• Climate changes without our help. Just look at just the past 4,000 years. The world is still cooling after the Roman & Medieval warm periods, which were unconnected to carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. But here's a clue: climate won't change by handing trillions to the UN.
    Klimaatafkoeling / klimaat
    Climate changes without our help. Just look at just the past 4,000 years. The world is still cooling after the Roman & Medieval warm periods, which were unconnected to carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. But here's a clue: climate won't change by handing trillions to the UN. Klimaatafkoeling / klimaat
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Planet Earth II: Official Extended Trailer | BBC Earth

    14 okt 2016

    10 years ago Planet Earth changed our view of the world. Now we take you closer than ever before. This is life in all its wonder. This is Planet Earth II.

    A decade ago, the landmark television series Planet Earth redefined natural history filmmaking, giving us the ultimate portrait of life on Earth. Planet Earth II, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, will reveal our planet from a completely new perspective, using significant advances in both filming technology and our understanding of the natural world.

    And if you are not excited enough already it features an original score by legendary composer Hans Zimmer.

    A BBC Studios Natural History Unit production, co-produced with BBC America, ZDF, Tencent and France Télévisions.

    Subscribe to the BBC Earth YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSubBBC Earth YouTube Channel: / bbcearth

    Planet Earth II: Official Extended Trailer | BBC Earth 14 okt 2016 10 years ago Planet Earth changed our view of the world. Now we take you closer than ever before. This is life in all its wonder. This is Planet Earth II. A decade ago, the landmark television series Planet Earth redefined natural history filmmaking, giving us the ultimate portrait of life on Earth. Planet Earth II, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, will reveal our planet from a completely new perspective, using significant advances in both filming technology and our understanding of the natural world. And if you are not excited enough already it features an original score by legendary composer Hans Zimmer. A BBC Studios Natural History Unit production, co-produced with BBC America, ZDF, Tencent and France Télévisions. Subscribe to the BBC Earth YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSubBBC Earth YouTube Channel: / bbcearth
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HEVQFOV4w

    Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten in 1924 in kleur! Amsterdam's Canals in 1924 in color!

    Een gerestaureerde, oorspronkelijk zeer beschadigde, film over mooi Amsterdam en haar grachten bijna een eeuw geleden. De ergst beschadigde beeldfragmenten zijn handmatig verwijderd waarna de film opnieuw is geassembleerd. Dit veroorzaakt wel dat de film tijdens het spelen hier en daar kleine stukjes vooruit springt. Zonder deze herstellingen was de oorspronkelijk film grotendeels niet om aan te zien. Nu is het resultaat alleszins acceptabel.
    Wie helpt er mee de locaties te identificeren?

    A restored, originally very damaged film about beautifull Amsterdam and its canals almost a century ago. The worst damaged frames have been manually deleted. This causes the film to slightly jump a bit while being played. Without these repairs the film would have been hard to watch.

    The restoration was done with contemporary A.I. video software whereby the motion was stabilized, the speed corrected and the film was restored and colorized.

    Source B&W footage: Beeld En Geluid (gedeelten uit "Havenfilm" deel 1, 2 en 3). Deze Havenfilm komt binnenkort ook uit op dit Youtubekanaal!

