• This video shows how to make a homemade AM radio, also called a foxhole or crystal radio.

    This video shows how to make a homemade AM radio, also called a foxhole or crystal radio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AI2Jixj5Bs
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  • Google kolder

    Onderstaande TEGENSTRIJDIGE info vind je door te googlen op zoekterm "tonsillitis"

    Waarom moet je fastfood eten als je ziek bent?
    “Als je ziek bent tijdens een beperkte periode, is het vaak makkelijker om de eiwitten, vetten en suikers te bereiken met iets wat normaal gezien als ongezond beschouwd zou worden. Dus bij een acute ziekte, gedurende een korte periode, is een hamburger gezonder dan een salade met tomaat”, licht Dewaele toe.6 dec 2019

    Is McDonald's oké als je ziek bent?
    Blijf weg van fastfood als je ziek bent of een verkoudheid hebt . Geraffineerde suikers en kunstmatige zoetstoffen veroorzaken ontstekingen in het lichaam, dus doe je best om sterk bewerkte voedingsmiddelen met toegevoegde suikers te vermijden.

    Google kolder Onderstaande TEGENSTRIJDIGE info vind je door te googlen op zoekterm "tonsillitis" Waarom moet je fastfood eten als je ziek bent? “Als je ziek bent tijdens een beperkte periode, is het vaak makkelijker om de eiwitten, vetten en suikers te bereiken met iets wat normaal gezien als ongezond beschouwd zou worden. Dus bij een acute ziekte, gedurende een korte periode, is een hamburger gezonder dan een salade met tomaat”, licht Dewaele toe.6 dec 2019 Is McDonald's oké als je ziek bent? Blijf weg van fastfood als je ziek bent of een verkoudheid hebt . Geraffineerde suikers en kunstmatige zoetstoffen veroorzaken ontstekingen in het lichaam, dus doe je best om sterk bewerkte voedingsmiddelen met toegevoegde suikers te vermijden. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=+tonsillitis
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQUPb47wA7Y
    Boze veelplegers willen niet weg en schelden de president uit. Criminal migrant LASHES OUT during ICE arrest: 'F--- Trump!' Fox News' Bill Melugin shares highlights from his exclusive ride-along with ICE officials in Boston. 'Outnumbered' panelists discuss the impact of President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQUPb47wA7Y Boze veelplegers willen niet weg en schelden de president uit. Criminal migrant LASHES OUT during ICE arrest: 'F--- Trump!' Fox News' Bill Melugin shares highlights from his exclusive ride-along with ICE officials in Boston. 'Outnumbered' panelists discuss the impact of President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Dineren met een prachtig mooie lieve vos #vos #fox
    Dineren met een prachtig mooie lieve vos :face-savoring-food: #vos #fox
    2 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Adorable snoopy fox
    Adorable snoopy fox :grinning-face: :face-with-tongue: red-heart
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Is #Heerlen een criminele stad? Google geeft als antwoord o.a. :
    Landelijk gezien kent Heerlen de meeste criminele inwoners. In de Limburgse stad werden er per 10.000 inwoners 149 aangehouden als verdachte van een misdrijf. In de gemeente Dinkelland (Overijssel) zijn er weinig criminelen.12 mrt 2024
    Is #Heerlen een criminele stad? Google geeft als antwoord o.a. : Landelijk gezien kent Heerlen de meeste criminele inwoners. In de Limburgse stad werden er per 10.000 inwoners 149 aangehouden als verdachte van een misdrijf. In de gemeente Dinkelland (Overijssel) zijn er weinig criminelen.12 mrt 2024 https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=heerlen
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Bleu eyes zen fox prachtige zen #vos
    Bleu eyes zen fox prachtige zen #vos :grinning-cat-with-smiling-eyes:
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • De kern van Monroe's doctrine is dat het Westelijke continent en het Europese continent strikt gescheiden dienen te zijn en de staten zich niet in elkaars invloedssferen mengen. Amerika neemt zich voor afzijdig te blijven van Europese oorlogen en Europese kolonies op het Amerikaanse continent te respecteren. We is niks van die doctrine terecht gekomen want Amerika voerde overal expansie decimering en plunder oorlogen. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=monroe+doctrine+betekenis
    De kern van Monroe's doctrine is dat het Westelijke continent en het Europese continent strikt gescheiden dienen te zijn en de staten zich niet in elkaars invloedssferen mengen. Amerika neemt zich voor afzijdig te blijven van Europese oorlogen en Europese kolonies op het Amerikaanse continent te respecteren. We is niks van die doctrine terecht gekomen want Amerika voerde overal expansie decimering en plunder oorlogen. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=monroe+doctrine+betekenis
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  • Patricia "Boots" Mallory (October 22, 1913 – December 1, 1958) Born in Louisiana, and growing up in Alabama, she went to New York City to act, where she made a strong impression in the Broadway production of the Ziegfeld Follies of 1931. Moving to Hollywood, she found employment with Fox Films and was cast in the film version of Dawn Powell's play Walking Down Broadway.

