• Hoeveel kerncentrales?
    Wij gebruiken in onze huizen ongeveer 2500 kWh stroom per jaar. Er zijn ongeveer 8 miljoen huishoudens, dat is bij elkaar dus 25 miljoen MegaWattuur.
    Een kerncentrale levert per jaar, voor 5 cent per kWh, 8,3 miljoen MegaWattuur stroom. We hebben dus drie kerncentrales nodig voor stroom voor alle huishoudens.
    Dan is er 24 uur per dag het hele jaar door goedkope stroom. Zonder pieken of dalen op het elektriciteit net, dus geen gascentrales en mega accu’s nodig voor als de zon niet schijnt of het niet waait. Geen CO2, geen hinder voor mensen. Heeft u daar wel eens aan gedacht?
    Tekst: Gerard Smals

    En dan zie je "links" maar stamelen en zeiken over CO2 , stikstof gezamenlijk met andere teerklevers op de A28..

    Hoeveel kerncentrales? Wij gebruiken in onze huizen ongeveer 2500 kWh stroom per jaar. Er zijn ongeveer 8 miljoen huishoudens, dat is bij elkaar dus 25 miljoen MegaWattuur. Een kerncentrale levert per jaar, voor 5 cent per kWh, 8,3 miljoen MegaWattuur stroom. We hebben dus drie kerncentrales nodig voor stroom voor alle huishoudens. Dan is er 24 uur per dag het hele jaar door goedkope stroom. Zonder pieken of dalen op het elektriciteit net, dus geen gascentrales en mega accu’s nodig voor als de zon niet schijnt of het niet waait. Geen CO2, geen hinder voor mensen. Heeft u daar wel eens aan gedacht? Tekst: Gerard Smals En dan zie je "links" maar stamelen en zeiken over CO2 , stikstof gezamenlijk met andere teerklevers op de A28.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123367078382644/user/100007888576493/
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  • Assyrian (gypsum-alabaster) Relief Panel (883–859 BC) - Iraq :

    This panel from the Northwest Palace at Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) depicts a winged supernatural figure. Such figures appear throughout the palace, sometimes flanking either the figure of the Assyrian king or a stylized "sacred tree." The reliefs were painted, but today almost none of the original pigment survives. However, the reliefs themselves retain incredible detail, including intricate incised designs on many of the figures’ clothing.

    The figure depicted on the panel is eagle-headed and faces left, holding in his left hand a bucket and in his right hand a cone whose exact nature is unclear. One suggestion has been that the gesture, sometimes performed by figures flanking a sacred tree, is symbolic of fertilization: the "cone" resembles the male date spathe used by Mesopotamian farmers to artificially fertilize female date-palm trees. It does seem likely that the cone was supposed to hold and dispense water from the bucket in this way, but it is described in Akkadian as a "purifier," and the fact that figures performing this gesture are also shown flanking the king suggests that some purifying or protective meaning is present. The figure is richly dressed, with jewelry including a collar whose front bead appears pomegranate-shaped, a further collar with pendant tassels, armlets, and bracelets, one artificially reversed so that the large central rosette symbols, associated with divinity and perhaps particularly with the goddess Ishtar, are visible on both. Although we cannot know how these elements were originally painted, excavated parallels include elaborate jewelry in gold, inlaid with semi-precious stones. The figure carries two knives, tucked into a belt with their handles visible at chest level.

    The figures are supernatural but do not represent any of the great gods. Rather, they are part of the vast supernatural population that for ancient Mesopotamians animated every aspect of the world. They appear as either eagle-headed or human-headed and wear a horned crown to indicate divinity. Both types of figure usually have wings. Because of their resemblance to groups of figurines buried under doorways for protection whose identities are known through ritual texts, it has been suggested that the figures in the palace reliefs represent the apkallu, wise sages from the distant past. This may indeed be one level of their symbolism, but protective figures of this kind are likely to have held multiple meanings and mythological connections.

    Figures such as this continued to be depicted in later Assyrian palaces, though less frequently. Only in the Northwest Palace do they form such a dominant feature of the relief program.

