• warning extreme violent///// footage of the genocide on christians/ M News stated a group radical syrian soldiers crusified /murdered innocent alawites in the region supported by zionist mercenaries from the sun moloch temple sect SMTS crusifying murdering christian alawites in syria
    warning extreme violent///// footage of the genocide on christians/ M News stated a group radical syrian soldiers crusified /murdered innocent alawites in the region supported by zionist mercenaries from the sun moloch temple sect SMTS crusifying murdering christian alawites in syria
    2 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Oude tijden advertenties voor revolutionaire baanbrekende ontdekkingen zoals electro duurzame gadgets en gezondheid bevorderende E toepassingen/ er is heel veel wat de elites en de technocraten tirannen zoals van het wef en koningshuizen voor u verborgen hebben gehouden v vele jaren uit je reinste hebzucht, ze maken alles duurder en duurder en willen niet dat de mensheid er beter op word en dat er vrede komt, ze voeren genocide oorlogen en vernietigen flora en fauna. Onze aarde gaat naar de haaien. Dat moet stoppen !
    Oude tijden advertenties voor revolutionaire baanbrekende ontdekkingen zoals electro duurzame gadgets en gezondheid bevorderende E toepassingen/ er is heel veel wat de elites en de technocraten tirannen zoals van het wef en koningshuizen voor u verborgen hebben gehouden v vele jaren uit je reinste hebzucht, ze maken alles duurder en duurder en willen niet dat de mensheid er beter op word en dat er vrede komt, ze voeren genocide oorlogen en vernietigen flora en fauna. Onze aarde gaat naar de haaien. Dat moet stoppen !
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  • Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum.


    One of the largest buildings in the world at the time under one roof.

    Old World building turned against us locking up survivors/ dissenters from the reset the genocide on christians by the sion moloch temple sect.
    Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum. 1877. One of the largest buildings in the world at the time under one roof. Old World building turned against us locking up survivors/ dissenters from the reset the genocide on christians by the sion moloch temple sect.
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  • One of the most tragic photographs of the 20th century.

    A multi-thousand person prayer gathering of Russian Orthodox Christians on Moscow’s Red Square in August 1917. They were celebrating the opening of the great local council, which would elect Patriarch Tikhon to lead the Russian Orthodox Church later in that year.

    Many were unaware, or worse yet - knew, that their Tsar was sitting imprisoned since March 1917 in St Petersburg with his wife and children, undergoing psychologically torture, abuse, harassment and was being ‘prepared’ to be sacrificed in Yekaterinburg.

    The post-Tsar government in the country was completely usurped & controlled by Freemasons of the Grand Orient lodge, and in only two months time - in October of 1917, that same Masonic government would usher in the Talmudic Bolshevik butchers to ‘complete the ritual’.

    In a sign of almost science fiction level black comedy & satire, something akin to George Lucas’ Star Wars- the greatest enemy of Russia, Alexander Kerensky, the Grand Master of all Russian freemasonry attended the Orthodox Council as a ‘guest of honor’. Surrounded by future martyrs, the demon-possessed mason sat the council, attended the Church services, smirking, knowing that in less than 6 months time the blood of Orthodox Christians will begin flowing like a river through the land - and nobody in the room could see it coming.

    Perhaps the only person alive in the country who could have saved Russia from the Talmudic Revolution, Tsar Nicholas ii, was isolated and trapped. He was Himself, prepared as the sacrifice, the kapparot, the “royal tribute”, to an ancient pre-Christian collegium of demons. Nobody came to his aid, the council of Bishops did not mention Him by name, did not recognize the sheer devastation that was about to commence - and did not call for His liberation.

    The vast majority of the Orthodox laity and clergy had no idea that their ‘negligence’ and inactivity in this time of strife would lead to the greatest mass martyrdom & genocide the world has ever seen.

    Many Orthodox saints would later remember this time with tears & sorrow, about how the mass delusion and lukewarmness clouded the minds of the Russian multitudes. This is evident in the sermons, confessions & writings of the new-martyrs who understood their own mistakes in that tumultuous “1917” before they were marched off to the firing ranges and torture chambers by the grandchildren of Rabbis, cultists of Baal and their very own apostatized, former spiritual children.

    May we finally realize the mistakes of our ancestors, and never repeat them.

