The shabbo goy Stoltenberg is doing what he can to get WWIII started as instructed by his Talmud following handlers.
Stoltenberg got rewarded with the job as head of NATO for his role in the murdering of young people at the Norwegian Island of Utoya.
I recommend highly the documentary made by Ole Dammegaard about Breivik and Utoya.
The shabbo goy Stoltenberg is doing what he can to get WWIII started as instructed by his Talmud following handlers.
Stoltenberg got rewarded with the job as head of NATO for his role in the murdering of young people at the Norwegian Island of Utoya.
I recommend highly the documentary made by Ole Dammegaard about Breivik and Utoya.
The shabbo goy Stoltenberg is doing what he can to get WWIII started as instructed by his Talmud following handlers.
Stoltenberg got rewarded with the job as head of NATO for his role in the murdering of young people at the Norwegian Island of Utoya.
I recommend highly the documentary made by Ole Dammegaard about Breivik and Utoya.