• Epstein was in the same business as Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was a child trafficker who sold babies and made between $50 million and $100 million a year for the Vatican. Teresa's connections include Baby Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, Charles Keating, the criminal of Saving and Loan, and Robert Maxwell, the father of Jeffrey Epstein's partner in child trafficking, Ghislaine Maxwell. And there is more, Mother Teresa opened the DC toddler home with none other than Hillary Clinton. This orphanage was silently closed in 2012. Sorry Zelensky, we are not letting Epstein leave our feed today.

    Credit: The White Rabbit telegram.
    Epstein was in the same business as Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was a child trafficker who sold babies and made between $50 million and $100 million a year for the Vatican. Teresa's connections include Baby Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator, Charles Keating, the criminal of Saving and Loan, and Robert Maxwell, the father of Jeffrey Epstein's partner in child trafficking, Ghislaine Maxwell. And there is more, Mother Teresa opened the DC toddler home with none other than Hillary Clinton. This orphanage was silently closed in 2012. Sorry Zelensky, we are not letting Epstein leave our feed today. Credit: The White Rabbit telegram.
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Vincent van Gogh
    Meer over Vincents leven

    Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is wereldberoemd. Maak kennis met zijn leven en werk. Ontdek meer over zijn leven, lees zijn brieven, bekijk zijn schilderijen en tekeningen.

    Vincent van Gogh Meer over Vincents leven Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is wereldberoemd. Maak kennis met zijn leven en werk. Ontdek meer over zijn leven, lees zijn brieven, bekijk zijn schilderijen en tekeningen. https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/nl/kunst-en-verhalen/kunst/vincent-van-gogh
    Vincent van Gogh
    Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is wereldberoemd. Maak kennis met zijn leven en werk. Ontdek meer over zijn leven, lees zijn brieven, bekijk zijn schilderijen en tekeningen.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Vincent van Gogh

    Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie

    Het Van Gogh Museum is een aan de Nederlandse kunstschilder Vincent van Gogh gewijd museum, aan de Paulus Potterstraat en het Museumplein in Amsterdam, in het stadsdeel Zuid. De verzameling bevat ruim tweehonderd schilderijen, vijfhonderd tekeningen en zevenhonderd brieven van Vincent van Gogh, alsmede diens verzameling Japanse prenten, en de bibliotheek omvat meer dan 23.000 titels.

    Ontdek het leven en werk van Vincent van Gogh

    Welkom bij het Van Gogh Museum. Plan je bezoek en bestel je kaartjes online. Pas op voor online criminelen. Boek je tickets veilig op onze officiële site tickets.vangoghmuseum.nl.

    Vincent van Gogh Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie Het Van Gogh Museum is een aan de Nederlandse kunstschilder Vincent van Gogh gewijd museum, aan de Paulus Potterstraat en het Museumplein in Amsterdam, in het stadsdeel Zuid. De verzameling bevat ruim tweehonderd schilderijen, vijfhonderd tekeningen en zevenhonderd brieven van Vincent van Gogh, alsmede diens verzameling Japanse prenten, en de bibliotheek omvat meer dan 23.000 titels. Ontdek het leven en werk van Vincent van Gogh Welkom bij het Van Gogh Museum. Plan je bezoek en bestel je kaartjes online. Pas op voor online criminelen. Boek je tickets veilig op onze officiële site tickets.vangoghmuseum.nl. https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/nl
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • #gender anti-humanity/ children/ The ideology was introduced and promoted by elite sectmembers from germany (developed by "the sect" during WW II ) and the netherlands #woke #transgender
    #gender anti-humanity/ children/ The ideology was introduced and promoted by elite sectmembers from germany (developed by "the sect" during WW II ) and the netherlands #woke #transgender
    4 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • "a top expert explains how dangerous it is to put children on cross hormone therapy and puberty blockers. " #woke #abuse #transgender #hormonblockers #hormoonnblokkers #urineweginfecties #kinderenmishandeling / transmisdaden medische misdaad tegen autisten kleine kinderen pubers Crimes against children / medical woke crimes against humanity.
    "a top expert explains how dangerous it is to put children on cross hormone therapy and puberty blockers. " #woke #abuse #transgender #hormonblockers #hormoonnblokkers #urineweginfecties #kinderenmishandeling / transmisdaden medische misdaad tegen autisten kleine kinderen pubers Crimes against children / medical woke crimes against humanity.
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Gedurende de geschiedenis zijn er vele miljoenen blanken met name de vrouwen gevangen genomen en als slaaf misbruikt... de blanke mannen werden tijdens en na vele veldtochten afgeslacht ... tot de laatste aan toe......