    This was the first sound film by Erich von Stroheim. He shared both screenwriting and directing credits and regarded Mallory as his discovery. The play told the story of a young unmarried woman involved in a love triangle who becomes pregnant. The finished film, however, strongly suggested a lesbian relationship between Mallory's character and the character played by ZaSu Pitts. Other themes in this version were seen as too controversial, and major changes were made to von Stroheim's story, including being released under a different name (Hello, Sister!).

    Ultimately, this movie was not well received. In 1932 her second completed film, Handle with Care, was released and marked her debut. It was well received and Mallory was chosen as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1932, but the extensive media publicity surrounding her WAMPAS recognition, was undermined by the poor reception given to Hello, Sister! when it was finally released.

    A tall blonde, Mallory was well regarded for her striking looks and was photographed by such photographers as George Hurrell. She also posed for risque lingerie photographs, and was painted nude by the pin-up artist Rolf Armstrong. At one point, she was married to James Cagney's lookalike brother William Cagney, an actor who later became a film producer for his brother. On radio she worked with James Cagney in productions for Lux Radio Theatre. She made her final film appearance in an uncredited role in the Laurel and Hardy film Swiss Miss (1938).

    She and William Cagney had two children, fraternal twins Jill and Stephan. She was married to actor Herbert Marshall from 1947 until her death from chronic throat disease at age 45 in Santa Monica, California, in 1958.
    Patricia "Boots" Mallory (October 22, 1913 – December 1, 1958) Born in Louisiana, and growing up in Alabama, she went to New York City to act, where she made a strong impression in the Broadway production of the Ziegfeld Follies of 1931. Moving to Hollywood, she found employment with Fox Films and was cast in the film version of Dawn Powell's play Walking Down Broadway. This was the first sound film by Erich von Stroheim. He shared both screenwriting and directing credits and regarded Mallory as his discovery. The play told the story of a young unmarried woman involved in a love triangle who becomes pregnant. The finished film, however, strongly suggested a lesbian relationship between Mallory's character and the character played by ZaSu Pitts. Other themes in this version were seen as too controversial, and major changes were made to von Stroheim's story, including being released under a different name (Hello, Sister!). Ultimately, this movie was not well received. In 1932 her second completed film, Handle with Care, was released and marked her debut. It was well received and Mallory was chosen as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1932, but the extensive media publicity surrounding her WAMPAS recognition, was undermined by the poor reception given to Hello, Sister! when it was finally released. A tall blonde, Mallory was well regarded for her striking looks and was photographed by such photographers as George Hurrell. She also posed for risque lingerie photographs, and was painted nude by the pin-up artist Rolf Armstrong. At one point, she was married to James Cagney's lookalike brother William Cagney, an actor who later became a film producer for his brother. On radio she worked with James Cagney in productions for Lux Radio Theatre. She made her final film appearance in an uncredited role in the Laurel and Hardy film Swiss Miss (1938). She and William Cagney had two children, fraternal twins Jill and Stephan. She was married to actor Herbert Marshall from 1947 until her death from chronic throat disease at age 45 in Santa Monica, California, in 1958.
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  • sleep well fox
    sleep well fox :grinning-face:
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