A man is attacked by a group bullies, he was accused of beeing a raper pedophile/ he was beaten, harassed and thrown into the water/ he defends himself/ a nasty filmmaker is stirring things up/ the man is in danger and stabs with a knife out of self defence/ one person died by the stabbing several others were badly injured/ the man with the knive was arrested for murder/ the group of attackers/ bullies/ have not been arrested/ those bullies attacked the man/why weren't they charged for their attack on the man?

There should be a new law, that stipulates that all people involved, including the people who testify, at the trial must indicate whether they have a criminal record/and for what/ fe drug using/ abuse/addiction/ usig prescriptions and alcohol etc/ theft/ lie under oath/ and if crimes were commited with others/ this is necessary for a fair trial, and so that the jury and PUBLIC knows who they are dealing with.

If witnesses have demonstrably lied ! to protect themselves, criminals, or a group of criminals, or a criminal friend or to blame innocent people, they should be punished for it by LAW.

Justice must be done.

Apple River stabbing trial

A man is attacked by a group bullies, he was accused of beeing a raper pedophile/ he was beaten, harassed and thrown into the water/ he defends himself/ a nasty filmmaker is stirring things up/ the man is in danger and stabs with a knife out of self defence/ one person died by the stabbing several others were badly injured/ the man with the knive was arrested for murder/ the group of attackers/ bullies/ have not been arrested/ those bullies attacked the man/why weren't they charged for their attack on the man? There should be a new law, that stipulates that all people involved, including the people who testify, at the trial must indicate whether they have a criminal record/and for what/ fe drug using/ abuse/addiction/ usig prescriptions and alcohol etc/ theft/ lie under oath/ and if crimes were commited with others/ this is necessary for a fair trial, and so that the jury and PUBLIC knows who they are dealing with. If witnesses have demonstrably lied ! to protect themselves, criminals, or a group of criminals, or a criminal friend or to blame innocent people, they should be punished for it by LAW. Justice must be done. Apple River stabbing trial
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