    00:00 Front of the old stock exchange, built in 1912
    00:13 Amsterdam stock exchange, Beurs van Berlage
    00:24 Traders inside the stock exchange
    00:45 A lot of pushing and shoving among the traders to get the best deal
    00:52 Canal, filmed from the Oude Kerkplein
    01:00 Oude Kerk church
    01:14 Trader with a hand cart
    01:20 Under the bridge towards "Het Kolkje"
    01:30 The most beautiful part of old Amsterdam
    01:36 The Nicolaas Kerk in the background
    01:50 The two houses on the left have been demolished
    02:15 Very damaged footage
    02:21 Tower of the Oude kerk in the background
    02:32 The Nicolaas Kerk from a different angle
    02:45 The "Schreiers toren" where wives of fishermen used to wave their men goodbye
    02:53 Groenburgwal with the "Staalmeesters" bridge
    02:58 Zuiderkerk in the distance
    03:08 Zwanenburgerwal
    03:20 Groenburgwal/Zwanenburgerwal looking towards the Zuiderkerk
    03:28 Looking from the Zwanenburgerwal into the Raamgracht
    03:48 Oudezijdskolk with the Oude Kerk in the distance
    04:12 Oudezijdskolk/Oudezijds Voorburgwal direction of Oude kerk
    04:15 Armbrug over the Oudezijds-Voorburgwal
    04:24 Approaching the Munttoren
    04:30 The Montelbaanstoren
    04:42 Oude Schans.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HEVQFOV4w Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten in 1924 in kleur! Amsterdam's Canals in 1924 in color! Een gerestaureerde, oorspronkelijk zeer beschadigde, film over mooi Amsterdam en haar grachten bijna een eeuw geleden. De ergst beschadigde beeldfragmenten zijn handmatig verwijderd waarna de film opnieuw is geassembleerd. Dit veroorzaakt wel dat de film tijdens het spelen hier en daar kleine stukjes vooruit springt. Zonder deze herstellingen was de oorspronkelijk film grotendeels niet om aan te zien. Nu is het resultaat alleszins acceptabel. Wie helpt er mee de locaties te identificeren? A restored, originally very damaged film about beautifull Amsterdam and its canals almost a century ago. The worst damaged frames have been manually deleted. This causes the film to slightly jump a bit while being played. Without these repairs the film would have been hard to watch. The restoration was done with contemporary A.I. video software whereby the motion was stabilized, the speed corrected and the film was restored and colorized. Source B&W footage: Beeld En Geluid (gedeelten uit "Havenfilm" deel 1, 2 en 3). Deze Havenfilm komt binnenkort ook uit op dit Youtubekanaal! Timeline: 00:00 Front of the old stock exchange, built in 1912 00:13 Amsterdam stock exchange, Beurs van Berlage 00:24 Traders inside the stock exchange 00:45 A lot of pushing and shoving among the traders to get the best deal 00:52 Canal, filmed from the Oude Kerkplein 01:00 Oude Kerk church 01:14 Trader with a hand cart 01:20 Under the bridge towards "Het Kolkje" 01:30 The most beautiful part of old Amsterdam 01:36 The Nicolaas Kerk in the background 01:50 The two houses on the left have been demolished 02:15 Very damaged footage 02:21 Tower of the Oude kerk in the background 02:32 The Nicolaas Kerk from a different angle 02:45 The "Schreiers toren" where wives of fishermen used to wave their men goodbye 02:53 Groenburgwal with the "Staalmeesters" bridge 02:58 Zuiderkerk in the distance 03:08 Zwanenburgerwal 03:20 Groenburgwal/Zwanenburgerwal looking towards the Zuiderkerk 03:28 Looking from the Zwanenburgerwal into the Raamgracht 03:48 Oudezijdskolk with the Oude Kerk in the distance 04:12 Oudezijdskolk/Oudezijds Voorburgwal direction of Oude kerk 04:15 Armbrug over the Oudezijds-Voorburgwal 04:24 Approaching the Munttoren 04:30 The Montelbaanstoren 04:42 Oude Schans.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Tinnitus Oorsuizen Informatie

    There's no definitive cure for tinnitus since it can have various causes and often manifests as a symptom of underlying conditions rather than being a disease itself. However, there are several approaches to manage or reduce its impact:

    Medical and Therapeutic Interventions:

    Hearing Aids: If tinnitus is associated with hearing loss, hearing aids can amplify environmental sounds, which might mask the tinnitus.

    Sound Therapy: Using devices like white noise machines or apps that produce background noise can help mask the tinnitus sound. This might include nature sounds, ambient noise, or even specific tones.

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): A combination of sound therapy and counseling designed to help retrain the brain to perceive tinnitus less negatively.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This form of psychotherapy can help change the way you think about and react to tinnitus, potentially reducing its perceived impact on your life.

    Medications: While there's no specific medication for tinnitus, some medications can help treat conditions that might worsen tinnitus (e.g., anxiety, depression). Also, certain supplements like magnesium or zinc have been suggested by some for symptom relief.

    Lifestyle and Home Remedies:

    Avoid Loud Noise: Protecting your ears from loud noises can prevent tinnitus from getting worse or becoming a new issue.

    Diet and Supplements: Some posts on X suggest that dietary changes or supplements like CoQ10, B12, or magnesium might help. However, these are not universally effective, and individual responses can vary widely.

    Reduce Stress: Since stress can exacerbate tinnitus, relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or even simple breathing exercises might offer relief.

    Sleep Management: Ensuring good sleep hygiene can help, as fatigue might make tinnitus more noticeable.

    Alternative Therapies:

    Acupuncture: Some find relief through acupuncture, though scientific evidence is mixed.

    Exercise: Regular physical activity can improve overall health, potentially reducing tinnitus symptoms by reducing stress and improving blood flow.

    Important Notes:

    Consult Healthcare Providers: Since tinnitus can be a symptom of various conditions, it's vital to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. They might recommend additional tests like an audiological evaluation.

    Individual Response: What works for one person might not work for another, so treatments often involve trial and error.

    Emerging Treatments: Research continues into new treatments, including potential therapies involving neurotrophins to regenerate damaged auditory nerves.

    Remember, while these strategies can help manage tinnitus, they might not eliminate it entirely. The goal is often to make the condition less bothersome and improve your quality of life.
    Tinnitus Oorsuizen Informatie There's no definitive cure for tinnitus since it can have various causes and often manifests as a symptom of underlying conditions rather than being a disease itself. However, there are several approaches to manage or reduce its impact: Medical and Therapeutic Interventions: Hearing Aids: If tinnitus is associated with hearing loss, hearing aids can amplify environmental sounds, which might mask the tinnitus. Sound Therapy: Using devices like white noise machines or apps that produce background noise can help mask the tinnitus sound. This might include nature sounds, ambient noise, or even specific tones. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): A combination of sound therapy and counseling designed to help retrain the brain to perceive tinnitus less negatively. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This form of psychotherapy can help change the way you think about and react to tinnitus, potentially reducing its perceived impact on your life. Medications: While there's no specific medication for tinnitus, some medications can help treat conditions that might worsen tinnitus (e.g., anxiety, depression). Also, certain supplements like magnesium or zinc have been suggested by some for symptom relief. Lifestyle and Home Remedies: Avoid Loud Noise: Protecting your ears from loud noises can prevent tinnitus from getting worse or becoming a new issue. Diet and Supplements: Some posts on X suggest that dietary changes or supplements like CoQ10, B12, or magnesium might help. However, these are not universally effective, and individual responses can vary widely. Reduce Stress: Since stress can exacerbate tinnitus, relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or even simple breathing exercises might offer relief. Sleep Management: Ensuring good sleep hygiene can help, as fatigue might make tinnitus more noticeable. Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture: Some find relief through acupuncture, though scientific evidence is mixed. Exercise: Regular physical activity can improve overall health, potentially reducing tinnitus symptoms by reducing stress and improving blood flow. Important Notes: Consult Healthcare Providers: Since tinnitus can be a symptom of various conditions, it's vital to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. They might recommend additional tests like an audiological evaluation. Individual Response: What works for one person might not work for another, so treatments often involve trial and error. Emerging Treatments: Research continues into new treatments, including potential therapies involving neurotrophins to regenerate damaged auditory nerves. Remember, while these strategies can help manage tinnitus, they might not eliminate it entirely. The goal is often to make the condition less bothersome and improve your quality of life.
    6 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HEVQFOV4w
    Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten in 1924 in kleur! Amsterdam's Canals in 1924 in color!

    Een gerestaureerde, oorspronkelijk zeer beschadigde, film over mooi Amsterdam en haar grachten bijna een eeuw geleden. De ergst beschadigde beeldfragmenten zijn handmatig verwijderd waarna de film opnieuw is geassembleerd. Dit veroorzaakt wel dat de film tijdens het spelen hier en daar kleine stukjes vooruit springt. Zonder deze herstellingen was de oorspronkelijk film grotendeels niet om aan te zien. Nu is het resultaat alleszins acceptabel.
    Wie helpt er mee de locaties te identificeren?

    A restored, originally very damaged film about beautifull Amsterdam and its canals almost a century ago. The worst damaged frames have been manually deleted. This causes the film to slightly jump a bit while being played. Without these repairs the film would have been hard to watch.

    The restoration was done with contemporary A.I. video software whereby the motion was stabilized, the speed corrected and the film was restored and colorized.

    Source B&W footage: Beeld En Geluid (gedeelten uit "Havenfilm" deel 1, 2 en 3). Deze Havenfilm komt binnenkort ook uit op dit Youtubekanaal!


    00:00 Front of the old stock exchange, built in 1912
    00:13 Amsterdam stock exchange, Beurs van Berlage
    00:24 Traders inside the stock exchange
    00:45 A lot of pushing and shoving among the traders to get the best deal
    00:52 Canal, filmed from the Oude Kerkplein
    01:00 Oude Kerk church
    01:14 Trader with a hand cart
    01:20 Under the bridge towards "Het Kolkje"
    01:30 The most beautiful part of old Amsterdam
    01:36 The Nicolaas Kerk in the background
    01:50 The two houses on the left have been demolished
    02:15 Very damaged footage
    02:21 Tower of the Oude kerk in the background
    02:32 The Nicolaas Kerk from a different angle
    02:45 The "Schreiers toren" where wives of fishermen used to wave their men goodbye
    02:53 Groenburgwal with the "Staalmeesters" bridge
    02:58 Zuiderkerk in the distance
    03:08 Zwanenburgerwal
    03:20 Groenburgwal/Zwanenburgerwal looking towards the Zuiderkerk
    03:28 Looking from the Zwanenburgerwal into the Raamgracht
    03:48 Oudezijdskolk with the Oude Kerk in the distance
    04:12 Oudezijdskolk/Oudezijds Voorburgwal direction of Oude kerk
    04:15 Armbrug over the Oudezijds-Voorburgwal
    04:24 Approaching the Munttoren
    04:30 The Montelbaanstoren
    04:42 Oude Schans.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HEVQFOV4w Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten in 1924 in kleur! Amsterdam's Canals in 1924 in color! Een gerestaureerde, oorspronkelijk zeer beschadigde, film over mooi Amsterdam en haar grachten bijna een eeuw geleden. De ergst beschadigde beeldfragmenten zijn handmatig verwijderd waarna de film opnieuw is geassembleerd. Dit veroorzaakt wel dat de film tijdens het spelen hier en daar kleine stukjes vooruit springt. Zonder deze herstellingen was de oorspronkelijk film grotendeels niet om aan te zien. Nu is het resultaat alleszins acceptabel. Wie helpt er mee de locaties te identificeren? A restored, originally very damaged film about beautifull Amsterdam and its canals almost a century ago. The worst damaged frames have been manually deleted. This causes the film to slightly jump a bit while being played. Without these repairs the film would have been hard to watch. The restoration was done with contemporary A.I. video software whereby the motion was stabilized, the speed corrected and the film was restored and colorized. Source B&W footage: Beeld En Geluid (gedeelten uit "Havenfilm" deel 1, 2 en 3). Deze Havenfilm komt binnenkort ook uit op dit Youtubekanaal! Timeline: 00:00 Front of the old stock exchange, built in 1912 00:13 Amsterdam stock exchange, Beurs van Berlage 00:24 Traders inside the stock exchange 00:45 A lot of pushing and shoving among the traders to get the best deal 00:52 Canal, filmed from the Oude Kerkplein 01:00 Oude Kerk church 01:14 Trader with a hand cart 01:20 Under the bridge towards "Het Kolkje" 01:30 The most beautiful part of old Amsterdam 01:36 The Nicolaas Kerk in the background 01:50 The two houses on the left have been demolished 02:15 Very damaged footage 02:21 Tower of the Oude kerk in the background 02:32 The Nicolaas Kerk from a different angle 02:45 The "Schreiers toren" where wives of fishermen used to wave their men goodbye 02:53 Groenburgwal with the "Staalmeesters" bridge 02:58 Zuiderkerk in the distance 03:08 Zwanenburgerwal 03:20 Groenburgwal/Zwanenburgerwal looking towards the Zuiderkerk 03:28 Looking from the Zwanenburgerwal into the Raamgracht 03:48 Oudezijdskolk with the Oude Kerk in the distance 04:12 Oudezijdskolk/Oudezijds Voorburgwal direction of Oude kerk 04:15 Armbrug over the Oudezijds-Voorburgwal 04:24 Approaching the Munttoren 04:30 The Montelbaanstoren 04:42 Oude Schans.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9s_PDRzrvM

    Prachtig Oud Amsterdam rond 1922 in kleur! Beautiful Amsterdam around 1922 in color!

    Spectacular and rare images of the capital city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands almost a century ago in full-HD and in color! Must watch!!!
    The film begins with stunning aerial views of old Amsterdam. Thereafter the film shows most of the famous spots like De Dam, the Palace on the Dam, The Nieuwe Kerk, unique views of Het Kolkje, The Nicolaas Kerk, characteristic old Markets, The Jordaan quarters, The Westertoren, Canals, The beautiful Central Station, The Rijksmuseum and much more!

    This film has been motion-stabilized, speed-corrected, straightened, A.I. enhanced and A.I. colorized by means of sophistiated contemporary video software. It is accompanied by beautiful music, characteristic of the style for which this channel has become known all over the World.

    Timeline (please help to improve this!):

    00:00 Aerial view outskirts of Amsterdam: Stadionbuurt
    00:16 Rivierenbuurt and Amstelkanaal, looking in Easterly direction
    00:21 Aerial view old city center: Leidseplein and Leidsestraat
    00:33 View on Leidseplein and Leidsestraat
    00:41 View on Koningsplein and start of Leidsestraat
    00:48 The Palace on De Dam and Nieuwe Kerk to the right
    00:58 Ditto, from a different angle
    01:11 Ditto seen from the back
    01:17 Street (?) with Zuiderkerktoren
    01:25 Standing on the Armbrug, filming towards the Zeedijk and Oudezijds Kolk
    01:29 The skinny bridge ("magere brug") over the river Amstel
    01:34 Zuiderkerk seen from the Groenburgwal
    01:49 "Het Kolkje" with the dome of the Nicolaas Kerk
    01:53 An early tourist boat at "Het Kolkje" (Oudezijds Kolk)
    01:59 The Bloemen Singel with many flower stores and the Munttoren
    02:06 De Munttoren
    02:11 View on the river Amstel behind the bridge, seen from Nieuwe Prinsengracht
    02:14 Building De Amstelhof, currently the Hermitage museum
    02:16 Many cyclists at Leidseplein as seen from Leidsekade
    02:27 New residential building at Mercatorplein
    02:32 ?
    02:36 The Palace on De Dam
    02:55 Nieuwe Kerk on the right
    03:18 Corner of the Damrak near Central Station square
    03:30 Victoria Hotel
    03:38 Trams in the foreground and steam trains in the background
    04:03 Same building as seen from the water
    04:11 Mooring quays along the Damrak
    04:20 Amsterdam Central Station (designed by Kuyper)
    04:26 Looking from the Dam over the Damrak towards the Central Station
    04:32 Clock tower of the stock exchange (Beurs van Berlage)
    04:40 The Rijksmuseum (houses Rembrandt's Nightwatch)
    04:55 Montelbaanstoren
    05:04 Zuiderkerk seen from Groenburgwal
    05:12 Typical Amsterdam warehouses
    05:30 Oudezijds Voorburgwal 249: "Huis aan de drie grachten"
    05:42 Middle age "Poortje"
    05:49 Het Spinhuis, Spinhuissteeg 1
    06:00 Poort burgerweeshuis
    06:03 Stadsbank van Leningen, Enge Lombardsteeg
    06:09 Stadsbank van Leningen, Oudezijds Voorburgwal
    06:20 Oudemanhuispoort
    06:25 Korenmetershuisje aan de Nieuwezijds Kolk
    06:37 ?
    06:49 Backside of Zeedijk as seen from Oudezijds Voorburgwal
    07:01 Grimnessesluis
    07:17 Oudekerk seen from Sint Annendwarsstraat
    07:29 Accijnshuis at the Oudebrugsteeg
    07:43 ? straat
    07:53 ? straat
    08:06 Enge Kerksteeg met zicht op Oude Kerk
    08:17 Street vendor selling ?
    08:26 ?
    08:30 Old men enjoying Amsterdam life
    08:42 Sharing a sack of (probably) pipe tobacco
    08:46 Pickles vendor
    08:54 Local green grocer waiting for customers
    08:58 The End

    The great music is by American composer and pianist Johannes Bornlof.

    Source B&W footage: Beeld En Geluid.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9s_PDRzrvM Prachtig Oud Amsterdam rond 1922 in kleur! Beautiful Amsterdam around 1922 in color! Spectacular and rare images of the capital city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands almost a century ago in full-HD and in color! Must watch!!! The film begins with stunning aerial views of old Amsterdam. Thereafter the film shows most of the famous spots like De Dam, the Palace on the Dam, The Nieuwe Kerk, unique views of Het Kolkje, The Nicolaas Kerk, characteristic old Markets, The Jordaan quarters, The Westertoren, Canals, The beautiful Central Station, The Rijksmuseum and much more! This film has been motion-stabilized, speed-corrected, straightened, A.I. enhanced and A.I. colorized by means of sophistiated contemporary video software. It is accompanied by beautiful music, characteristic of the style for which this channel has become known all over the World. Timeline (please help to improve this!): 00:00 Aerial view outskirts of Amsterdam: Stadionbuurt 00:16 Rivierenbuurt and Amstelkanaal, looking in Easterly direction 00:21 Aerial view old city center: Leidseplein and Leidsestraat 00:33 View on Leidseplein and Leidsestraat 00:41 View on Koningsplein and start of Leidsestraat 00:48 The Palace on De Dam and Nieuwe Kerk to the right 00:58 Ditto, from a different angle 01:11 Ditto seen from the back 01:17 Street (?) with Zuiderkerktoren 01:25 Standing on the Armbrug, filming towards the Zeedijk and Oudezijds Kolk 01:29 The skinny bridge ("magere brug") over the river Amstel 01:34 Zuiderkerk seen from the Groenburgwal 01:49 "Het Kolkje" with the dome of the Nicolaas Kerk 01:53 An early tourist boat at "Het Kolkje" (Oudezijds Kolk) 01:59 The Bloemen Singel with many flower stores and the Munttoren 02:06 De Munttoren 02:11 View on the river Amstel behind the bridge, seen from Nieuwe Prinsengracht 02:14 Building De Amstelhof, currently the Hermitage museum 02:16 Many cyclists at Leidseplein as seen from Leidsekade 02:27 New residential building at Mercatorplein 02:32 ? 02:36 The Palace on De Dam 02:55 Nieuwe Kerk on the right 03:18 Corner of the Damrak near Central Station square 03:30 Victoria Hotel 03:38 Trams in the foreground and steam trains in the background 04:03 Same building as seen from the water 04:11 Mooring quays along the Damrak 04:20 Amsterdam Central Station (designed by Kuyper) 04:26 Looking from the Dam over the Damrak towards the Central Station 04:32 Clock tower of the stock exchange (Beurs van Berlage) 04:40 The Rijksmuseum (houses Rembrandt's Nightwatch) 04:55 Montelbaanstoren 05:04 Zuiderkerk seen from Groenburgwal 05:12 Typical Amsterdam warehouses 05:30 Oudezijds Voorburgwal 249: "Huis aan de drie grachten" 05:42 Middle age "Poortje" 05:49 Het Spinhuis, Spinhuissteeg 1 06:00 Poort burgerweeshuis 06:03 Stadsbank van Leningen, Enge Lombardsteeg 06:09 Stadsbank van Leningen, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 06:20 Oudemanhuispoort 06:25 Korenmetershuisje aan de Nieuwezijds Kolk 06:37 ? 06:49 Backside of Zeedijk as seen from Oudezijds Voorburgwal 07:01 Grimnessesluis 07:17 Oudekerk seen from Sint Annendwarsstraat 07:29 Accijnshuis at the Oudebrugsteeg 07:43 ? straat 07:53 ? straat 08:06 Enge Kerksteeg met zicht op Oude Kerk 08:17 Street vendor selling ? 08:26 ? 08:30 Old men enjoying Amsterdam life 08:42 Sharing a sack of (probably) pipe tobacco 08:46 Pickles vendor 08:54 Local green grocer waiting for customers 08:58 The End The great music is by American composer and pianist Johannes Bornlof. Source B&W footage: Beeld En Geluid.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epqYft12nV4 The most elegant key change in all of pop music Celine Dion received an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music ...
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epqYft12nV4 The most elegant key change in all of pop music Celine Dion received an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music ...
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • The Climate Change Conspiracy... Conspiracy | Anjali Appadurai | TEDxSurreySalon. /Anjali Appadurai recounts a profound realization during a focus group with a young mother, highlighting her guilt over her contribution to climate change despite limited choices. The talk delves into the historical deception by petroleum companies regarding climate science and introduces the concept of "the new climate denial," acknowledging climate change but advocating for more fossil fuels. The speaker urges viewers to challenge this denial by envisioning bold climate solutions that benefit society as a whole. By rejecting incremental solutions and embracing transformative action, the talk inspires hope for a sustainable future, emphasizing the need for collective action to combat the climate crisis and create a better world for future generations. Anjali Appadurai is a climate justice organizer and campaigner. As a young activist, she worked with youth movements from around the world to build a strong civil society voice at the UN Climate Convention and to ensure that social movements' demands were heard in the halls of power. She runs the Padma Centre for Climate Justice, a project that brings together diasporic communities to build power around issues of climate and economic justice, and she works as Campaigns Director at the Climate Emergency Unit. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

    The Climate Change Conspiracy... Conspiracy | Anjali Appadurai | TEDxSurreySalon. /Anjali Appadurai recounts a profound realization during a focus group with a young mother, highlighting her guilt over her contribution to climate change despite limited choices. The talk delves into the historical deception by petroleum companies regarding climate science and introduces the concept of "the new climate denial," acknowledging climate change but advocating for more fossil fuels. The speaker urges viewers to challenge this denial by envisioning bold climate solutions that benefit society as a whole. By rejecting incremental solutions and embracing transformative action, the talk inspires hope for a sustainable future, emphasizing the need for collective action to combat the climate crisis and create a better world for future generations. Anjali Appadurai is a climate justice organizer and campaigner. As a young activist, she worked with youth movements from around the world to build a strong civil society voice at the UN Climate Convention and to ensure that social movements' demands were heard in the halls of power. She runs the Padma Centre for Climate Justice, a project that brings together diasporic communities to build power around issues of climate and economic justice, and she works as Campaigns Director at the Climate Emergency Unit. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ONGuJCIkpQ
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • American physicist Dr. John F. Clauser, a joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics:

    "I can confidently say there is no real climate crisis, and that climate change does not cause extreme weather events."

    Days after Dr. Clauser made the above remarks, the IMF cancelled a talk he had been invited to deliver.

    #climate #klimaat
    American physicist Dr. John F. Clauser, a joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics: "I can confidently say there is no real climate crisis, and that climate change does not cause extreme weather events." Days after Dr. Clauser made the above remarks, the IMF cancelled a talk he had been invited to deliver. #climate #klimaat
    0 0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • #COPD Informatie


    Wat is copd


    COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs. It encompasses two main conditions:

    Chronic Bronchitis: Characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. It involves long-term cough with mucus.

    Emphysema: Involves damage to the alveoli at the end of the smallest air passages (bronchioles) in the lungs. This damage leads to a gradual destruction of the air sacs, reducing the surface area available for gas exchange.

    Symptoms of COPD include:

    Persistent cough

    Shortness of breath, especially during physical activities


    Chest tightness

    Frequent respiratory infections


    The primary cause of COPD is long-term exposure to irritants that damage the lungs and airways, most commonly cigarette smoke. Other contributors include air pollution, occupational exposure to dust and chemicals, and genetic factors.

    Management of COPD involves quitting smoking, medications (such as bronchodilators and steroids), pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, and in severe cases, surgery. Early detection and treatment can improve quality of life and slow the progression of the disease.