    Why didn’t we learn about this in our schools? Why are our children being brainwashed into believing that slavery was caused only by white people?
    Gedurende de geschiedenis zijn er vele miljoenen blanken met name de vrouwen gevangen genomen en als slaaf misbruikt... de blanke mannen werden tijdens en na vele veldtochten afgeslacht ... tot de laatste aan toe...... Why didn’t we learn about this in our schools? Why are our children being brainwashed into believing that slavery was caused only by white people?
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • "The Silver Swan" from the Better Old World.

    The extraordinary silver swan was made in 1773 and consists of three movements: the water, the music and the swan's neck, which is made up of 111 silver collars.

    It is an amazing automaton created in 1773 by John Joseph Merlin and James Cox.

    It was purchased by Josephine and John Bowes for £200, who fell in love with the remarkable centrepiece in an exhibition.

    Meanwhile, these Australian musical blocks teach children the alphabet and how to play a lovely tune. Experts from Antiques Roadshow take a look at some fantastic antiques and the history and stories surrounding them. This clip was filmed in the Bowes Museum in 2000.
    "The Silver Swan" from the Better Old World. The extraordinary silver swan was made in 1773 and consists of three movements: the water, the music and the swan's neck, which is made up of 111 silver collars. It is an amazing automaton created in 1773 by John Joseph Merlin and James Cox. It was purchased by Josephine and John Bowes for £200, who fell in love with the remarkable centrepiece in an exhibition. Meanwhile, these Australian musical blocks teach children the alphabet and how to play a lovely tune. Experts from Antiques Roadshow take a look at some fantastic antiques and the history and stories surrounding them. This clip was filmed in the Bowes Museum in 2000.
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY6PQAI4TZE
    Amsterdam children fighting cars in De Pijp, 1972
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY6PQAI4TZE Amsterdam children fighting cars in De Pijp, 1972
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Backing Soda is great

    Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is also used in the treatment of kidney disease. The National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) recommends the use of sodium bicarbonate to treat metabolic acidosis. This condition occurs when there is an excessive buildup of acid in the blood.

    Eliminating bacteria and fungi

    Baking soda has antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can use baking soda to get rid of bacteria that cause tooth decay and fungi (yeast and molds) that cause infection on nails and skin.

    Managing urinary tract infection (UTI)

    A study was done where women with UTIs took baking soda by mouth for four weeks. The results showed that their urine was alkalized, and there was an improvement in sores and symptoms. Baking soda can be used as a less expensive method of managing UTIs with little to no side effects.

    Treating insect bites

    If you get an insect bite, you can apply some baking soda paste made by mixing three parts of baking soda with one part of water. Let it dry, wash it off, and repeat if necessary.

    Improving exercise

    Consuming baking soda before exercise can improve overall performance, especially for athletes. It also helps reduce fatigue during and after training. Because of its high pH value, it lowers the levels of lactic acid in the muscles during high-intensity workouts.

    Controlling chronic kidney disease

    Baking soda is an alkaline substance, so it regulates body pH by neutralizing acid in your body when you consume it. Also, studies suggest that taking baking soda by mouth may slow chronic kidney disease progression. It also showed great benefits to kidney functioning. However, before taking baking soda for chronic kidney disease, consult your doctor since more research needs to be done.

    Cancer prevention

    Cancerous tumors grow in acidic environments in solid tumor areas leading to factors contributing to tumor development. Since the site is acidic, the best way to treat it is through the neutralization of acid. Several experimental studies show that using sodium bicarbonate alone or with other drugs in chemotherapy (the process of stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells) has been shown to control cancer. More research is needed.

    Treating heartburns and indigestion

    Heartburn is the burning sensation in the chest caused by stomach acid, while indigestion is when the digestive tract functions abnormally. If you get heartburn, dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda in two glasses of water and drink slowly. This helps to relieve heartburn and indigestion.

    Treating mouth ulcers

    Mouth ulcers are also known as canker sores. They are painful sores that develop in the inner lining of the mouth or gum. Mouth-cleaning and minimizing plaque on teeth by washing with baking soda helps treat mouth ulcers. Results on patients that visited a doctor after using baking soda showed some improvement.