    (236.2 x 177.8 x 10.8 cm)

    MET Museum - (not on view)
    Assyrian (gypsum-alabaster) Relief Panel (883–859 BC) - Iraq : This panel from the Northwest Palace at Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) depicts a winged supernatural figure. Such figures appear throughout the palace, sometimes flanking either the figure of the Assyrian king or a stylized "sacred tree." The reliefs were painted, but today almost none of the original pigment survives. However, the reliefs themselves retain incredible detail, including intricate incised designs on many of the figures’ clothing. The figure depicted on the panel is eagle-headed and faces left, holding in his left hand a bucket and in his right hand a cone whose exact nature is unclear. One suggestion has been that the gesture, sometimes performed by figures flanking a sacred tree, is symbolic of fertilization: the "cone" resembles the male date spathe used by Mesopotamian farmers to artificially fertilize female date-palm trees. It does seem likely that the cone was supposed to hold and dispense water from the bucket in this way, but it is described in Akkadian as a "purifier," and the fact that figures performing this gesture are also shown flanking the king suggests that some purifying or protective meaning is present. The figure is richly dressed, with jewelry including a collar whose front bead appears pomegranate-shaped, a further collar with pendant tassels, armlets, and bracelets, one artificially reversed so that the large central rosette symbols, associated with divinity and perhaps particularly with the goddess Ishtar, are visible on both. Although we cannot know how these elements were originally painted, excavated parallels include elaborate jewelry in gold, inlaid with semi-precious stones. The figure carries two knives, tucked into a belt with their handles visible at chest level. The figures are supernatural but do not represent any of the great gods. Rather, they are part of the vast supernatural population that for ancient Mesopotamians animated every aspect of the world. They appear as either eagle-headed or human-headed and wear a horned crown to indicate divinity. Both types of figure usually have wings. Because of their resemblance to groups of figurines buried under doorways for protection whose identities are known through ritual texts, it has been suggested that the figures in the palace reliefs represent the apkallu, wise sages from the distant past. This may indeed be one level of their symbolism, but protective figures of this kind are likely to have held multiple meanings and mythological connections. Figures such as this continued to be depicted in later Assyrian palaces, though less frequently. Only in the Northwest Palace do they form such a dominant feature of the relief program. (236.2 x 177.8 x 10.8 cm) MET Museum - (not on view) https://x.com/histories_arch/status/1829461681811988600
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • What is the meaning of a secret deepstate covenant?

    a secret secret agreement or promise...

    a secret agreement or promise, hiden between two or more people or groups politicians organisations etc fe deep state to do or not do something specified.

    Synonyms: conspiracy, deep state pact, evili treaty.
    What is the meaning of a secret deepstate covenant? a secret secret agreement or promise... a secret agreement or promise, hiden between two or more people or groups politicians organisations etc fe deep state to do or not do something specified. Synonyms: conspiracy, deep state pact, evili treaty.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • BIDEN, CLINTON, SOROS GROUPS BEHIND BIOWEAPON TESTING IN UKRAINE: Bombshell details from Russian Defense Ministry which unveils huge Democrat Party members and backers behind programs to make bioweapons in Ukraine and across globe.

    Investment funds of Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, and Bidens raise funds to finance military biological research - Lieutenant General Kirillov https://twitter.com/simpatico771/status/1747016525595254828
    BIDEN, CLINTON, SOROS GROUPS BEHIND BIOWEAPON TESTING IN UKRAINE: Bombshell details from Russian Defense Ministry which unveils huge Democrat Party members and backers behind programs to make bioweapons in Ukraine and across globe. Investment funds of Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, and Bidens raise funds to finance military biological research - Lieutenant General Kirillov https://twitter.com/simpatico771/status/1747016525595254828
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • It’s always Presidents or leaders that speak up against the #DeepState that seem to be a “threat to democracy”🤔 :

    President of Syria, 🇸🇾 Bashar Al-Assad :

    “The West has proven that it has no friends or enemies, they just have one enemy and that’s anyone who gets in the way of their material interests - In other words, they have ZERO principles”

    “Not many people know this and the UGLIEST TRUTH of them all, is that the West and Zionists oppose NAZISM!!”

    “After WW2, NAZI leaders were dispersed in the USA and Europe (Operation Paperclip) - In the 1950’s, the CIA asked the USA 🇺🇸 administration to lift a BAN on those NAZI groups”

    “What proves these historic facts today? #Zelensky is a Zionist Jew that supports the extremist nationalist organizations that fought alongside Hitler when they invaded Russia 🇷🇺 and massacred other Jewish people - The West supports these organizations as well! Have you ever heard of AZOV?!”

