nearly represented by their product". Think of the Egregore as a "Hive Mind" or "Group Think" in the Astral Realms. The word "Egregor" originates from a Latin word meaning "Wakeful". Eliphas Levi identifies "egregors" with the Book of Enoch's Watchers, the fathers of the Nephilim, describing them as "terrible beings" that "crush us without pity because they are unaware of our existence". Egregores have their roots in Greek and Tibetan Culture. Egregores are Autonomous Psychic Entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a Group of People. The Symbiotic Egregore of a community Egregore of a company Egregore of a social group Relationship between an Egregore and it's Group has been compared to the Concept of a Corporation and, even, Memes. The Concept of Egregores is used to describe a thought form that is created when people come together with a common interest and focus their energy on it. For this cult, Global Dominantion. Firstly, we must umderstand what exactly is a Thought or a Thought-Form? As Helena P. Blavatsky explained, "Thoughts are things, have tenacity, coherence and life, that they are real entites." A Thought-Form is a Mental Morphic Field. A Thought-Form is simply the Manifestation of a Thought, Idea or Emotion. Every group, congregation, society or party has an Egregore (a Group Consciousness or Hive Mind), which may be weak or strong. Before joining any organization, it is important to have awareness that affiliation makes one subject to the egregore of that group. A Prime Example of an Egregore or Hive Mind is Freemasonry. The symbols, rituals and meetings binds the members together, harmonizes, motivates and stimulates them to realize the aims of Masonry, and enables the individual members to make more "spiritual" progress than if they worked alone. The Egregore aids in the rituals performed, it is a 'tool' unconsciously directed by the Mason's words and actions. An Egregore exists between the realms of the material and the spiritual, this is where the thought form serves its greatest purpose. https://x.com/AmurakaHidden/status/1827462748244209819
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY8yiZkARL4
    Into Chaos: The Doors Last Concert

    It was sheer insanity, and it had to stop.The tragic tale of The Doors' final show with Jim Morrison, Dec 12 1970 at The Warehouse in New Orleans. What exactly happened that night?

    Based on the accounts of RAY MANZAREK, GORDON GUNN, Promoter DON FOX, and David Dutkowski, the Doors' official archivist.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY8yiZkARL4 Into Chaos: The Doors Last Concert It was sheer insanity, and it had to stop.The tragic tale of The Doors' final show with Jim Morrison, Dec 12 1970 at The Warehouse in New Orleans. What exactly happened that night? Based on the accounts of RAY MANZAREK, GORDON GUNN, Promoter DON FOX, and David Dutkowski, the Doors' official archivist.
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  • Stop de WEF/technocraten tirannie


    “Er zijn in de wereld ontelbaar veel mensen overleden agv vergiftiging wegens het kapot gemaakt immuunstelsel door prik(ken), door prik-trombose en de niet natuurlijke myocarditis(prik-myocarditis), door een chemische (mix) veroorzaakte schade aan t cellen/witte bloedlichaampjes en DNA, door spike(kanker), hypos en wegens door de prikken en/of medicijnen (combinatie van specifieke chems v voeding/medicijnen/prikken/drugs/chemo/en toxinen in de habitat) veroorzaakte virale resistentie en afname van werkzame middelen tegen o.a.TB/ (HIV (minstens 10 procent meer sterfte)).

    Bovendien speelt 5g straling een negatieve rol. Hoge doses 5g EMF (in combinatie met andere oorzaken zoals vergiftiging van het milieu door oa giflozingen/fijnstof/toxinen uitstoot door verbranding in biomassa en afval centrales/ uitstoot zoals door fabrieken etc) veroorzaken een significante toename aan /kanker/hersenkanker/alzheimer/leukemie/dna schade/tinnitus/bloedproppen/bloedcelwandschade. Volgens tienduizenden artsen en geleerden uit de wereld is 5g ( EMF en ook WIFI) straling schadelijk, zie het omvangrijke 5g DOSSIER. Straling breekt volgens tal van geleerden de bloedcelwand en DNA af, veroorzaakt bloedproppen en versterkt de aanwas van ziekteverwekkers/parasieten/schimmels/bacterien”.