    Research regarding its long-term effects is lacking, but it may be especially harmful to children as well as during pregnancy and lactation—due in part to how it causes the body to retain fluids. Due to the high sodium content of baking soda, people with heart disease should use caution when drinking it.
    Backing Soda is great Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is also used in the treatment of kidney disease. The National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) recommends the use of sodium bicarbonate to treat metabolic acidosis. This condition occurs when there is an excessive buildup of acid in the blood. Eliminating bacteria and fungi Baking soda has antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can use baking soda to get rid of bacteria that cause tooth decay and fungi (yeast and molds) that cause infection on nails and skin. Managing urinary tract infection (UTI) A study was done where women with UTIs took baking soda by mouth for four weeks. The results showed that their urine was alkalized, and there was an improvement in sores and symptoms. Baking soda can be used as a less expensive method of managing UTIs with little to no side effects. Treating insect bites If you get an insect bite, you can apply some baking soda paste made by mixing three parts of baking soda with one part of water. Let it dry, wash it off, and repeat if necessary. Improving exercise Consuming baking soda before exercise can improve overall performance, especially for athletes. It also helps reduce fatigue during and after training. Because of its high pH value, it lowers the levels of lactic acid in the muscles during high-intensity workouts. Controlling chronic kidney disease Baking soda is an alkaline substance, so it regulates body pH by neutralizing acid in your body when you consume it. Also, studies suggest that taking baking soda by mouth may slow chronic kidney disease progression. It also showed great benefits to kidney functioning. However, before taking baking soda for chronic kidney disease, consult your doctor since more research needs to be done. Cancer prevention Cancerous tumors grow in acidic environments in solid tumor areas leading to factors contributing to tumor development. Since the site is acidic, the best way to treat it is through the neutralization of acid. Several experimental studies show that using sodium bicarbonate alone or with other drugs in chemotherapy (the process of stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells) has been shown to control cancer. More research is needed. Treating heartburns and indigestion Heartburn is the burning sensation in the chest caused by stomach acid, while indigestion is when the digestive tract functions abnormally. If you get heartburn, dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda in two glasses of water and drink slowly. This helps to relieve heartburn and indigestion. Treating mouth ulcers Mouth ulcers are also known as canker sores. They are painful sores that develop in the inner lining of the mouth or gum. Mouth-cleaning and minimizing plaque on teeth by washing with baking soda helps treat mouth ulcers. Results on patients that visited a doctor after using baking soda showed some improvement. Research regarding its long-term effects is lacking, but it may be especially harmful to children as well as during pregnancy and lactation—due in part to how it causes the body to retain fluids. Due to the high sodium content of baking soda, people with heart disease should use caution when drinking it.
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Rise up together /rise up to turn the tide

    Fathers mothers children cry
    World's on fire rivers dry
    Dear ones lost without a trace
    Hearts are scarred can’t replace

    Ashes falling skies so red
    Dreams are burning fears are fed
    Hands are shaken lives are torn
    In this chaos we are born

    We need to rise turn the tide
    Stand together side by side
    End the wars start anew
    Build a world for me and you

    Eyes are streaming tears of pain
    Hope is hiding in the rain
    Whispers of a better day
    Can we find a peaceful way

    Through the dark we see a spark
    Love and peace can leave a mark
    Join our hands break the chains
    Make a world where kindness reigns

    We need to rise turn the tide
    Stand together side by side
    End the wars start anew
    Build a better world for me and you

    Sing Songer


    12 10 2024

    #mp3 #peace #blues

    Rise up together /rise up to turn the tide Fathers mothers children cry World's on fire rivers dry Dear ones lost without a trace Hearts are scarred can’t replace Ashes falling skies so red Dreams are burning fears are fed Hands are shaken lives are torn In this chaos we are born We need to rise turn the tide Stand together side by side End the wars start anew Build a world for me and you Eyes are streaming tears of pain Hope is hiding in the rain Whispers of a better day Can we find a peaceful way Through the dark we see a spark Love and peace can leave a mark Join our hands break the chains Make a world where kindness reigns We need to rise turn the tide Stand together side by side End the wars start anew Build a better world for me and you Sing Songer Amsterdam 12 10 2024 #mp3 #peace #blues
    7 0 Reacties 0 Shares
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