    “How about Israel 🇮🇱? Why are they supporting Zelensky, who supports the AZOV organization that massacred other Jewish people? To me, this proves that they are lying about all of it!!”

    Anyone that stands against the WAR MACHINE is labelled a threat by the #DeepState and their media cohorts

    #Yemen #Syria #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
    It’s always Presidents or leaders that speak up against the #DeepState that seem to be a “threat to democracy”🤔 : President of Syria, 🇸🇾 Bashar Al-Assad : “The West has proven that it has no friends or enemies, they just have one enemy and that’s anyone who gets in the way of their material interests - In other words, they have ZERO principles” “Not many people know this and the UGLIEST TRUTH of them all, is that the West and Zionists oppose NAZISM!!” “After WW2, NAZI leaders were dispersed in the USA and Europe (Operation Paperclip) - In the 1950’s, the CIA asked the USA 🇺🇸 administration to lift a BAN on those NAZI groups” “What proves these historic facts today? #Zelensky is a Zionist Jew that supports the extremist nationalist organizations that fought alongside Hitler when they invaded Russia 🇷🇺 and massacred other Jewish people - The West supports these organizations as well! Have you ever heard of AZOV?!” “How about Israel 🇮🇱? Why are they supporting Zelensky, who supports the AZOV organization that massacred other Jewish people? To me, this proves that they are lying about all of it!!” Anyone that stands against the WAR MACHINE is labelled a threat by the #DeepState and their media cohorts #Yemen #Syria #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
    0 0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/145987346231637/user/61554220366180 #wolf #wolves Wolf lover world
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/145987346231637/user/61554220366180 #wolf #wolves Wolf lover world
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • Jimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat.

    The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.

    Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so.

    The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.

    The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.

    Jimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat. The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production. Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so. The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep. The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess. https://twitter.com/WarClandestine/status/1735732737749737568
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • https://twitter.com/WarClandestine/status/1735732737749737568 Jimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat.

    The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.

    Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so.

    The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.

    The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.
    https://twitter.com/WarClandestine/status/1735732737749737568 Jimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat. The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production. Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so. The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep. The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • kom er gezellig bij de fb groep gratis af te halen in #amsterdam https://www.facebook.com/groups/203570706808004
    kom er gezellig bij de fb groep gratis af te halen in #amsterdam https://www.facebook.com/groups/203570706808004
    Gratis af te halen in Amsterdam | Facebook
    Gratis af te halen in Amsterdam Heb jij spullen die je niet meer kan of wilt gebruiken, die je niet meer nodig hebt of die toch maar stof staan te vangen? Vind je het zonde om ze aan de straat te...
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile
  • https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1692498904544137541

    Joseph Bast, former president and CEO of The Heartland Institute, perfectly summarises the underlying agenda of the #ClimateScam:

    "Back in 1993, we identified [global warming] as the mother of all environmental scare tactics… Groups on the left understood that if you can control energy, you can control human beings."

    "If, in fact, the combustion of fossil fuels is having a dangerous impact on climate, you have a recipe for controlling all use of fossil fuels—that’s 80-90% of all the energy. If you can control that and shut it down, you can shut down the engines of the world."

    "And that is no less than what the environmental movement wants to do, and has been trying to do now going on 30 years [with] the global warming debate."

    Source: https://youtu.be/JZj0L9TEuv0
    https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1692498904544137541 Joseph Bast, former president and CEO of The Heartland Institute, perfectly summarises the underlying agenda of the #ClimateScam: "Back in 1993, we identified [global warming] as the mother of all environmental scare tactics… Groups on the left understood that if you can control energy, you can control human beings." "If, in fact, the combustion of fossil fuels is having a dangerous impact on climate, you have a recipe for controlling all use of fossil fuels—that’s 80-90% of all the energy. If you can control that and shut it down, you can shut down the engines of the world." "And that is no less than what the environmental movement wants to do, and has been trying to do now going on 30 years [with] the global warming debate." Source: https://youtu.be/JZj0L9TEuv0
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile