• One of the most tragic photographs of the 20th century.

    A multi-thousand person prayer gathering of Russian Orthodox Christians on Moscow’s Red Square in August 1917. They were celebrating the opening of the great local council, which would elect Patriarch Tikhon to lead the Russian Orthodox Church later in that year.

    Many were unaware, or worse yet - knew, that their Tsar was sitting imprisoned since March 1917 in St Petersburg with his wife and children, undergoing psychologically torture, abuse, harassment and was being ‘prepared’ to be sacrificed in Yekaterinburg.

    The post-Tsar government in the country was completely usurped & controlled by Freemasons of the Grand Orient lodge, and in only two months time - in October of 1917, that same Masonic government would usher in the Talmudic Bolshevik butchers to ‘complete the ritual’.

    In a sign of almost science fiction level black comedy & satire, something akin to George Lucas’ Star Wars- the greatest enemy of Russia, Alexander Kerensky, the Grand Master of all Russian freemasonry attended the Orthodox Council as a ‘guest of honor’. Surrounded by future martyrs, the demon-possessed mason sat the council, attended the Church services, smirking, knowing that in less than 6 months time the blood of Orthodox Christians will begin flowing like a river through the land - and nobody in the room could see it coming.

    Perhaps the only person alive in the country who could have saved Russia from the Talmudic Revolution, Tsar Nicholas ii, was isolated and trapped. He was Himself, prepared as the sacrifice, the kapparot, the “royal tribute”, to an ancient pre-Christian collegium of demons. Nobody came to his aid, the council of Bishops did not mention Him by name, did not recognize the sheer devastation that was about to commence - and did not call for His liberation.

    The vast majority of the Orthodox laity and clergy had no idea that their ‘negligence’ and inactivity in this time of strife would lead to the greatest mass martyrdom & genocide the world has ever seen.

    Many Orthodox saints would later remember this time with tears & sorrow, about how the mass delusion and lukewarmness clouded the minds of the Russian multitudes. This is evident in the sermons, confessions & writings of the new-martyrs who understood their own mistakes in that tumultuous “1917” before they were marched off to the firing ranges and torture chambers by the grandchildren of Rabbis, cultists of Baal and their very own apostatized, former spiritual children.

    May we finally realize the mistakes of our ancestors, and never repeat them.

    One of the most tragic photographs of the 20th century. A multi-thousand person prayer gathering of Russian Orthodox Christians on Moscow’s Red Square in August 1917. They were celebrating the opening of the great local council, which would elect Patriarch Tikhon to lead the Russian Orthodox Church later in that year. Many were unaware, or worse yet - knew, that their Tsar was sitting imprisoned since March 1917 in St Petersburg with his wife and children, undergoing psychologically torture, abuse, harassment and was being ‘prepared’ to be sacrificed in Yekaterinburg. The post-Tsar government in the country was completely usurped & controlled by Freemasons of the Grand Orient lodge, and in only two months time - in October of 1917, that same Masonic government would usher in the Talmudic Bolshevik butchers to ‘complete the ritual’. In a sign of almost science fiction level black comedy & satire, something akin to George Lucas’ Star Wars- the greatest enemy of Russia, Alexander Kerensky, the Grand Master of all Russian freemasonry attended the Orthodox Council as a ‘guest of honor’. Surrounded by future martyrs, the demon-possessed mason sat the council, attended the Church services, smirking, knowing that in less than 6 months time the blood of Orthodox Christians will begin flowing like a river through the land - and nobody in the room could see it coming. Perhaps the only person alive in the country who could have saved Russia from the Talmudic Revolution, Tsar Nicholas ii, was isolated and trapped. He was Himself, prepared as the sacrifice, the kapparot, the “royal tribute”, to an ancient pre-Christian collegium of demons. Nobody came to his aid, the council of Bishops did not mention Him by name, did not recognize the sheer devastation that was about to commence - and did not call for His liberation. The vast majority of the Orthodox laity and clergy had no idea that their ‘negligence’ and inactivity in this time of strife would lead to the greatest mass martyrdom & genocide the world has ever seen. Many Orthodox saints would later remember this time with tears & sorrow, about how the mass delusion and lukewarmness clouded the minds of the Russian multitudes. This is evident in the sermons, confessions & writings of the new-martyrs who understood their own mistakes in that tumultuous “1917” before they were marched off to the firing ranges and torture chambers by the grandchildren of Rabbis, cultists of Baal and their very own apostatized, former spiritual children. May we finally realize the mistakes of our ancestors, and never repeat them. https://x.com/OCanonist/status/1806103236723769489
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  • The ss leaders sanger and clinton belong to the freemason moloch worshipper sect, an ancient cult of vile decievers and war criminals
    The ss leaders sanger and clinton belong to the freemason moloch worshipper sect, an ancient cult of vile decievers and war criminals
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  • https://twitter.com/i/status/1786899709325455801

    The covid crime and countless other crimes were commited by the ancient moloch sect of Jerusalem
    who pretend to be Jew, but they are not but moloch worshippers/ freemasons

    The BioLabs were located where?

    https://twitter.com/i/status/1786899709325455801 The covid crime and countless other crimes were commited by the ancient moloch sect of Jerusalem who pretend to be Jew, but they are not but moloch worshippers/ freemasons The BioLabs were located where?
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Jenner was a freemason from the ancient moloch sect/ satanists/ an age-old well organised globalists temple sect from Jerusalem that has age-old knowledge to make people sick, extort and kill them through pharmaceuticals

    Make no mistake, the sect is present and infiltrated everywhere and nowhere, especially in the West, among them are politicians, scientists, professors and Nobel Prize winners, celebs, entertainers, journalists talk show masters and retailers pharmacists , multinational owners, CEO s, bosses of media networks blackrock and van quard, etc. and members of royal houses, among others, and many more. of the WEF UN WHO FDC FDA EMA etc

    Jenner was a freemason from the ancient moloch sect/ satanists/ an age-old well organised globalists temple sect from Jerusalem that has age-old knowledge to make people sick, extort and kill them through pharmaceuticals Make no mistake, the sect is present and infiltrated everywhere and nowhere, especially in the West, among them are politicians, scientists, professors and Nobel Prize winners, celebs, entertainers, journalists talk show masters and retailers pharmacists , multinational owners, CEO s, bosses of media networks blackrock and van quard, etc. and members of royal houses, among others, and many more. of the WEF UN WHO FDC FDA EMA etc
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • The CIA sect of babylonic satanists/freemasons built a firearm that could make a murder look like a natural heart attack. A small dart made of ice would penetrate the victims body, release poison and dissipate quickly, so nothing shows up on an autopsy.
    The CIA sect of babylonic satanists/freemasons built a firearm that could make a murder look like a natural heart attack. A small dart made of ice would penetrate the victims body, release poison and dissipate quickly, so nothing shows up on an autopsy.
    0 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Wilt U een waarheid?

    "all those mass murderers and extremely false people descend from a people that were exiled from more than 100 countries throughout history"

    De door moloch aanhangers van de talmoed satanisten sekte/ freemasons/NWO globalisten geinfiltreerde regering met sekteleden zoals rutte de Jonge rosenmuller bikker joba van de berg sjoerdsma paulusma paternotte ollongreng en vele anderen van de sekte zoals leden van het OMT/ WEF en zgn koninklijke elites voeren volgens de klokkenluider M een doelgericht ontvolkingsbeleid van decimatie en genocide oorlogen voeren en financieren zoals in Syrie/ Yemen/Gaza Oekraiene

    Corona genocide

    Honderden miljoenen euros heeft de sekte/ die de regeing in de greep heeft/ gespendeerd aan ziekmakende trolleys/ ventilatoren/ en aan zeer schadelijke en dodelijke corona maatregelen/ zij hebben geen euro besteed aan bestrijding van oa de dodelijke ziekenhuisbacterie/ TB en andere ziekteverwekkers

    Dat heeft de elite sekte ism Koningshuizen gedaan om zoveel mogelijk mensen zoals ook dmv prikken en combinaties van experimentele prikken onvruchtbaar te maken, ziek en of zieker te maken om de sterfte te vergroten/ in het kader van terugbrengen van de bevolking/ herverdeling van de bevolking/ de great reset waaronder vernietiging van de ec onomie(boerenstand MKB etc) flora en fauna en oa omvolking/

    Vooral voor ziekenhuizen, verzorgingshuizen en patiënten die ventilatoren en bloedkatheters gebruiken vormen de multiresistente bacteriën een groot risico. Wanneer patiënten besmet raken met een van de bacteriën kunnen er dodelijke infecties in het bloed of longontstekingen optreden.
    Wilt U een waarheid? "all those mass murderers and extremely false people descend from a people that were exiled from more than 100 countries throughout history" De door moloch aanhangers van de talmoed satanisten sekte/ freemasons/NWO globalisten geinfiltreerde regering met sekteleden zoals rutte de Jonge rosenmuller bikker joba van de berg sjoerdsma paulusma paternotte ollongreng en vele anderen van de sekte zoals leden van het OMT/ WEF en zgn koninklijke elites voeren volgens de klokkenluider M een doelgericht ontvolkingsbeleid van decimatie en genocide oorlogen voeren en financieren zoals in Syrie/ Yemen/Gaza Oekraiene Corona genocide Honderden miljoenen euros heeft de sekte/ die de regeing in de greep heeft/ gespendeerd aan ziekmakende trolleys/ ventilatoren/ en aan zeer schadelijke en dodelijke corona maatregelen/ zij hebben geen euro besteed aan bestrijding van oa de dodelijke ziekenhuisbacterie/ TB en andere ziekteverwekkers Dat heeft de elite sekte ism Koningshuizen gedaan om zoveel mogelijk mensen zoals ook dmv prikken en combinaties van experimentele prikken onvruchtbaar te maken, ziek en of zieker te maken om de sterfte te vergroten/ in het kader van terugbrengen van de bevolking/ herverdeling van de bevolking/ de great reset waaronder vernietiging van de ec onomie(boerenstand MKB etc) flora en fauna en oa omvolking/ Vooral voor ziekenhuizen, verzorgingshuizen en patiënten die ventilatoren en bloedkatheters gebruiken vormen de multiresistente bacteriën een groot risico. Wanneer patiënten besmet raken met een van de bacteriën kunnen er dodelijke infecties in het bloed of longontstekingen optreden.
    1 Reacties 0 Shares
  • Freemasonry is an occult order which has its roots in the ancient Mystery Schools.

    The worship of Osiris the sun and Isis the moon. It is astrotheological in nature, which is the worship of the heavens.

    In his book "The Origin of Freemasonry," Thomas Paine tells us Freemasonry can be traced to Celtic Druids, which can be traced to Egypt and ultimately the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

    After Celtic and Germanic Middle East migration after the fall of Babylon. This coincides with the Knights Templars restoring the old ways, creating the Jesuit Order.

    Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit Order.

    You see, the Druids were not able to control the people through the use of hidden knowledge and was lost...until the Knights Templar reignited the Mystery Religion of Babylon in Europe and the worship of the sun came back, amongst the Christian countries, in the guise of Christianity.

    Hence, the Catholic Church. Ultimately branching off into many organizations, including Freemasonry.

    The Jewish Kaballah got its teachings from the Babylonian Mystery Schools of which was accessed during the Babylonian Captivity.

    Albert Pike, who is a 33° Freemason, explains that Freemasonry is derived from the Jewish Kaballah.

    In his 1871 book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Pike says of the Jewish Pharisee tradition...

    “The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kaballah by the priesthood of Israel.”

    “Freemasonry is not Christianity, nor a substitute for it. It does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines, but teaches fundamental religious truth.” (Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 162)

    “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, page 104)

    “Drop the theological barnacles [timeless Biblical truths] from the religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry, Masonry in its purity, derived as it is from the old Hebrew Kaballa as a part of the great universal religion of the remotest antiquity.” (J. D. Buck, Mystic Masonry, page 119)

    Further research

    Freemasonry is an occult order which has its roots in the ancient Mystery Schools. The worship of Osiris the sun and Isis the moon. It is astrotheological in nature, which is the worship of the heavens. In his book "The Origin of Freemasonry," Thomas Paine tells us Freemasonry can be traced to Celtic Druids, which can be traced to Egypt and ultimately the Babylonian Mystery Religion. After Celtic and Germanic Middle East migration after the fall of Babylon. This coincides with the Knights Templars restoring the old ways, creating the Jesuit Order. Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuit Order. You see, the Druids were not able to control the people through the use of hidden knowledge and was lost...until the Knights Templar reignited the Mystery Religion of Babylon in Europe and the worship of the sun came back, amongst the Christian countries, in the guise of Christianity. Hence, the Catholic Church. Ultimately branching off into many organizations, including Freemasonry. The Jewish Kaballah got its teachings from the Babylonian Mystery Schools of which was accessed during the Babylonian Captivity. Albert Pike, who is a 33° Freemason, explains that Freemasonry is derived from the Jewish Kaballah. In his 1871 book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Pike says of the Jewish Pharisee tradition... “The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kaballah by the priesthood of Israel.” “Freemasonry is not Christianity, nor a substitute for it. It does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines, but teaches fundamental religious truth.” (Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 162) “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, page 104) “Drop the theological barnacles [timeless Biblical truths] from the religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry, Masonry in its purity, derived as it is from the old Hebrew Kaballa as a part of the great universal religion of the remotest antiquity.” (J. D. Buck, Mystic Masonry, page 119) Further research https://twitter.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1785585279933489383
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  • About haters

    M stated:

    A loxist is a member from an ultra orthodox ancient tribe, related to babylonic religious insanity from one of hundred and even more branches of ultra orthodox judaism,

    Zionists are loxists/ satanists/ talmuth moloch worshippers such as freemasons who pretend to be jew, christian or from another religion

    Zionists are Satanists/Loxists

    A loxist is a moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanist who hates white and black christians, muslims, Pakistani ,hindustani, and all other, except their tribe, the members of their tribe can be from all colours, black and white, all races

    The people of the ancient orthodox babylonic moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanists tribe have an innate wickedness/falsehood, many have a lot of money and high positions, many have a lot of money and high positions in government, especially in the west

    Loxist propagate hate, war and decimation


    Morganthau plan

    Kaufmans book “Germany Must Perish”

    Niger’s book “What to do with Germany”

    Richard Nicolaus graaf Coudenhove-Kalergi Book / the plan of extermination/ depopulation

    Loxists zionists propagate hate war/ they start,/finance/ wage wars in order to decimate countles people, to decimate as many as possible peple by war.


    They incite people with their false propaganda and say that they only wage war for peace.

    Some examples of freemason moloch satanists/ loxists/ zionists

    HItler Lenin Marx Trotsky Beria Radi Stalin Churchill Truman Bormann Blair J Busch Nixon Macron Castro Trudeau Soros Rothshild Rockefeller Gates Fauci Swab Obama, Pol Pot, Idi Amin Napoleon Bonaparte,... lots of royals.. and celebs etc

    Almost all criminals behind hundreds of wars and the Covid vax are related to the babylonic satanists satanists tribe/ a branche of talmuth/moloch worshippers with branches such as the freemasons

    About haters M stated: A loxist is a member from an ultra orthodox ancient tribe, related to babylonic religious insanity from one of hundred and even more branches of ultra orthodox judaism, Zionists are loxists/ satanists/ talmuth moloch worshippers such as freemasons who pretend to be jew, christian or from another religion Zionists are Satanists/Loxists A loxist is a moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanist who hates white and black christians, muslims, Pakistani ,hindustani, and all other, except their tribe, the members of their tribe can be from all colours, black and white, all races The people of the ancient orthodox babylonic moloch wordhipper/talmuth satanists tribe have an innate wickedness/falsehood, many have a lot of money and high positions, many have a lot of money and high positions in government, especially in the west Loxist propagate hate, war and decimation Like Morganthau plan Kaufmans book “Germany Must Perish” Niger’s book “What to do with Germany” Richard Nicolaus graaf Coudenhove-Kalergi Book / the plan of extermination/ depopulation Loxists zionists propagate hate war/ they start,/finance/ wage wars in order to decimate countles people, to decimate as many as possible peple by war. Exampels They incite people with their false propaganda and say that they only wage war for peace. Some examples of freemason moloch satanists/ loxists/ zionists HItler Lenin Marx Trotsky Beria Radi Stalin Churchill Truman Bormann Blair J Busch Nixon Macron Castro Trudeau Soros Rothshild Rockefeller Gates Fauci Swab Obama, Pol Pot, Idi Amin Napoleon Bonaparte,... lots of royals.. and celebs etc Almost all criminals behind hundreds of wars and the Covid vax are related to the babylonic satanists satanists tribe/ a branche of talmuth/moloch worshippers with branches such as the freemasons
    0 Reacties 0 Shares

    A deep dive lecture into Freemasonry and its roots in ancient Egypt. Freemasonry is not a new belief system. Their beliefs go back to the Babylon Mystery Religion, Phoenecian/Caananite high priests, and ancient Egypt.

    I recommend taking notes

    FREEMASONRY THEN AND NOW PART 2 A deep dive lecture into Freemasonry and its roots in ancient Egypt. Freemasonry is not a new belief system. Their beliefs go back to the Babylon Mystery Religion, Phoenecian/Caananite high priests, and ancient Egypt. I recommend taking notes https://twitter.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1784275088550043988
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  • https://twitter.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1784272420301623447 #freemason #vrijmetselaars


    A deep dive lecture into Freemasonry and its roots in ancient Egypt. Freemasonry is not a new belief system. Their beliefs go back to the Babylon Mystery Religion, Phoenecian/Caananite high priests, and ancient Egypt.

    I recommend taking notes
    https://twitter.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1784272420301623447 #freemason #vrijmetselaars FREEMASONRY THEN AND NOW PART 1 A deep dive lecture into Freemasonry and its roots in ancient Egypt. Freemasonry is not a new belief system. Their beliefs go back to the Babylon Mystery Religion, Phoenecian/Caananite high priests, and ancient Egypt. I recommend taking notes
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