    One of the most tragic photographs of the 20th century. A multi-thousand person prayer gathering of Russian Orthodox Christians on Moscow’s Red Square in August 1917. They were celebrating the opening of the great local council, which would elect Patriarch Tikhon to lead the Russian Orthodox Church later in that year. Many were unaware, or worse yet - knew, that their Tsar was sitting imprisoned since March 1917 in St Petersburg with his wife and children, undergoing psychologically torture, abuse, harassment and was being ‘prepared’ to be sacrificed in Yekaterinburg. The post-Tsar government in the country was completely usurped & controlled by Freemasons of the Grand Orient lodge, and in only two months time - in October of 1917, that same Masonic government would usher in the Talmudic Bolshevik butchers to ‘complete the ritual’. In a sign of almost science fiction level black comedy & satire, something akin to George Lucas’ Star Wars- the greatest enemy of Russia, Alexander Kerensky, the Grand Master of all Russian freemasonry attended the Orthodox Council as a ‘guest of honor’. Surrounded by future martyrs, the demon-possessed mason sat the council, attended the Church services, smirking, knowing that in less than 6 months time the blood of Orthodox Christians will begin flowing like a river through the land - and nobody in the room could see it coming. Perhaps the only person alive in the country who could have saved Russia from the Talmudic Revolution, Tsar Nicholas ii, was isolated and trapped. He was Himself, prepared as the sacrifice, the kapparot, the “royal tribute”, to an ancient pre-Christian collegium of demons. Nobody came to his aid, the council of Bishops did not mention Him by name, did not recognize the sheer devastation that was about to commence - and did not call for His liberation. The vast majority of the Orthodox laity and clergy had no idea that their ‘negligence’ and inactivity in this time of strife would lead to the greatest mass martyrdom & genocide the world has ever seen. Many Orthodox saints would later remember this time with tears & sorrow, about how the mass delusion and lukewarmness clouded the minds of the Russian multitudes. This is evident in the sermons, confessions & writings of the new-martyrs who understood their own mistakes in that tumultuous “1917” before they were marched off to the firing ranges and torture chambers by the grandchildren of Rabbis, cultists of Baal and their very own apostatized, former spiritual children. May we finally realize the mistakes of our ancestors, and never repeat them. https://x.com/OCanonist/status/1806103236723769489
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52owrSsG6S4 Plaasmoorden// the black genocide on white farmers

    Farm murders: Murder of little Wilmien Potgieter | Plaasmoorde: Moord van klein Wilmien Potgieter

    A short documentary on the December 2010 murders of Attie (40), Wilna (36) and little Wilmien Potgieter (2) in the vicinity of Lindley.

    ’n Kort dokumentêr bekendgestel oor die moord op Attie (40), Wilna (36) en klein Wilmien Potgieter (2) naby Lindley in Desember 2010.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52owrSsG6S4 Plaasmoorden// the black genocide on white farmers Farm murders: Murder of little Wilmien Potgieter | Plaasmoorde: Moord van klein Wilmien Potgieter A short documentary on the December 2010 murders of Attie (40), Wilna (36) and little Wilmien Potgieter (2) in the vicinity of Lindley. ’n Kort dokumentêr bekendgestel oor die moord op Attie (40), Wilna (36) en klein Wilmien Potgieter (2) naby Lindley in Desember 2010.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Chinese killer drone swarms.

    Bilions of killer drones beeing produced.

    After witnessing the horrific footage of killer drones being used in the Ukraine-Russia war, this is absolutely terrifying.

    Can you imagine the precision-targeted genocide destruction that could be caused by the swarms like this, at relatively low cost?

    Drones as small as a fly with poisen.

    There are countless small killer drones that look like mosquitoes that sting you with snake poison or poison from the African castor tree, (Miracle Tree) after 1 sting you will die within 1 minute of a heart attack due to the poison or a deadly vaccine such as from Fauci Gates....
    Chinese killer drone swarms. Bilions of killer drones beeing produced. After witnessing the horrific footage of killer drones being used in the Ukraine-Russia war, this is absolutely terrifying. Can you imagine the precision-targeted genocide destruction that could be caused by the swarms like this, at relatively low cost? Drones as small as a fly with poisen. There are countless small killer drones that look like mosquitoes that sting you with snake poison or poison from the African castor tree, (Miracle Tree) after 1 sting you will die within 1 minute of a heart attack due to the poison or a deadly vaccine such as from Fauci Gates....
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Wilt U een waarheid?

    "mass murderers and extremely false people descend from a people that were exiled from more than 100 countries throughout history"

    De door moloch aanhangers van de sekte/ freemasons/ met sekteleden zoals rutte de Jonge rosenmuller bikker joba van de berg sjoerdsma paulusma paternotte ollongreng en vele anderen van de sekte zoals leden van het OMT/ WEF en zgn koninklijke elites voeren volgens de klokkenluider M een doelgericht ontvolkingsbeleid/ het actief sponsoren van genocide oorlogen zoals in Syrie/ Yemen/Gaza Oekraiene

    Corona genocide

    Honderden miljoenen euros heeft de regering gespendeerd aan ziekmakende trolleys/ levensgevaarlijke ventilatoren. Men voerde een beleid dat bestond uit schadelijke en dodelijke corona maatregelen

    De elite sekte ism Koningshuizen beoogde om zoveel mogelijk mensen zoals ook dmv prikken en combinaties van experimentele prikken onvruchtbaar te maken, ziek en of zieker te maken om de bevolking uit te dunnen / in het kader van terugbrengen van de bevolking/ herverdeling van de bevolking/ de great reset waaronder het deels ontmantelen en kapot maken van e boerenstand/ horec/ visserij en MKB/ en oa omvolking

    Vooral voor ziekenhuizen, verzorgingshuizen en patiënten die ventilatoren en bloedkatheters gebruiken vormden multiresistente bacteriën een enorme gevaar.

    Wanneer patiënten besmet raken met een van de bacteriën kunnen er dodelijke infecties in het bloed of longontstekingen optreden.

    Volgens diverse rapporten zijn miljoenen mensen in de wereld overleden, indirect en direct als gevolg van de corona maatregelen en door prikken en medicijnen.
    Wilt U een waarheid? "mass murderers and extremely false people descend from a people that were exiled from more than 100 countries throughout history" De door moloch aanhangers van de sekte/ freemasons/ met sekteleden zoals rutte de Jonge rosenmuller bikker joba van de berg sjoerdsma paulusma paternotte ollongreng en vele anderen van de sekte zoals leden van het OMT/ WEF en zgn koninklijke elites voeren volgens de klokkenluider M een doelgericht ontvolkingsbeleid/ het actief sponsoren van genocide oorlogen zoals in Syrie/ Yemen/Gaza Oekraiene Corona genocide Honderden miljoenen euros heeft de regering gespendeerd aan ziekmakende trolleys/ levensgevaarlijke ventilatoren. Men voerde een beleid dat bestond uit schadelijke en dodelijke corona maatregelen De elite sekte ism Koningshuizen beoogde om zoveel mogelijk mensen zoals ook dmv prikken en combinaties van experimentele prikken onvruchtbaar te maken, ziek en of zieker te maken om de bevolking uit te dunnen / in het kader van terugbrengen van de bevolking/ herverdeling van de bevolking/ de great reset waaronder het deels ontmantelen en kapot maken van e boerenstand/ horec/ visserij en MKB/ en oa omvolking Vooral voor ziekenhuizen, verzorgingshuizen en patiënten die ventilatoren en bloedkatheters gebruiken vormden multiresistente bacteriën een enorme gevaar. Wanneer patiënten besmet raken met een van de bacteriën kunnen er dodelijke infecties in het bloed of longontstekingen optreden. Volgens diverse rapporten zijn miljoenen mensen in de wereld overleden, indirect en direct als gevolg van de corona maatregelen en door prikken en medicijnen.
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Below eight more examples of jew loxists.
    Why are Talmud followers allowed to claim and actively work to achieve a white genocide?
    Below eight more examples of jew loxists. Why are Talmud followers allowed to claim and actively work to achieve a white genocide?
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • De foto van de inhalatiekamer werd genomen in het Australische Melbourne in 1919. Mensen werden aangespoord een gas in te ademen dat hen moest beschermen tegen de griep.

    Ontelbaar veel mensen zijn overleden.

    Diverse bronnen beweren dat de inhalende mensen doodziek werden door het inhaleren van damp met bacterien.

    Er zijn veel genocides geweest door de Moloch Sekte wiens sekteleden zich voordoen als helers/redders/ De vijanden van de mensheid die erop uit zijn om miljarden mensen christenen moslims etc te vermoorden/ zij willen de totale wereld heerschappij/
    De foto van de inhalatiekamer werd genomen in het Australische Melbourne in 1919. Mensen werden aangespoord een gas in te ademen dat hen moest beschermen tegen de griep. Ontelbaar veel mensen zijn overleden. Diverse bronnen beweren dat de inhalende mensen doodziek werden door het inhaleren van damp met bacterien. Er zijn veel genocides geweest door de Moloch Sekte wiens sekteleden zich voordoen als helers/redders/ De vijanden van de mensheid die erop uit zijn om miljarden mensen christenen moslims etc te vermoorden/ zij willen de totale wereld heerschappij/
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • "Revealing the Bloody and Merciless Face of the Red Terror Genocide. Srubov Is a Part of Cheka, the Secret Police Lenin Established After the Bolshevik Revolution. They Arrest, Interview for a Minute, Try in Ten Seconds, and Execute Intellectuals, Aristocrats, Christians, Anti-communists, and Their Families. In the Building Basement, Five People at a Time Are Shot as They Stand Naked Facing Wooden Doors. No One to Remember Their Last Words; No Martyrs, Just Anonymous Bodies. Daily, the Kangaroo Court, the Executions, the Loading of Bodies Onto Wagons."

    The same immeasurable evil everywhere communists seize control. Russian bolsheviks slaughtered many millions. This movie depicts just some of their inhumane deeds at the time of red terror.

    "Revealing the Bloody and Merciless Face of the Red Terror Genocide. Srubov Is a Part of Cheka, the Secret Police Lenin Established After the Bolshevik Revolution. They Arrest, Interview for a Minute, Try in Ten Seconds, and Execute Intellectuals, Aristocrats, Christians, Anti-communists, and Their Families. In the Building Basement, Five People at a Time Are Shot as They Stand Naked Facing Wooden Doors. No One to Remember Their Last Words; No Martyrs, Just Anonymous Bodies. Daily, the Kangaroo Court, the Executions, the Loading of Bodies Onto Wagons." The same immeasurable evil everywhere communists seize control. Russian bolsheviks slaughtered many millions. This movie depicts just some of their inhumane deeds at the time of red terror. https://archive.org/details/chekist_202202
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