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Full Hollywood Action | Movie in English HD From the darkness emerges an unknown man, taking control of the Mediterranean establishment called "The Killing Jar," holding seven random individuals at gunpoint. Armed with a shotgun, he threatens his hostages and demands the impossible. With each passing second, the tension rises, and those caught in this nightmare risk their lives.
However, as bodies start to fall, the group of survivors begins to realize that they may not be the safest individuals in this cafe. Among them hides a dark secret, and during the crisis, it comes to the surface. To survive, they must uncover this secret and figure out who the real enemy among them is. Intrigue and tension escalate as the revelation of the truth becomes crucial for survival. Can they expose the secret before time runs out? Will they endure this "Killing Jar" and emerge alive?
Een meedogenloze moordenaar gewapend met een jachtgeweer neemt zeven mensen in gijzeling in een afgelegen wegrestaurant. Dan ontdekt één van de wanhopige overlevenden dat één van de gegijzelden wel eens veel gevaarlijker kan zijn dan hun gijzelnemer.
Sterren: Michael Madsen, Harold Perrineau, Amber Benson
Release: 2010
- Genres:
- Crime
Views: 409