    Nederlands vertalen


    COPD, ofwel Chronische Obstructieve Longziekte, is een chronische ontstekingsziekte van de longen die de luchtstroom uit de longen belemmert. Het omvat twee hoofdcondities:

    Chronische bronchitis: Gekenmerkt door ontsteking van de bronchiën, de luchtwegen die lucht naar en van de longblaasjes (alveoli) in de longen transporteren. Het gaat gepaard met een langdurige hoest met slijm.

    Emfyseem: Hierbij raken de longblaasjes aan het einde van de kleinste luchtwegen (bronchiolen) in de longen beschadigd. Deze schade leidt tot een geleidelijke vernietiging van de luchtzakjes, waardoor het oppervlak voor gasuitwisseling vermindert.

    Symptomen van COPD zijn onder andere:

    Aanhoudende hoest

    Kortademigheid, vooral tijdens lichamelijke activiteiten

    Piepende ademhaling

    Druk op de borst

    Frequente luchtweginfecties


    De belangrijkste oorzaak van COPD is langdurige blootstelling aan irriterende stoffen die de longen en luchtwegen beschadigen, meestal sigarettenrook. Andere factoren zijn onder andere luchtvervuiling, beroepsmatige blootstelling aan stof en chemicaliën, en genetische factoren.

    Behandeling van COPD omvat stoppen met roken, medicatie (zoals luchtwegverwijders en steroïden), longrevalidatie, zuurstoftherapie, en in ernstige gevallen, chirurgie. Vroege detectie en behandeling kunnen de kwaliteit van leven verbeteren en de progressie van de ziekte vertragen.
    #COPD Informatie ChatGPT Wat is copd ChatGPT COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs. It encompasses two main conditions: Chronic Bronchitis: Characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. It involves long-term cough with mucus. Emphysema: Involves damage to the alveoli at the end of the smallest air passages (bronchioles) in the lungs. This damage leads to a gradual destruction of the air sacs, reducing the surface area available for gas exchange. Symptoms of COPD include: Persistent cough Shortness of breath, especially during physical activities Wheezing Chest tightness Frequent respiratory infections Fatigue The primary cause of COPD is long-term exposure to irritants that damage the lungs and airways, most commonly cigarette smoke. Other contributors include air pollution, occupational exposure to dust and chemicals, and genetic factors. Management of COPD involves quitting smoking, medications (such as bronchodilators and steroids), pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, and in severe cases, surgery. Early detection and treatment can improve quality of life and slow the progression of the disease. Nederlands vertalen ChatGPT COPD, ofwel Chronische Obstructieve Longziekte, is een chronische ontstekingsziekte van de longen die de luchtstroom uit de longen belemmert. Het omvat twee hoofdcondities: Chronische bronchitis: Gekenmerkt door ontsteking van de bronchiën, de luchtwegen die lucht naar en van de longblaasjes (alveoli) in de longen transporteren. Het gaat gepaard met een langdurige hoest met slijm. Emfyseem: Hierbij raken de longblaasjes aan het einde van de kleinste luchtwegen (bronchiolen) in de longen beschadigd. Deze schade leidt tot een geleidelijke vernietiging van de luchtzakjes, waardoor het oppervlak voor gasuitwisseling vermindert. Symptomen van COPD zijn onder andere: Aanhoudende hoest Kortademigheid, vooral tijdens lichamelijke activiteiten Piepende ademhaling Druk op de borst Frequente luchtweginfecties Vermoeidheid De belangrijkste oorzaak van COPD is langdurige blootstelling aan irriterende stoffen die de longen en luchtwegen beschadigen, meestal sigarettenrook. Andere factoren zijn onder andere luchtvervuiling, beroepsmatige blootstelling aan stof en chemicaliën, en genetische factoren. Behandeling van COPD omvat stoppen met roken, medicatie (zoals luchtwegverwijders en steroïden), longrevalidatie, zuurstoftherapie, en in ernstige gevallen, chirurgie. Vroege detectie en behandeling kunnen de kwaliteit van leven verbeteren en de progressie van de ziekte vertragen.
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