    “AIDS word door seksuele handelingen overgebracht maar volgens onderzoekers is er nog steeds onduidelijkheid en veel niet goed onderzocht. Er dient meer en beter onderzoek te komen naar vergiftiging zoals van cellen/dna/aftakeling van het immuunstelsel door chems in prikken/medicijnen o.a. en infecties door parasieten die o.a. bacterien overbrengen en parasitaire long maag darminfecties veroorzaken en symptomen die verband houden met AIDS”

    “door detoxificatie/ontgifting en de aanwending van natuurlijke antibiotica (geen synthetische/chemische middelen/preparaten/prikken) en oa een gezonde leefstijl/dieet/frisse lucht/rust/ gezonde voeding/ zullen veel mensen herstellen. ”

    “het in de wereld beproefde middel Ivermectine werkt goed tegen parasieten, die parasitaire long maag darm infecties veroorzaken. Diverse overheden hebben het voorschrijven en de aanwending van Ivermectine verboden gedurende de zgn Corona Crisis”

    “er dient voor het redden van ontelbaar veel mensenlevens GLOBAAL een groot onderzoek te komen naar de toename vd sterfte agv de combinatie van chemische middelen/chems synths zoals deze voorkomen in xtc/prikken/medicijnen/voedingswaren/de lucht(fijnstof toxinen door verbranding in oa biomassacentrales/afvalverbranding centrales en fabrieken etc) en de toename agv de combinatie aan chems (in combinatie met o.a. alcohol) van sterfte door vergiftiging/Kanker/HIV/TB/COPD /Influenza/ virale en parasitaire infecties, mede door EMF 5G Radiatie veroorzaakte resistentie en specifieke combinaties van chems die o.a. kanker veroorzaken.

    Stan Rams Amsterdam 5 / 12 /2022

    Stop de WEF/technocraten tirannie Summum “Er zijn in de wereld ontelbaar veel mensen overleden agv vergiftiging wegens het kapot gemaakt immuunstelsel door prik(ken), door prik-trombose en de niet natuurlijke myocarditis(prik-myocarditis), door een chemische (mix) veroorzaakte schade aan t cellen/witte bloedlichaampjes en DNA, door spike(kanker), hypos en wegens door de prikken en/of medicijnen (combinatie van specifieke chems v voeding/medicijnen/prikken/drugs/chemo/en toxinen in de habitat) veroorzaakte virale resistentie en afname van werkzame middelen tegen o.a.TB/ (HIV (minstens 10 procent meer sterfte)). Bovendien speelt 5g straling een negatieve rol. Hoge doses 5g EMF (in combinatie met andere oorzaken zoals vergiftiging van het milieu door oa giflozingen/fijnstof/toxinen uitstoot door verbranding in biomassa en afval centrales/ uitstoot zoals door fabrieken etc) veroorzaken een significante toename aan /kanker/hersenkanker/alzheimer/leukemie/dna schade/tinnitus/bloedproppen/bloedcelwandschade. Volgens tienduizenden artsen en geleerden uit de wereld is 5g ( EMF en ook WIFI) straling schadelijk, zie het omvangrijke 5g DOSSIER. Straling breekt volgens tal van geleerden de bloedcelwand en DNA af, veroorzaakt bloedproppen en versterkt de aanwas van ziekteverwekkers/parasieten/schimmels/bacterien”. “AIDS word door seksuele handelingen overgebracht maar volgens onderzoekers is er nog steeds onduidelijkheid en veel niet goed onderzocht. Er dient meer en beter onderzoek te komen naar vergiftiging zoals van cellen/dna/aftakeling van het immuunstelsel door chems in prikken/medicijnen o.a. en infecties door parasieten die o.a. bacterien overbrengen en parasitaire long maag darminfecties veroorzaken en symptomen die verband houden met AIDS” “door detoxificatie/ontgifting en de aanwending van natuurlijke antibiotica (geen synthetische/chemische middelen/preparaten/prikken) en oa een gezonde leefstijl/dieet/frisse lucht/rust/ gezonde voeding/ zullen veel mensen herstellen. ” “het in de wereld beproefde middel Ivermectine werkt goed tegen parasieten, die parasitaire long maag darm infecties veroorzaken. Diverse overheden hebben het voorschrijven en de aanwending van Ivermectine verboden gedurende de zgn Corona Crisis” “er dient voor het redden van ontelbaar veel mensenlevens GLOBAAL een groot onderzoek te komen naar de toename vd sterfte agv de combinatie van chemische middelen/chems synths zoals deze voorkomen in xtc/prikken/medicijnen/voedingswaren/de lucht(fijnstof toxinen door verbranding in oa biomassacentrales/afvalverbranding centrales en fabrieken etc) en de toename agv de combinatie aan chems (in combinatie met o.a. alcohol) van sterfte door vergiftiging/Kanker/HIV/TB/COPD /Influenza/ virale en parasitaire infecties, mede door EMF 5G Radiatie veroorzaakte resistentie en specifieke combinaties van chems die o.a. kanker veroorzaken. Stan Rams Amsterdam 5 / 12 /2022 https://www.stanrams.com/er-is-geen-enkel-bewijs-dat-prikken-ziekenhuisopnames-voorkomen/
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  • Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel

    Writing seems to have been invented in the late fourth millennium BC in Mesopotamia in the form of wedge-shaped marks pressed into soft clay with a reed stylus: the script known as cuneiform. Through his work on this ancient language, Irving Finkel, has uncovered amazing secrets from over five thousand years ago, including the story behind Noah’s ark.

    Irving Finkel is the curator in charge of cuneiform inscriptions on tablets of clay from ancient Mesopotamia at the British Museum, of which the Middle East Department has the largest collection of any modern museum. This work involves reading and translating all sorts of inscriptions, sometimes working on ancient archives to identify manuscripts that belong together, or even join to one another. He is the author of The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood.

    This talk was filmed in the Ri on 18 January 2019.
    Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel Writing seems to have been invented in the late fourth millennium BC in Mesopotamia in the form of wedge-shaped marks pressed into soft clay with a reed stylus: the script known as cuneiform. Through his work on this ancient language, Irving Finkel, has uncovered amazing secrets from over five thousand years ago, including the story behind Noah’s ark. Irving Finkel is the curator in charge of cuneiform inscriptions on tablets of clay from ancient Mesopotamia at the British Museum, of which the Middle East Department has the largest collection of any modern museum. This work involves reading and translating all sorts of inscriptions, sometimes working on ancient archives to identify manuscripts that belong together, or even join to one another. He is the author of The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood. This talk was filmed in the Ri on 18 January 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfYYraMgiBA
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5MOSn_DT4s

    The Mad Drum Artist Steve Moore: WIPE OUT #maddrummer #stevemoore #drummerworld
    Steve Moore & Rick K.: WIPE OUT - TV-Total - Stefan Raab - Germany - provided by Steve Moore and the archive of Swiss Television with copyright permission for Drummerworld.
    ...more Videos here at DRUMMERWORLD: https://www.drummerworld.com
    #maddrummer #stevemoore #drummerworld
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5MOSn_DT4s The Mad Drum Artist Steve Moore: WIPE OUT #maddrummer #stevemoore #drummerworld Steve Moore & Rick K.: WIPE OUT - TV-Total - Stefan Raab - Germany - provided by Steve Moore and the archive of Swiss Television with copyright permission for Drummerworld. ...more Videos here at DRUMMERWORLD: https://www.drummerworld.com #maddrummer #stevemoore #drummerworld
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  • barrack obama ? m stated "barrack obama could be born in muhlhausen thuringen or even in berlin germany /as hitler could have had an affair with margita barrack (born 27 11 2021) they later after the escape to argentina in 45 could have had a child called obama (obed benjamin abraham michael aaron) /check Hitlers visits to Thüringen/ it is possible its true" https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/70287078?s=barrack&t=572740&p=1 you will find the name margita barrack/ and lots of other names/ you know lots of investigations are needed to find out who obama is/ m stated hitler escaped to argentina and Eva braun may have died in the Fuhrer Bunker Berlin in 45 by suicide/ her body was burned together with a Hitler double. look a like/ who knows? will the truth come out?
    barrack obama ? m stated "barrack obama could be born in muhlhausen thuringen or even in berlin germany /as hitler could have had an affair with margita barrack (born 27 11 2021) they later after the escape to argentina in 45 could have had a child called obama (obed benjamin abraham michael aaron) /check Hitlers visits to Thüringen/ it is possible its true" https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/70287078?s=barrack&t=572740&p=1 you will find the name margita barrack/ and lots of other names/ you know lots of investigations are needed to find out who obama is/ m stated hitler escaped to argentina and Eva braun may have died in the Fuhrer Bunker Berlin in 45 by suicide/ her body was burned together with a Hitler double. look a like/ who knows? will the truth come out?
    Search for documents in the Arolsen Archives | DE ITS BY 168 RUS 7 ZM - Original collection
    Search for documents in the Arolsen Archives | DE ITS BY 168 RUS 7 ZM - Original collection
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  • "Revealing the Bloody and Merciless Face of the Red Terror Genocide. Srubov Is a Part of Cheka, the Secret Police Lenin Established After the Bolshevik Revolution. They Arrest, Interview for a Minute, Try in Ten Seconds, and Execute Intellectuals, Aristocrats, Christians, Anti-communists, and Their Families. In the Building Basement, Five People at a Time Are Shot as They Stand Naked Facing Wooden Doors. No One to Remember Their Last Words; No Martyrs, Just Anonymous Bodies. Daily, the Kangaroo Court, the Executions, the Loading of Bodies Onto Wagons."

    The same immeasurable evil everywhere communists seize control. Russian bolsheviks slaughtered many millions. This movie depicts just some of their inhumane deeds at the time of red terror.

    "Revealing the Bloody and Merciless Face of the Red Terror Genocide. Srubov Is a Part of Cheka, the Secret Police Lenin Established After the Bolshevik Revolution. They Arrest, Interview for a Minute, Try in Ten Seconds, and Execute Intellectuals, Aristocrats, Christians, Anti-communists, and Their Families. In the Building Basement, Five People at a Time Are Shot as They Stand Naked Facing Wooden Doors. No One to Remember Their Last Words; No Martyrs, Just Anonymous Bodies. Daily, the Kangaroo Court, the Executions, the Loading of Bodies Onto Wagons." The same immeasurable evil everywhere communists seize control. Russian bolsheviks slaughtered many millions. This movie depicts just some of their inhumane deeds at the time of red terror. https://archive.org/details/chekist_202202
    0 Commentaires 0 parts
  • so m stated : "barrack obama a ultra orthodox ashkhenazi ? m stated "barrack obama could be born in muhlhausen thuringen or even in berlin germany or argentina after WW II /as hitler had an affair with margita barrack (born 27 11 2021) they could have had had a child called obama (obed benjamin abraham michael aaron) / check Hitlers visits to Thüringen/ and the info on hitlers escape to argentina with thousands of ss and wehmaht nazies and "women" fe by KLM in secret with help of the ashkhenazi Prins Bernhard of the Netherlands / it is possible its true" https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/70287078?s=barrack&t=572740&p=1 you will find the name margita barrack/ and lots of other well known names/// mention countless went to usa canada after WW II and argentina so you know lots of investigations are needed to find out who obama actually is"
    so m stated : "barrack obama a ultra orthodox ashkhenazi ? m stated "barrack obama could be born in muhlhausen thuringen or even in berlin germany or argentina after WW II /as hitler had an affair with margita barrack (born 27 11 2021) they could have had had a child called obama (obed benjamin abraham michael aaron) / check Hitlers visits to Thüringen/ and the info on hitlers escape to argentina with thousands of ss and wehmaht nazies and "women" fe by KLM in secret with help of the ashkhenazi Prins Bernhard of the Netherlands / it is possible its true" https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search/person/70287078?s=barrack&t=572740&p=1 you will find the name margita barrack/ and lots of other well known names/// mention countless went to usa canada after WW II and argentina so you know lots of investigations are needed to find out who obama actually is"
    Search for documents in the Arolsen Archives | DE ITS BY 168 RUS 7 ZM - Original collection
    Search for documents in the Arolsen Archives | DE ITS BY 168 RUS 7 ZM - Original collection
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